Monday, October 25, 2010

remember to stop and smell the roses.

ble ckp da tahun 5, bukan rase bangga ke seronok. rase lagi cuak ade la. mcm mane nk jd doktor nanti? takut. kira2 tambah tolak tinggal lebih kurg 2 tahun kt sini. rase memang lansung tk bersedia la. mase berlalu laju sgt. rase kelam kabut an dan cm tamak nk buat semua bende.

skrg sibukkn diri dgn mcm2. sbb rase bila sibuk nanti da penat. then tkde masa nk rase sedih. lebih2 lagi bile emosi tk stabil terganggu dgn perkara2 remeh yg tk penting pun. plus kalau boleh nk ambil semua sebyk mana peluang yg ade mase tinggal tk berapa je lagi nk duduk sini. memang btol2 mensibukkn diri la! ni br je sampai rumah pukul 12 td..

tp skrg tiba2 rase sgt penat. sungguh.  rase mcm da sampai tahap ok, kene berhenti.

kelas br masuk minggu ke 4.

oh adekah tgh mengeluh? tentula tak. seronok la dgn kehidupan skrg. terase hidup bermakna. tp skrg rase serba tk kena.  :( terasa sgt serabut tahu.

ok skrg tarik nafas dlm2. berhenti sekejap. huuuhhhhhhhhhh.

 maybe i should know my own limit..?

Thursday, October 21, 2010


simple suture. 34 stitches. and every single of stitch has 6 knots. calculate how many knots on that pt?

20y male. 7cm cut deep clean wound lat to the right eye extend to the tip of the nose. dr says every deep wound in the face and hand must bring to the OR to be suture by plastic surgeon. the pt only on local anesthesia. the dr did subcutaneous suture 1st by absorb-able thread vicryl and then simple suture on the skin by prolene 5.0. the larger no, the smaller diameter of the thread. the largest is zero. and in the face they usually used prolene 5.0 or 6.0. in simple suture, the 1st 2 knots, must vertical to the wound and the next 2 knots horizontal and the last 2 knots again vertical. do lateralization of the knots by bring it lateral to the wound to avoid tension that can cause delay or poor healing. then the stitches will be remove after 1 week. the duration is shorter than other part of the body to prevent scar for cosmetic purpose.

the dr let me try. i did 1 of it. 1 of 34. only 6 knots, but it is awesome for the 1st time. i stitched someone's face tonight!

simple suture, subcuticular suture, subcutaneous suture, vertical mattress suture, horizontal mattress suture, etc...

dr x: if you want to learn suture, attach to plastic surgeon. already did. yeay!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


sekejap masa berlalu. peds tinggal 10 hari.

da beli scrub baru. kaler biru biru. bukan biru. biru yg nak takde. tp tkpe tk kisahla. biru biru pun cantik jgk.

seronok! tak sbr nk pakai. td da buat temu janji dgn dr kacak. jumpe pukul 9 mlm esok. hihi.

tajuk elective course da keluar. pilihan:
1. trauma
2. neonatal care
3. pharmacolgy
4. GI endoscopy
dapat mane2 pun tak kisah. tp kalau dpt trauma atau neonatal care mcm best. pharma pun ok. GI endoscopy, last choice sbb dlm surgery, pun ok jgk. tajuk2 int med, terasa nk amik DM or heam or hepatobiliary. menarik, tp tgk topic2 yg ade skill > theory lebih mengujakn.

apsal ntah rase seronok sgt hari ni. rase bahagia tiba2.

ok la. da, selamat malam dunia. minta maaf silap salah.

bye. assalammualaikum.

Friday, October 15, 2010

blue day

kebetulan ramai pkai baju same kaler smlm. knawar kate, da tahun 5 semua sehati sejiwa.

eyh eyh background pun nmpk biru la.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

seakan sy tidak mengenali awak.

sy rase awak kenal sy. dan sebolehnya sy memang nk kenal awk. tp kalau awk tak bg, mcm mane sy nk kenal awk?

bile awk tanyakn soalan pd sy. awk akan terus tanyakn smpai dpt jawapan awk.
sbb sy susah nk berahsia dgn awk.
awk tahu sy selalu akan cerita jgk mcm2 dgn awk.
awk pun tahu sy transparent (bukanla mak ayah tranformer) dgn awk.

tp awk, soalan yg sy tanyakn selalu tk berjawab
atau awk lari dgn mcm2 alasan la yg awk bagi.
rase penat dan kecewa juga ble tahu pasal awk pun dr org lain,
atau secara tak sengaja sy tertahu. sedangkn awk boleh je bg tahu terus pada sy.
tipula kalau tak terlintas rasa sedih pada sy dgn mcm2 yg awk rahsiakn.

ye sy harap sy dpt tahu sendiri drpd awk. bukan dr org lain, bukan secara tak sengaja atau bukan la org yg terakhir sekali dapat tahu.

sy rase da byk kali jd begini.

sy rase sy cuba terima seadanya itu adalah awk yg memang tak suka berceritakn apa2 psl awk. sy suka cerita dan awk pun selalu tanya mcm2 dr sy. tp awk taknk bgtau ape2 dr awk.
ini bukan mengambil berat. awk tak rase ke mcm mementing diri?

sy tak tahu kenapa sy rase begini. sy tak tahu kenape sy luahkn ni.

mungkin sbb hari ni sy sedih lg sbb awak.

haih. sy rase awk kawan baik sy. tp sy makin tak kenal awk.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

shiny and bright

tonight, i'm bright, shiny and stinky! find a new way of distraction. and i'm love it. kalau hari2 begini memang boleh kurus. 

sbb terasa hidup lebih bmakna ble sibukkn diri sampai tk sedar masa berlalu. seronok ble rase sgt penat sampai tk larat nk buat ape2 kecuali senyum sepanjang hari sbb hari digunakn sebaiknya.

it was not bad for the 1st time. and we will do the same thing every week till the end of this year or at least this sem hopefully, insyaAllah.

thank you my partner in crime. i'm happy tonight.

lesson for today: BE CONFIDENT!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

tahun 5 sudah..

pejam celik2 tak sedar, eyh da tahun 5. agk la rase tua. huhu. n da start kelas seminggu. tp br dtg 3 hari saje. takpe sekali sekala ponteng bukan selalu.

n baru seminggu, sgt byk drama. haih mcm2 la korg. rase cm geram, iritasi, menyampah, sedih pun ade. ok hak sendiri pandai2 nk bwk diri. tp come on la. dgn kawan sendri pun nk berahsia ke? dgn kawan sendri pun nk tipu ke? ofkos la terasa. ckp terus terang kan senang. bende obvious kot. haih. nk sgt jg kepentingan sendiri, persatuan ke whatever hurmm sukatila! suka hati luncai la luncai nk hanyut dgn labu2nya.

terus hilang rase nilai kawan. come on la.. kte semua da besar kot. rase tak suke geram tgk semua da berpecah2. bukan semangat kesatuan begini yg kita mahukn.

emotionally unstable. and td keluar bwk diri. huhh! i hate this feeling. tak nk ke kelas esok. :(