Sunday, June 30, 2013


Messy face...

This is particularly nice outfit. Dance leotard, skirt, snow boots, coat, and hat. Pretty normal right? :)

Hallie and Eric (and lets face it, me too) would so love to have a puppy.  So we rented one for an hour. His name is Rodney, and was oh so sweet. Energetic, but so fun! 

Our little explorer just plopped herself down in the middle of the playground to inspect the wood chips.

Hallie graduated from preschool!  I can't believe that she will start kindergarten this Fall.  (That is if we ever decide for sure where she is going to go)

First and last day of preschool.  Eric says she hasn't changed much.  But I totally disagree. She has grown in every way since that first day. :)

One night I heard rustling in the girls bedroom, so I went to check on them. Hallie was just sitting in the corner of her bed, in the dark, just smiling.  She makes me smile.

More words...

Eric's dad passed away on March 5th. Cinco de Mayo.  We all went up to get everything sorted out, and for the funeral.  Unfortunately there wasn't much I could help with, so the girls and I played a lot.  Though it wasn't for a looked forward to occasion, we are so glad we were able to go, and we were able to enjoy ourselves as well.  We have such incredible family on all sides, and in every way, make it possible for us to be there.  I feel as though not enough thanks can be given.  So thank you, thank you!

Indian Beach.  My favorite place on the Oregon Coast.

First time in the ocean!

To say that Hallie loved the beach is an understatement.  She is obsessed!

Nap time with the animals.

Walking on the beach in Oregon.

Hallie was an awesome traveler.  She loved flying, and was super helpful.  She even pulled luggage for us without complaining, and a smile on her face.  Tender mercies!

This was at Lidia Summer's birthday party.   I love that smile!

Watching BYU Men's Volleyball in the national tournament.  They lost. :(

This little girl is so busy she doesn't have much time to snuggle, so you've got to document it when it happens.

BIG NEWS!  Eric graduated with his Bachelor's in Social Work on May 3rd!  Hooray!  Jim & Have were both able to come down and enjoy it with us.  It was a long time coming, and totally worth it.  (This was just two days before Dennis passed away)

OTHER BIG NEWS: Paige turned 1 on May 2nd!  I can't believe it!  We celebrated at Grandma & Grandpa's, with the Hall girls, Angela, Chris Solomon, Haven and Jim.  It was perfect!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

April Randomness

Randomness. Again...

I was really struggling with my goal at this point, so I pulled up some fun words to keep on my phone.  I have always loved quotes, and words, and typography.  If you don't believe me, just check out which boards on pinterest have the most pins. It is by far quotes, and words. (and recipes too, I love food too.)

Also in April we got to spend the weekend sans kids in Zion National Park.  One of my all time favorite places.  We went with our friends Chris & Annalaura Solomon and their friend Brie, and hiked the Subway.  By far one of the hardest things I have ever done.  In every way exhausting.  Mentally, physically, emotionally.  But so glad I did it! It was one of those times I realized in my life that I can do hard things! So empowering! This is the view from our campsite.  Gorgeous doesn't even begin to describe it.

Off we go!  Mr, Chris, Annalaura, Brieanna, and Eric.

We had playdates with friends!  This is Paige and Carlie exploring at the treehouse at the University Mall.

I had no less than five different people ask me for this recipe for black bean salsa.  I finally just took a picture and emailed/texted it out to everyone who wanted it.

LOVE this quote.

My wonderful parents celebrated 40 years of marriage. We were able to do an endowment session in the Salt Lake Temple with them and my sisters and their spouses.  It was such a great day.

Our crazy little monkey!

Messy face!

Eric was out of town, spending time with his dad before he passed away, during General Conference.  So I had a long week with these two little girls.  But we made Conference fun on Sunday by setting up this tent in the living room, and we talked about King Benjamin. (Mosiah 2:5-6)  I was really surprised that it actually entertained Paige more that Hallie.  But I was actually able to listen to some talks.  It was definitely worth it.  
We also went up to Salt Lake City and sat on Temple Square to listen to Conference for one session.  Again totally worth it.  The girls absolutely loved it.  We packed a lunch, and just enjoyed the afternoon. Extra bonus, it was absolutely beautiful with all the Spring flowers.

Our little red head got tired of walking at Target, but the cart was full, so she just climbed underneath.  Our little goofy girl!  While her sister tried to stand up in the front of the cart.

Love this one too.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Randomosity March

 Continuing on with the randomosity...

This is my goal for the year. To be present, where ever I am.  This means not just physically being there.  I am trying to put my phone down, turn the TV off, walk away from the computer, all that stuff, and focus on where I am, who I'm with, and what I'm doing.  This image was the home screen on my phone, so anytime I would pick up my phone I had a friendly reminder to be present. I am by no means even close to perfecting it, but it really has made a difference.
 This day the cashier at the grocery store gave Paige a sucker without me realizing, but look how happy she is!  How could you take it away?

Same day at the grocery store.  They both had a blast, and we all survived and even enjoyed doing the shopping.  I normally go by myself, but it was actually really fun to have them this day.  I also can't get over how grown up Miss Hallie Mae looks in the picture.

"SO big!"  She doesn't really do this trick anymore, so it's fun to see it when it was new and oh so exciting to her.

From time to time we drive down to the post office, and get out and look at the progress of the City Center Temple.  They had recently poured the concrete foundation.  It is so crazy to see the whole building up on stilts so high off the ground.

Our little leprechans on St. Patrick's Day.

I LOVE this picture.  They both sat up on the exam table at the doctor's office and played in the mirror until the doctor came in.  So, so cute to watch them interact.

Brushing teeth for the first time!  She sure does love her toothbrush.

Random February Phone Pictures

One day, I really am going to blog more.  I am!  :)  So to begin I am going to do a few random posts, of random pictures off of my phone.  Since going to our iPhones I don't pull out our regular camera as often, but it is just so darn convenient to use my phone.  So here a few from the month of February.

Our 9 month old

Paige stands like this everytime we turn the bath or shower on.  She can hardly wait to get in.

Awesome, crazy bed head

Story time at the Provo Library.  This little girls love each other so. (even when they think they don't)

Princess PJ Hallie

M&M Paige

Valentine's Day

Good morning, my love!

She got stuck under the rocker, but was quite content there.