I aspire. I'm not even at my own house right now, but I'm feeling the sap rising--that impetus to start tossing stuff out. I'm rereading Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston. Most books about organization are written by naturally organized people who don't understand how clutterbugs can be that way. They have such helpful tips as:
OHIO: Only Handle It Once
Create a system
Everything has a place, & a place for everything.
Tackle one thing at a time.
If you haven't used it in a year, chuck it.
Put things back when you're finished.
Repair it or chuck it.
And so on. It's all so common sense. But to paraphrase John Morgan, it's not your intellect that got you into this mess and it's not your intellect that will get you out. Enter Karen Kinston, who acknowledges and respects the subconscious. "Your home is an outward representation of what is going on inside you, so if you are messy on the outside there is a corresponding mess of some kind on the inside too. By sorting out the outer, the inner starts slotting neatly into place. "
It's interesting how she relates emotional states to disorganization. She said she's never met a "depressed" person who didn't have a mess of a house. Which came first? It doesn't matter. Your environment is what keeps you stuck where you are. To paraphrase Bruce Lipton, "Change your environment, change your life."
Your subconscious mind will suppress these things nicely for you if you ask it to, but it takes a lot of your energy to do so.
We're still talking about our homes, right? Oh, she delves into way more!
P.S. John had a great post on clutter a few months ago with an interesting meditation exercise. Go see.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What we need
That's right, a little healing:

I have a new-to-me blog to read: The Fail Blog. Real examples of paradox, misspellings, & grammEr mistakes. Hysterical. I found it from my current fave Cakewrecks. Humour is everywhere if you're looking for it, and this is the everyday kind of humour I appreciate. Have a FUNny day. :-)

I have a new-to-me blog to read: The Fail Blog. Real examples of paradox, misspellings, & grammEr mistakes. Hysterical. I found it from my current fave Cakewrecks. Humour is everywhere if you're looking for it, and this is the everyday kind of humour I appreciate. Have a FUNny day. :-)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Book Club

Jerry Stocking started a book club & this is what we're reading. It's really a fascinating study on gender roles and differences. Norah Vincent becomes Ned and:
Joins a bowling team
I threw like a girl and it bugged me as much as it bugged them. If I told them the truth at the end of the season I didn't want them to have the satisfaction of saying, "Oh, that explains everything. You bowl like a girl because you are a girl."
"I gotta say," he said finally, "that takes balls . . . or not, I guess. Wow, you're a F-ing chick. No wonder you listen so good." ~Bowling buddy on being told Ned is really Norah.
"You're cool. I don't care what you are. I really like bowling with you, man. Shit, you're cooler than Bob." This wasn't exactly the collest thing to say in front of Bob, since Allen was Bob's in-law.
Visits strip clubs
"I go to some of these bars, " he said, "and this is the family man in me, and I say to myself, these girls were sombody's daughter. Somebody put them to bed. Somebody kissed them and hugged them and gave them love and now they're in this pit."
"Or maybe someone didn't," I said.
"Yeah," he nodded. I've thought about that, too."
Goes on dates with women
You were the eager athlete, the brightly colored bird doing the dance, and she was the German judge begrudging you the nod.
I still talked too much with my hands, and sometimes I still applied my Chapstick with a girlish lip smack.
I found myself thinking about rejection and how small it made me feel, and how small most men must feel under the weight of what women expect from them. I was an actor playing a role, but these women had gotten to me nonetheless.
"Maybe some part of me knew," she said. "I don't know. You made so much eye contact. You listened so well. You weren't hairy. I'm not sure."
Stays at a monestery
. . . where she's suspected of being gay by some of the other monks. And she makes the mistake of calling an elderly monk "cute." "He's not cute. You don't call other men cute."
And this is as far as I've gotten in the book. It's funny & sad & thought-provoking. Thanks, Jerry for turning me on to the book! :-) H.
P.S. Jerry now has a blog! Go see.
jerry stocking,
norah vincent,
self-made man
Monday, February 23, 2009
Quotes for the Day

