Memorial for Mum
this Saturday, November 28th at 2 p.m.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
2245 Huguenot Trail, Powhatan, VA 23139
In lieu of flowers, you can make a donation in her name to
Cambiando Vidas, one of the organizations she built houses with in the Dominican Republic.
Snail mail: Cambiando Vidas, PO BOX 5015, Brookfield, CT 06804
Taken on Mum's 80th birthday, by John Morgan, author of Grasshopper Notes. Mum believed the world would be a better place if EVERYONE read John's blog! |
Last week Mum was in a head-on collision and suffered from a broken pelvis, 8 fractured ribs, fractured tibia, broken nose and lacerations. She was in the ICU, with wonderful nurses, but it was just too much for her; no sleep, constant interruptions, and she was in a lot of pain. Wednesday we made the decision to bring her home to her flat, and bring in Hospice.
Last night, surrounded by family and friends. our dear priest, Sandi Kerner, anointed Mum with oil and gave a blessing. Ruth said, "Mum, we love you and want you to stay. But if you need to go, you can go." And she did, at home, surrounded by loved ones.
I am so grateful to have had this blog to
document our conversations and adventures together. We had many cups of tea, and lots of laughter. Since Mum's move here, I have spent almost every evening with her, knitting and having tea, watching
Jeopardy and
Castle and all her other favourite shows.
For her 80th birthday,
I did a special blog post, so I won't repeat those photos here. This is how I want to remember Mum:
Me:What are you doing, Mum?
Mum: Oh, just breaking up this concrete.
I should say that she did this
with a sledgehammer, by hand! That was Mum.
Mum was many things to many people. She was memorable wherever she was, with whomever she was with.
At Christmas time. |
Another Christmas time. :-) |
And a bit later:
One summer, Mum had all the grand kids for the week:
She used to give the kids surgical gloves to blow up:
She was "GranAnne" and doted not just on her biological grandchildren, but adopted their friends as well!
For Christmas, she decided to give her grandchildren "an experience," so for a few years, she took them to the Japanese restaurant:
You could say that FIRE is a good dining experience! |
For the past 3 years, it's been skiing.
Birthday card from this year. |
Mum & Ruth helped our friends Rachel & Carlos when they were building their house. Rachel took the next two photos:
Grouting. |
She was an expert knitter, and had taken to making Plarn bags; plastic "yarn" bags:
She taught me to knit, & I made her this prayer shawl:
World Traveler
I would drop her off at the airport, and off she went!
Off to Habitat Builds in Poland, Hungary or Cambiando Vidas in the Dominican Republic. Or to see friends.
South Africa: Demonstrating that we are British. We love nature & we are NOT afraid of lions! |
Another trip to Australia with Prim & Judy. |
At Mel & John's son's Josh's wedding:
After I got the Lake House, friend Prim came from Australia for a vizzie:

She sang with the Front Royal Oratorio Society. |
After she moved, we'd come back up to watch fireworks:
One year it rained and we had the whole place to ourselves!
At The River House
When I moved to the River House, I got to spend more time with Mum:
In "her" chair, with Maggie & Millie. |
This is a typical Mum pose; hands-on-hips:
Dog tolerator. |
In my office, Millie on her bed:
She came to help me clean windows:
On my birthday, we'd had a lot of snow. She made it down the road, but couldn't get up the last mile of driveway. That didn't stop her, of course!
See? Flowers and prezzies. |
We went for a drive over the mountain. Here she is looking down at the Shenandoah Valley:
Her birthday at the River House:
2011, my last week there. |
Birthday Gal
This is from Mum's surprise 65th b-day party |
At her house in Bentonville, with Pioneer Sister's famous chocolate ganache cake. |
Mum's birthday in 2014:
This past year she was in Scotland & celebrated in the Orkneys. |
She Loved to Laugh
Ruth gave Mum a yoga shirt:
Mum loved tai chi & tap-dancing, but referred to her yoga class as "Torture yoga." "I don't like all the bendy-pretzlely moves." |
Church Christmas dinner:
I don't know what we were talking about, but here's her response:
The Anne Holliday Eye Roll captured. |
And here she is, cleaning up of course:
We LOVE you, Mum!!!