Nag's Head in the winter
Our good friends, Kevin and Kim Hadley, invited us up to the beach at Nag's Head, North Carolina for a week after Christmas. They'd rented a gigantic house and said they had room for us. It was incredibly generous of them and we had a wonderful time. Kevin's parents and sister, Laura and her husband, Adam came too. Adam is also an old West Point friend.
The boys even had their own room. After sharing a room with the boys for more than a week, it was luxurious to have our own space. The house was actually on the beach, had a pool table, sauna, jacuzzi, tons of porches, and even an elevator. All we really utilized was the kitchen, though. It was a great time to spend with friends, and with each other. The Hadleys are the kind of friends that I can hang out with for a long time and not get sick of, because they have good boundaries. Sometimes Kevin Hadley is a bit mystifying because of the way he grunts a hello as you pass on the stairs. But once I learned that was his way of being friendly, I realized how relaxing it can be to not have to converse all of the time.
We visited a park with some really great sand dunes. The kids (and men) crawled all over them. Unfortunately, it was frigid that day. We only got about 45 minutes of sand-body-surfing in before Joshua started crying from the frostbite that was sure to come if we stayed out any longer. I didn't actually do any body surfing, but Kevin did, and Caleb loved climbing. My favorite part was that the park was so big, the boys could just walk/run forever without my being right behind them. There was no water for them to drown in, no cars to hit them.
I seriously love watching my boys play with their Dada.
*You can click on the pictures to enlarge them, and see all the details.*
Caleb and Kevin run-skipping down a dune.