my fren is having scuba diving lesson test in the open sea and her coach says tat she can bring in some fren along, so tat's how we got to go in the first place. the scuba diving destination is located somewhere off-coast of sematan, i think is pulau talang-talang if not mistaken. sematan is about one and half hour from kuching n the boat ride is about 45 minutes. so tat day need to wake up early around 615am to pick up my frens and go for the long journey to sematan.

well this is my first experience going to the open sea on boat. so i was quite looking forward to it. my dad poured cold water on me saying that if it's the first time you go to open sea, you'll sure to vomit! ngaiti...luckily din vomit, or else will be very embarassing especially in front of my frens, which are girls somemore. well good thing is tat her coach got give us anti-sea sick pill before we set sail. the pill it looks like regular orange-coloured small round shaped vitamin c pill. hmmm....actually, i think it works more physcologically than chemically, cos if they give you vitamin c n they you it's anti sea sick pill, u'll also think tat it's real one and wouldn't feel so drowsy.
i've even bought a life jacket with me since it's my first time at sea. the life jacket my dad also don't remember where exactly it come from. well, i did't end up using it, but it serves to be a good pillow;p

the journey itself is not shaky when the boat is moving, it's only shaky when the boat stop in mid sea and then you will feel da wave n get drowsy. the boat stop at somewhere near the island, and my fren began to set up her gear and in no time, they all dive into the sea, leaving us three people on the boat with da captain of da boat n assistant.

well, this is when the boat get shaky, after a few delightful picnic which consist of hotdog, pear & sweet corn, we start looking at you and at me, take some random pic, my fren 4got to bring cards...ai...so feeling abit drowsy we decide to sleep! once we lay down, it feels abit better, its quite windy and not hot.
as we are about to really drift into dream land, the scuba divers resurface and went abroad. so we kenot sleep more. they went up to rest and to let go some water from below. oh, i forgot to mention, there's no toilet in da boat! so if you want to ahem, ahem, u can either take the stairs and release your stuff into the sea or you jump into the sea and do it.

tat's y we didn't drink alot of water. oh, the reason why scuba divers need to come abroad to take off their swimming gear to pee is becos the swimming gear covers the whole body n if you pee inside it, it would flow up to your whole body>_<
her coach over us to give a free diving trial today before they set off to dive again, but we are too hesistant to answer as we are still unsure about it. after they went off to their second dive we are back to square one again, duno wat to do.

picture of underwater corals taken by the diving coach's underwater camera, courtesy of effie's facebook:P
oh well, what the crab, since we're here at the sea already, we might as well have some fun. so we ask for life jackets, diving mask with breathing tube, pelampung and go down the stairway and into the sea. actually to think back, it's quite dangerous le, cos both my fren duno how to swim, i myself only know abit, the other divers are all off diving, but yet we stil dare to go down.
this is my first time i'm floating in sea. it's quite terrifying n amazing same time to feel my feet unable to touch nothing but water below, cos usually in swimming pool i don't dare to go to places where water is higher than my head. it's also abit frigthening to think n you are only one piece of needle floating in a giant basin of infinite water.
i directly felt the chill of the sea when i went down, we just stay beside the stairway with the pelampung and look down via our diving mask to see the view below. i even manage to saw some corals and fish. my frens are more luckier as later my fren's coach guided them further to see more beautifull fish and corals. they say it's so beautiful tat it's hard to believe it's real! sob..sob... i didn't get the chance cos it's almost time to go back:(

on da way back, we did some chit chat with some enthusiastic scuba divers that share with us their many funny experience and encounters while scuba diving. they even treated us for the fish that they harpooned. oh, tis is also my first time eating a fish this fresh.
haha so tat's all for my adventure to the open sea:)