Friday, February 18, 2011


Right now I am struggling.

Struggling to

process the allergies my girl has.
feed her the best foods and not give her something that could potentially hurt her.
be comfortable these days.
figure out how I am going to complete my massive to-do list before the baby gets here.
be a better seeker of God's face and His will.
be a better bible reader.
soak up the moments with my first born, my only child, for now.

I know its just a season. This too shall pass.
So sorry for my no pictures post. I will post some soon and about all of Zoe's allergies and maybe even a belly picture cuz I've got one now.

What are you struggling with?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Torture A or B?

Those were my options.
I had to chose which one would be inflicted on my sweet girl.

Zoe has been getting a slight rash on her face after drinking milk. It was a lot worse. A few months ago, anywhere the milk would touch would turn fire red.

We stopped giving her milk to drink and didn't notice a reaction with any other milk products. I brought it up with her pediatrician and he referred us to an allergist.

The allergist said he wanted to do some tests. Here are my choices: Skin or blood?

The can either draw her blood, or poke her back about 15 times and put the allergens on her skin and wait for a reaction.

He poked my arm and it doesn't hurt, but either way she will be unhappy.

My brother has almost every environmental allergy there is. I watched him to numerous skin tests and scream and cry because it hurt and itched so bad. Did I really want to put my girl through that?

But would I rather have her pinned down and prodded with a needle until they find a vein?

I chose skin test, thinking it would be less invasive. The dr said he thought she would only react to one of the allergens if she even reacted at all.

What would you have chosen? or what did you chose if you have allergy stricken little ones?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A post of sorts

Since the thought of an actual blog post is rather daunting, I will tell you some things I have been loving.. and wanting lately. Because that seems like the cool thing to do anyways.

I have been looking for baby bedding lately and I think I found the bedding that I want.
I am in love.It is a little boyish, but I don't care and will make it work if we end up having a girl.

Also, I have been looking to add some finishing touches on my house, and I am completely inspired by this pillow. and may attempt to make one in the near future.

This smile! Because I mean seriously... can you not smile when you look at that face!

(Photo by the fabulous Davi)

Um why can I not find any skinny maternity jeans? When I looked it up online, there were a bajillion. but can I find any in a REAL store.. nope. I don't really want to buy them online because who knows what size I am in them. I want some because the maternity pants I have now make it look like I have pooped my pants. Not cute.
Lastly, I am in love with all things headbands. I have been scoping and searching for ones that I love. So I was really excited when this girl told me she was hosting a giveaway! Umm I die! fingers crossed!! Hurry and enter!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Blogger hates me!

And at the moment, the feeling is mutual.

I have no idea why my header is so blurry!!

UGH!! So frustrating!

Any suggestions?

So until I can figure it out, and make it not blurry... sorry.

Consider my blog... Under Construction.
k thanks.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Big fat liar.

That's me.

Here I was talking about how I was going to blog so much and get back into the blogging world.
Then one post. ONE POST! Seriously? Lame I know.

The holidays and finding out I was pregnant (oh you didn't know? hmm maybe if I was a better blogger) really kicked my butt. I was tired. Like seriously tired, and a little sick. But mostly tired. And facebook is so much easier. I don't even have to get off the couch. Thank you iphone. I mean does it get any easier? Nope, didn't think so.

So this is me, again saying I will try. (I know. like that means anything at this point)

I have so much I want to write about, but the thought of actually sitting down and editing pictures and uploading them all to blogger, aka the slowest thing on the planet, is overwhelming. But I love blogs, so you sacrifice for what you love? or something like that.

see you around... maybe.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A girl and her moose

Once upon a time there was a daddy who went to Alaska on a fishing trip.
On his way home, he stopped in the airport gift shop to pick up a present for his beloved daughter.
He packed this special gift in his suitcase and made the long journey home.
When he returned, he was welcomed with open arms by said daughter.
He gave her the gift, a moose.
She squealed with delight and hugged it.
It took her a little while to realize just how much she adored this little moose.
Now it rarely leaves her side.
Some kids have kitties. Some have monkeys. Some even have pillows. This little girl loves her moose.
She sleeps with it.
It must leave the crib with her when she does.

She takes moosey (or moo-moo as he is more affectionaltely called) for car rides too. Mommy is afraid she might lose moosey, so he isn't allowed out of the car unless they are at grandma or nana's house.

She tries to take him in the bath too! Mommy strongly objects to this.
(Thank you moosey for your strategically placed hoof.)
Thanks daddy for the best friend a girl could ask for!

Diamonds? Pishaw!! A moose is this girl's best friend!

Friday, September 24, 2010

I've decided

...that I am going to jump back into the blogging world. I have been spending a little more time in bloggy land, and have even commented. (What?!) I still want to document what has been going on in our lives since we got back from Oklahoma almost a year ago! Big slacker... I know. So I will be posting random updates, or one big one. Things like Zoe's first Thanksgiving and Christmas and her birthday. I got so caught up in the eloquent blogs that I read that I lost track of why I wanted to blog in the first place. It documented where we were in our lives and it was fun! So my blogs may not be witty or perfect, but they will be me and most likely a lot about my kid. It is what it is.

But for now, this is me saying "I'm back." or at least trying to be back. ;)

And in honor of the end of my hiatus, I think this ol' blog needs a little facelift.

Off to photoshop I go.