Besides the lack of dates, I'd say overall the weekend was a success. It started on Thursday for me. Thank heavens I can plan a full schedule that still includes 2 days off a week.
Thursday night we thought we'd venture to the "Welcome Back Carnival" at the institute. It started at 6:30. We went around 7:20 thinking that there would be people there by then. Wrong. There was NO ONE there. I mean, there were a few people but the majority were odd. So what do you do when there's odd people and nothing going on? You people watch. Basically we counted 38 grilled cheeses by the time we left. We stayed for around an hour and nothing seemed to pick up or change so we ditched. We weren't the only ones.
Friday Jess, Mary, and I all hung out, what else is new, right? We went to Hires for lunch and then went to the gateway. We tried to talk Mary into getting her ears pierced but it didn't work. I had to be back up to campus for an orientation and Jess and Mary headed to the Ute hockey game (not NEARLY as exciting as my boys). After my orientation I went out to dinner with the family for my Grandma's birthday. After that fun little outing I came back up to my apartment around 10. Mary and Jess got back a little after that. We decided to watch a movie and make a paper heart chain for Valentines decorations. We dumped all the strips out and mixed 'em up.
Shortly after that....
*knock on wall*
Kylie and Jess: *Both knock crazily back on the wall*
Kylie: 3....2....1
*Knock at front door*
*Open door, it's Ryan!*
This happens almost daily if you couldn't tell.
He had his friend Andrew with him and they both came over along with Christian. They all sat down and the six of us all made the paper chain. As you can see, it turned out super cute and added some (more) color to our living room.
After that Andrew said we should heart attack our kitchen and that's just what we did.
TONS of hearts.
We all helped and it turned out very... heart attacky.
We started comparing heights with hearts ...
I was the shortest. As always.
Mary & Andrew |
Ryan!!! Don't mind the Victoria's Secret sticker on his cheek. |
Here's the finished kitchen and hallway.... heart attack.
On a side note we also put hearts in our lovely roommates cupboards. HA!
Hopefully that will help them with some of their weird behaviors/issues.
Or make them mad at least.
Ryan put the heart outlines in the hallway. I love it!
Somewhere along the lines after we finished the heart chain, Christian left and when he did their other roommate, Jordan, snuck in. For those of you who don't know Jordan, he's interesting to say the least and kind of scares me. He's almost serial killeresque. I about screamed when I saw him walking down the hallway coming into our apartment. He means well, he just comes across as really strange and doesn't have the best people skills. He did bring his cookies that didn't turn out so that was a kind thought. He hung around for quite a while and Andrew was extremely nice to him, he's just an all around nice guy. He stayed while we finished decking out the kitchen and then just left without saying anything.
We then found this drawing he left us on the table. Kinda scared me.
Please note the cut off hand . . .
Pretty sure we were all quite disturbed.
Soon after that Ryan and Andrew left. By this time is was about 1 AM. We decided Mary should just crash at our place so we drove to her place so she could get her stuff. After that we came back and watched a movie and basically didn't end up going to bed till around 3 AM.
Before we did go to bed though we put this on Ryan's door. We have this inside joke involving princess stickers you can earn.
The note says:
Ryan, We didn't have any princess stickers so princess fruit snacks will have to suffice.
Ky, Jess, & Mary
We taped the fruit snacks to his door.
Saturday we slept till noon or later. That's what happens when you stay up till 3 AM. Oh the joys of college. After we finally got moving we went to the PI and then took Mary to work. I spent the rest of my Saturday night studying, painting my nails, and doing laundry. Exciting!
On another note, it's hard for us to look at our microwave lately. It says "Emerson" on it and every time we see it, it reminds us how the Grizz traded Riley Emmerson. No. Good.
For your entertainment. . .
If you ever need protection, you can find it at Gap.