Sunday, December 7, 2008

A belated report on our Halloween Festivities.

Halloween was a two day party. Friday the 31st Elias stayed home from school with a 'sore throat' ,(that is another story that I'll need to tell at another time). Anyway, I dressed the kids up in their costumes and took them to the school so we could have lunch with Ben.I pretty much could eat these kids up.
In the Caf with Dad. Dad's dressed up as a dental student.

We carved Jack-o-lanterns...

and had a yummy dinner. I made Autumn soup and then baked it inside this pumpkin, (thanks for the idea Nadine). Alongside cornbread this was delicious.

Later we had caramel popcorn, played games, and won prizes. The next night we had a Halloween party at the church where they had a trunk r treat. Ben and I actually dressed up. Why we don't have a picture, I don't know . I was a witch and Ben was a Fed-Ex worker.
The above picture is of the fall pennant that I made to decorate with. I love the way it turned out and I know this is random, but I just wanted to share. When I took it down after 3 months I was so sad. That's how I know that I really like it.

My time with Jules

Julia and Clara came at the beginning of November to visit. I had a good time showing them our neck of the woods. Julia is so fun and easy going that it's impossible to not have a good time. The best way to craft is when the kids are in bed and you have someone to laugh with and talk to.
We had a ladies morning out at Mama's. I pretty much forced Julia to get the Monte Cristo. Mommy's and our Ladies- Haven and I, Rocia and Emilia, Racquel and Cos, Julia and Clara

Cousin tubby time

I took Julia and Clara down to the beach and took pictures of them with Julia's amazing camera, which I am obsessed with. Maybe someday!

Haven is pretty excited to finally have a girl cousin. She is pretty much surrounded by boys all the time. The Hancock granddaughters are now a whopping 3 since the arrival of Delia in late October, Yeah!

Julia, you are welcome at anytime. That invitation also stands for Jennie and Melissa as well.

Six Flags with the Bros

Ben's dental school was hosting a day at Six Flags in Vallejo and tickets were ridiculously cheap. So we invited my brothers to come along with us. I had a really great time with them while packing a lot into one day. We went on rides and saw lots of cool animals. The following photos are some of the highlights.This picture was taken at the end of the day. Sweet Codey had just taken the kids on the river rafting ride. I don't think you can tell, but they were all pretty wet.
My partner in crime.

All of us waiting for the killer whale show to start.

The drop zone is one of the most terrifying rides I have ever been on. This is the kids version. Can you tell how riveted Haven, Elias, and Levi are? Hours previous Ben had taken Elias and Levi on one the adult roller coasters, which they loved. That might explain why they are so excited. However, notice my timid little Haven. I don't suggest this ride, except for the fact that there was no line.

This was probably our favorite of all the animal shows. The crowd was small and the show was interesting. We even got to go up and touch the elephant. How many times do you get the chance to touch an elephant?
At the end of the day. I watched my brothers drive away and felt so sad inside. We all enjoyed the day with them, but it just wasn't enough.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Pearl Baby!

You are one of the craziest girls I know and one of my dearest friends. I hope your special day was a good one.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Holy Metamorphosis, Batman!

I realize that childhood is a fleeting thing, and that blinking means missing a precious moment. But is your child really supposed to grow up overnight? It's only been a couple weeks for crying out loud!!!!

Learning to sit.

Crawling...(away while trying to dress him)

Bath time terror.

Rattling his cage. The morning wake up call.

Stair master.What the heck? He's a different child. No more slug.

Fort Point

One of my favorite places on the West Coast. Just as an added bonus to the dramatic surroundings, it's got an epic surf spot right under the bridge. What's the use in living a mile away if we don't visit?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Levi!!

Ten years ago today I got a call while at college saying that you were born. I even got to bring you and Mom home from the hospital. Every time I visited home I just couldn't get enough of you. I wanted to hold and squeeze you all the time
Now Elias and Haven just can't get enough of you. Happy Birthday Levi. You're a good boy and a kind uncle.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What I've learned in the past year.

