Thursday, August 23, 2012

Family Clips

I had put these together on another blog, but wanted to condense it to this blog, so I am posting the link to my family clips here. We shall see how this works.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Winter musings

Snow everywhere and I love the heat. But I must say I do like the way it looks when the trees look like they have been dusted with a generous helping of confectioner's sugar. I like the crispness of the air and the sound of the snow when it crunches under your feet. I like how it becomes softly quiet, like everything is hushed in wonder at the sight. So, once in a while, I like the snow. Until I have to shovel it off the walk and drive on slippery roads. Oh well. Nothing is perfect.

Monday, August 30, 2010


I have read so many wonderful blogs that I decided I would also start one. I am very new at this and hope to learn as I go. The name of my blog came from one of my favorite stories. I always pictured a secret garden being hidden away behind a beautiful gate--I am partial to wrought iron gates--and known only to those it belongs to. My life garden is lush and full of both thorns and flowers. My favorite flowers are my 7 children who are all grown now and growing life gardens of their own. Wish me luck on this blog!