Can't nothing make your life work if you ain't the architect. ~Terry McMillan
Stop wearing your obstacles like a hair shirt. ~ Margot Potter
The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it. ~Chinese Proverb
You can have what you want or your reasons why not. ~Jerry Stocking
I’m all for riding the current wherever it takes me, but there must be a reason they put paddles in the boat. ~John Morgan
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Day of Rest: Down My Road
It's on the verge of spring. I can feel it, even tho we're in a final cold snap & had a dusting of snow. The birds are singing more to wake the trees from their slumber and all around we're waiting for the world to awaken once again.
There's not a lot of colour going on, everything is muted shades of browns & grey. But the light this time of year is spectacular and it draws your attention more to all the textures going on. There's also a clarity and crispness to the air that's hard to describe.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
B-day celebration with Ex-XM Radio Guy
I finally got together with Ex-XM Radio Guy for our January birthdays. After Xmas, he told me that his GF, Red Lobster, gave him a rock. It's one of those special we'll-each-keep-half kind of rocks. What am I supposed to do with a rock? he says. Hahahahaha So as I was walking to the postbox one day, I saw a really cool rock. So I dolled it up, and this is what I gave Ex-XM Radio Guy for his birthday:
I glued little sparklies on it & used a gold pen to write OM.
And of course, a labyrinth. It glows in the dark. :-)
So obviously not a card for a GUY.
Time for yourself, yada yada . . .
3 CD's that he fished out of the trash at XM for me: Kathy Griffin, For Your Consideration, advanced copy of Goo Dolls Greatest Hits Vol. 2, & The Clash, Revolution Rock. See the Police Evidence bag pictured above? That's what he put the CD's in. He also gave me Walk Hard, THE funniest movie I've seen since . . . it's a fake biopic in the vein of Spinal Tap. Hysterical! Also pictured is a collection of Star Trek pez dispensers to pass on to Brother D. [I'm totally his favourite sister now!] And a pack of Old Gypsy Fortune Teller cards, circa 1940. How cool is that?
Great . . . a rock . . . he says. "You can use it as a doorstop," I said helpfully. Hahahaha
This is the card that I gave with the gift:
So let me s'plain. He's got a v. sweet severance package and so he's not suffering. Plus, he gets to spend time in his little-cabin-in-the-woods. After working 15-hour days for the past few years, it's been like a vacation. But his parents, of the Depression Era, are all worried about him not having a job. So that's our little joke.
So this is what he gave me:
So this is what he gave me:
We had Indian food and then we went thrifting. At one store this cashier stood at the front and YELLED for her supervisor. KATHY! HEY, KATHY! Just then we see this woman walk-running from the back storeroom to Cashier Girl. Shhhhhh! You don't have to yell. Blah blah, use the intercom, blah blah So after she leaves, Ex-XM Radio Guy says to Cashier Girl, "How much will it take for you to yell Kathy, again? I got 5 bucks, here." Nothin'. "Anyone? $5 to yell Kathy." Hahahahaha I almost did as we were leaving . . . so that was our b-day vizzie. I have another story to tell, but I'll wait for next week . . . .
P.S. What do you think of the new blog header? It won't be up for long--just until spring. :-)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Off she goes . . .
I took Mum to the airport early this a.m. And when I say "early," I mean we left at 4 a.m. in case of commuter traffic. We breezed thru to the airport and Mum breezed thru the TSA line--she was the line. She called: "There was no waiting in security and I'm at the gate drinking a $2 cup of coffee!" She's going to the Dominican Republic to help build a house. Or as Brother D calls it, "a cinderblock shack." Last night we went to dinner at the BEST restaurant (the BEST, Jerry!)Element's, in Front Royal. Here's a brilliant idea for all you restaurants out there: the early bird, $15 dinner: salad (green or Ceasar), entree (fish, chicken, or steak) dessert (cake, bread pudding, or pie) Delicious!
On the way to dinner, I snapped these photos as we drove by:
Thursday, February 19, 2009

doug o'brien,
Happy B-day to 3,
my artwork,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Cozy slippers
My SIL came shuffling into the kitchen one a.m. in these:
Now they sorta look like hamsters, don't you think? Still furry & cute, modeled by one of the nieces. I found a really great quote, so here you go:
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Wayne Dyer
A gift from chiro-sister 2 years ago, they started off as horses. No, really, they did. This fam is all about horses!
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Wayne Dyer
Brother D,
hair wash day,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Treasure Hunt
Brother D,
treasure hunt,
valentine's day
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
LOVE actually is all around. :-)
P.S. For a different kind of V-day awareness, click here.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Quote-of-the-day and . . . .
I've been staying at Mum's this week. We have a fierce wind going on that started last night. Fierce! And a sideways rain that washed my car so I don't have to. Mum is out the door at 5 a.m. and called me from work later.
Mum: Hi dahling, I don't know if you're going out today, but I just wanted to call and let you know there's a tree blocking the road.
Me: How did you get out then?
Mum: Well, you just have to drive through the field. Of course it was dark and I had to back up aaaaaaaaaaaall the way up the road. But perhaps you'll be able to see if it's still there in the daylight.
OK, then. I of course made a joke about her moving the tree herself. Quote-for-the-day:
Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. Marion C. Garretty
LOVE you Mum,
mother quote,
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Day of Rest