I know, it's a strange time to be looking back at the last year and reflecting on how life has changed. However, this week marks the 1 year anniversary of when my little brother John passed away. I have been thinking lately about how experiences shape and mold us. My family and I are not the same people we were a little over a year ago. John's passing was a trying experience. One which I never hope to have to go through again, but I have a strong testimony that Heavenly Father gives us only the trials that we can bear and those that will help us to become more of what He needs us to be. Whenever my kids complain about things I try to help them remember the things they should be happy and grateful for, so in trying to practice what I preach I want to do just that. My brother John and this experience taught me the following things....

-FAMILIES ARE FOREVER. Families aren't just the people we hang out with on this earth. In our families we are building relationships that span the eternities. Our most quality and loving relationships should be within our families. Now I feel so much more aware of how much I truly love my family. I know where Johnny is, I know what he's doing and I know that I will be able to hang out with him again.

-KEEP A JOURNAL. At John's funeral instead of a eulogy we shared different parts out of John's journal. It was like he was right there talking to us. I loved it. And I love that I can open up his journal any time I'm missing him and just be immersed in him. In his journal John shared spiritual thoughts, fun happenings, and all kinds of different things that defined who he was. Most importantly he wrote in his journal his testimony of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ which is an absolute treasure.

-HEAVENLY FATHER LOVES ALL HIS CHILDREN. God is aware of every intimate detail of our lives. In times that are hard he sends angels and tender mercies to us. The angels that I speak of are simple everyday people who supported my family in various ways during this particular trial. The food, prayers, money, hugs, flowers etc. were absolutely heaven sent.

-PETTY THINGS REALLY ARE PETTY. The first couple of days after John passed away when we were overflowing with emotions and love I remember reflecting on the things that occupied my thoughts in the days prior. Silly unimportant things really. Amidst the hardship in those initial moments my focus was clear and I understood what my priorities should be. Am I doing all I can do as a wife and mother? Am I building quality relationships with my family? Do I know my Savior Jesus Christ and do I use his Atonement in my life? Am I a good friend? What am I doing to strengthen myself mentally and spiritually? The list goes on and on. I have to say that I so easily forget about what's most important in life, but I'm trying to put what should be first, first more often.

I'm grateful for what my family and I have become since this experience. However,I'm not suggesting that we need another experience of the same nature anytime soon. To my family, I can't even express what you mean to me. My heart is full of gratitude for a Father in Heaven who is there for us during the good times and especially during the bad.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

1 Man + 1 Woman = Marriage

Marriage has never been a simple celebration of love. At its very core, marriage forms the foundation of the future of society; the protection and celebration of husbands and wives to create and raise children. Love is paramount to the success of any marriage or family, but love itself does not fully define the depth of commitment and purpose embodied in this institution. Something as sacred and as essential as marriage cannot be tampered with without far reaching consequences. Once we start down the road of stretching the definition of marriage, that downward slide will not end until marriage has become so diluted as to mean nothing at all; its sacredness and uniqueness having been lost in trying to appease anyone who desires to be a part of such a special institution.

This doesn't even begin to explore the ways in which this destruction of marriage will reach its tentacles into every aspect of our daily lives. Most importantly Sexual Liberty will henceforth trump Religious Liberty and the very purpose for the birth of our nation will be forever buried, trodden under the foot of people who seek to protect their immediate pleasure at the expense of the future of society. The voice of the people will have been silenced by a small activist group seeking to make normal what is abnormal. Parent's right to govern what is presented to their children in schools will be quashed, again to gratify a small group who seek to sooth their wounded conscience. None of these changes will ever bring peace or normalcy to a lifestyle that defies nature. Thus, its proponents will tirelessly push for more and more, seeking to change the very nature of the world around them so they might feel more comfortable with the life they have chosen.
I must clarify that I harbor no ill feelings for anyone choosing to live an abberant lifestyle. I view every human being as deservent of the same respect and courtesy. However, that does not mean that every lifestyle or behavior needs to be celebrated and promoted. One can embrace one's fellows without embracing their beliefs. One can love a friend and not condone their faults. One can accept their fellow man without being forced to accept deviant acts as normal and constructive. Heaven knows that I have as many faults and weaknesses as any other of God's children, but I'm reasonable enough not to shove them down everyones throat.
This debate is a sure sign that society's moral compass is spinning out of control, that society's fabric is being cut up and torn apart for the gratification of a few at the expense of the many.

