Monday, September 28, 2009


Monday, September 28, 2009
The quiz somethings is really mystery but amazing. As if your action, your favorite, your thought-everything will be implied inside the everything in the world, like colors like cloud like a little glimpse and a bit of breathing. You just need to explore more and more to the world, learning from them about yourself.

The quiz is just somewhat the discovered way to explore to the world as to your self, concise and simple although not accurate all the time. To explore the world is important to find your self- I believe that

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life is like that?

Sunday, September 27, 2009
I can't really have moods to write a proper blog. Instead I have the moods to spend time to vain.
That is sitting on the floor and day-dreaming after few hours. And I think ' it's time to bed', click few times on the facebook bookmark and gmail bookmark to check again if there's news, if there are people replying me. Then, few minutes pass. I think again 'it's time to bed'.....over and over. Life is flying time..

Have to plan what's my future now. I have no idea what I am doing now. I have several confusions in my mind that I can really resolve that. I am listening to the music, put the mind into the subconscience, pretending that nothing happened. I shall be looking forward, bring the confusion in front of me, like the draft on the blackboard, and I will clean it up. that's what I supposed to do that

But It is different. As if I am thinking to compose a music, but music afterward is controlling me.

Life is like that? Never. Time to recover now. I have been sick for one week. should think something beneficial to me now.