This content may contain some spoilers so please watch the movie first!
The green hornet was my first anticipated movie of 2011 as it hit theaters in January.
I’ve seen few of the trailers and therefore have some high expectation for the film. After the show I’m glad to say that it really meets up my expectation. Oh yeah, it kick ass!
It was filled with fun and thrill, never a dull moment at all. I can feel that both characters really have some chemistry between and the laughter just brought me to tears. A big kudos for Jay Chou on his Hollywood debut. For a guy who’s only studied English just for the show, I can say at least it’s audible hahaha but I think his acting, charisma and butt-kicking can make up for it. Some people say his English is still very bad, but for me, as long it does not disrupt the fun of watching the movie, it’s actually not a big deal!
The main character played by Seth Rogen is not quite the usual big-screen superhero, I watched in trailer that they deliberately make the main superhero a bit useless and yet have a cool and resourceful side-kick. Oh…correction, Kato does not like to be known as side-kick, he’s a partner!
Cameron Diaz is oh well, the flower pot but then, she’s not bad either. I think she’s really 30 plus but she still looks good on screen.
And the biggest surprise for me I got to say is…
Commander William Adama!
Hahaha, he’s the chief editor of the protagonist newspaper company. But I knew this actor who played as William Adama in Battlestar Galactica, a sci-fi TV series that I liked a lot.
Conclusion, if you enjoy action comedy genre, you really should watch this movie!