Last night at dinner, we were talking about table manners. As you can imagine, Mum was v. strict with us growing up. It was like dining with the queen every night. I will not raise Barbarians! So I said, "You know what's the worst?" And before I finished, my nephew interjected: "Watching a live birth?" Hahahaha Above is a pic of yesterday's walk through the woods.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
In this purely for the laughs
I'm at Mum's helping with Pioneer Sister's kiddliewinks. Convo on the way home last night:
Nephew #2: Hey! I see penis!
Little Sis: Penis?
Nephew: Hehhh . . . . not penis. Venus!
Sounded like penis to me. Glad he clarified. Hahahaha
Mum got a new desk chair and saved the big box for the kids to play in. It's a house, it's a spaceship, it's a . . . . bed? I was looking for Nephew #1. There he was, curled up in the box with the flaps closed up.
Me: Oh, there you are. What are you doing?
Nephew: I'm going to bed in the box. Now go away.
Me: OK.
A few minutes later, Mum is standing there talking to the box. You need to come out and get ready for bed . . . blah blah blah . . . brush your teeth . . . blah blah blah . . .
I look over to the guest room and there is Nephew safely tucked away in bed.
Me: Um, Mum.
Mum: [to the box] You need to come out of the box. [to me] What?
Me: He's not in the box anymore.
Mum: Ohhhhhh . . . [eye roll]
Nephew this a.m. said to Little Sis: Hey! Don't you know that when I'm in the box you're not supposed to push against it?
That's right. We don't like it when other people challenge our boxes. Today we're going for a hike and then it's off to see a Charlie Brown Musical. Fun times!
Nephew #2: Hey! I see penis!
Little Sis: Penis?
Nephew: Hehhh . . . . not penis. Venus!
Sounded like penis to me. Glad he clarified. Hahahaha
Mum got a new desk chair and saved the big box for the kids to play in. It's a house, it's a spaceship, it's a . . . . bed? I was looking for Nephew #1. There he was, curled up in the box with the flaps closed up.
Me: Oh, there you are. What are you doing?
Nephew: I'm going to bed in the box. Now go away.
Me: OK.
A few minutes later, Mum is standing there talking to the box. You need to come out and get ready for bed . . . blah blah blah . . . brush your teeth . . . blah blah blah . . .
I look over to the guest room and there is Nephew safely tucked away in bed.
Me: Um, Mum.
Mum: [to the box] You need to come out of the box. [to me] What?
Me: He's not in the box anymore.
Mum: Ohhhhhh . . . [eye roll]
Nephew this a.m. said to Little Sis: Hey! Don't you know that when I'm in the box you're not supposed to push against it?
That's right. We don't like it when other people challenge our boxes. Today we're going for a hike and then it's off to see a Charlie Brown Musical. Fun times!
Auntie Hal hat,
LOVE you Mum,
Pioneer Sister
Friday, February 6, 2009

Yoga Chick: He is so right, I have not been meditating enough.
Random Guy: That's what he told me, too. I've really been ignoring my practice.
Me: Wait a minute . . . .
That's right. That was his advice to everyone. Which, when you think about it, is not bad advice. Things are much more peaceful & balanced after meditation. All those little Mark Twain worries melt away. Meditation, not medication. ;-)
And you thought this was a hair wash post.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
HAPPY Birthday!

In our family
she did come
smiling, sweet
red-haired one.
Standing guard
at Christmas time
gifts to open
in a line.
Ghost tag games
Husker Du
playing Spit*
We LOVE you.
Happy Birthday
little sis
Happy birthday
Here's a kiss.
*Before you say Eeeewwwww! Spit was a card game and she was always the fastest at it!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Snapshots from the New England Road
It was quite the trip. I got gluten free pizza on my birthday! And we had 21 inches of snow in the middle of it all. As we were driving on the highway through the blizzard, John said, "Talk to me, Hali." I'm too busy praying, I said. We stopped in Lebanon, NH at a ski/golf shop. I got some great long underwear, the kind that skiers & mountain hikers wear. Warm but not bulky. I didn't have much time because John said, "You're cutting into my nap time." Hahahaha
Here are a few pix in no particular order . . . in answer to Are you drinking coffee? Just for last week:
"Certified" sounds so official. Who is this "Rainforest Alliance" of the Holiday Inn? I hope this rainforest "content" is only coffee. And what's the other 70%? Uncertified content?
This was so funny to me because I have more wood in my woodshed and WOW! Really? That's how much wood costs? John said it's for the tourists who want to have a log fire.
This was a great seafood lunch. The most entertaining thing is listening to John identify people's patterns in the restaurant. Then John said as our young waiter was taking our order, "This guy is an Enneagram 7." Remember Keanu Reeves in Bill & Ted's Most Excellent Adventure? Yeah, like that. I said he was in a band, so John asked him if he was. Psychic today! How did you know? Waiter Guy asked. And then, Guess what instrument I play . . . trick question! I don't play anything, I'm the lead singer. So cute. Hahahaha
Here are a few pix in no particular order . . . in answer to Are you drinking coffee? Just for last week:
I took this next picture for my nephew who loves all-things-piratey:
john morgan seminars,
legal sea foods,
new england,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'm back, baby! * F5
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