prior to that day i've already been thinking how is it going to be like and how is it going to feel? it turn out to be quite gud also haha. received many wishes frm family and frens. maybe again it's because i'm living outside so the warmth i felt is more than before.
first present that i received comes frm far far away south and comes with an attached combo wish- merry xmas+happy new year+happy b'day+happy CNY. wah...tis is my first time receiving a combo wish present>_<

thanks sz for the smilling yellow shake head monkey. it'll constantly remind me to be happy just by imating it.
thanks also to mc for the piece of secret recipe cake which taste so delicious that before my mind told me that i've should have taken the pic, it's already inside my tummy oledi>_<

received this two smiley red egg frm hj.

at the back got wordings somemore. means happiness. i found this pic to be very funny as i suddenly think of having two ways of interpretation.
1. you are in charge and in control of your own happiness and you should held it tightly in your hands, not too tight as it would break, held it just right.
2. your happiness lies in how to manage your eggs>_<
i was quite suprise to received the gift from her. actually she's also the delivery gal for another present from a familiar guy next door. haha, very suprised that he'll use this tactic haha, it's a collection of motivational short stories...yeah i quite like to read these type of books, thanks dude!
haha, oh well...something that remains the same is that i stil celebrate my b'day at karaoke:P two rounds somemore!
first of is with my swinburne uni frens at Neway One Utama. haha, this is to following the group's tradition of celebrating b'day at karaoke since is karaoke kaki:P

thanks to andrea,mike,KC,aileen. haha, it's a 3CDs in one album so in a way it feels like receiving three present instead of one haha:)

another round of karaoke is with my housemate at Green Box, Sg. Wang. oh...i'm wearing the b'day present that i received frm them...haha i think it looks quite different on me as i've never wore this type of shirt before:P thanks to albert,mq,ss,sam,yvonne,danny.
one thing good i like about Green Box if compared to Neway is that it's slightly cheaper and have free flows of drinks and snacks. The drinks they served is also more user-friendly with the throat compared to Neway. me n mike have been discussing whether it's a tactics of Neway to make you sing less song if u drink more less user-frenly drinks>_<

me waking b'day wish with microphone, wish everyone gud gud 平平安安 and healthy:)

when i want to blow the candle, i kena played pulak to blow the candles frm far away>_<

my new roomate danny, who say "i don't know how to sing one" end up singing more songs than me:p when my housemate want to take pic of him singing i sudenly took a bowl of ice-cream and put it on his hands thus creating this funny looking pose.

hehe, i wana say a very big thank you again to my friends and family who's been with me throughout these years and thanks for all the msn,sms,calls b'day wishes. it really cheer up my day:)
quarter century old le...long way to go, jia you~