Below are parts I, II and III of a video exploring some of these concerns.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Precious Moments

Motherhood is sitting down to watch a movie at the end of a long day only to hear your delirious 6 year old relieving himself all over the bathroom floor.

Monday, September 29, 2008

It's Crabbing Time Again

This past weekend we went on our annual crabbing trip. This time we went with Grammie and DanDann, seasoned crabbers. They actually began the crabbing tradition when Ben was only 9 years old. However, I think that we could all agree that this crabbing trip was unlike any other. Tamales Bay has never been prettier to me. The sun was shining and the wild-life abundant.

Ben was our fearless leader and captain.

This was the first of many crabbing trips for Simeon.

To kick off the day Ben spotted this huge, disgusting dead rat in the water. He promptly fished it out just before it landed on our beautiful little beach. Immediately, yet carefully Ben heaved it far into the brush behind us.

I did a lot of snuggling Mr. Sims and Grammie was great company.

After the unwanted visitor I thought I had lost my appetite. However, then I caught the scent of the first pot pf steaming hot crabs. Ben and I fully enjoyed devouring the fruits of our labors.

At first glance it may look like an elephant relieved himself on our beach. Don't be deceived, that is a pile of jellyfish that Haven and Elias were working hard to collect. The bay was full of jellyfish and they kept washing up onto the beach. Elias and Haven would promptly pick them up load them onto their collection and sprinkle them with sand. They did this all day. Who needs sand toys when you have jellyfish?

After their collection was complete they, with the gracious help of Grammie, carried them back to the water. They had collected a total of 21 jellyfish.

These two pictures speak for themselves.

DanDann took the kids on the boat to explore the bay. During their voyage they spotted yet more jellyfish, Haven swears she saw a starfish, and a whole group of seals sunbathing on a sand bank.

Tally of the wildlife spotted...
-Thousands of jellyfish
-1 dead rat
-many delicious Rock crabs
-10-12 Dunguness crab (which we unwillingly had to throw back into the water)
-1 starfish
-a couple of greedy seagulls
-1 pelican
-several small puppies (at the dock)
-elk (in the hills above our beach)
-several seals
-12 deer (eating the shrubs in one yard)!!!

What a day. The kids were in heaven.

Catch up part 2!!

Grammie came for the weekend to celebrate Elias' birthday and to watch the kids perform in the primary program at church. She helped us devour our favorite Devil's food cake with home-made chocolate frosting.

We went to the Dahlia garden in the Golden Gate park upon Grammie's request. I'm so glad she suggested it because the flowers were amazing, so many varieties and vibrant colors.

After walking and people watching in Golden Gate park...

We had a tasty dinner at 'The Stinking Rose and left fat, happy, and stinky.

And if the boy wasn't spoiled enough....

We had a little birthday party for him at the park on the actual day of his birthday. When I say party I mean that I actually called the mom's the night before and told them we were having a pinata for Elias at the park the next day. You will notice that Elias is almost the only boy at his 'party'.

But... I don't think Elias seems to mind.

What are the teenage years going to be like? I'm horrified.

There's my little miss Haven giving a timid go at the very manly tank pinata. Elias, of course, smacked the thing to pieces once we gave him free reign.

Thanks to my devoted photographer friend Michelle I present the first complete Counihan family photo since before Simeon was born.