Saturday, September 25, 2010

A girl and her moose

Once upon a time there was a daddy who went to Alaska on a fishing trip.
On his way home, he stopped in the airport gift shop to pick up a present for his beloved daughter.
He packed this special gift in his suitcase and made the long journey home.
When he returned, he was welcomed with open arms by said daughter.
He gave her the gift, a moose.
She squealed with delight and hugged it.
It took her a little while to realize just how much she adored this little moose.
Now it rarely leaves her side.
Some kids have kitties. Some have monkeys. Some even have pillows. This little girl loves her moose.
She sleeps with it.
It must leave the crib with her when she does.

She takes moosey (or moo-moo as he is more affectionaltely called) for car rides too. Mommy is afraid she might lose moosey, so he isn't allowed out of the car unless they are at grandma or nana's house.

She tries to take him in the bath too! Mommy strongly objects to this.
(Thank you moosey for your strategically placed hoof.)
Thanks daddy for the best friend a girl could ask for!

Diamonds? Pishaw!! A moose is this girl's best friend!

Friday, September 24, 2010

I've decided

...that I am going to jump back into the blogging world. I have been spending a little more time in bloggy land, and have even commented. (What?!) I still want to document what has been going on in our lives since we got back from Oklahoma almost a year ago! Big slacker... I know. So I will be posting random updates, or one big one. Things like Zoe's first Thanksgiving and Christmas and her birthday. I got so caught up in the eloquent blogs that I read that I lost track of why I wanted to blog in the first place. It documented where we were in our lives and it was fun! So my blogs may not be witty or perfect, but they will be me and most likely a lot about my kid. It is what it is.

But for now, this is me saying "I'm back." or at least trying to be back. ;)

And in honor of the end of my hiatus, I think this ol' blog needs a little facelift.

Off to photoshop I go.