Fruitful Garden
I don't know why arugula has gotten such a bad rap as being stuck-up. It really is one of the easiest plants to grow. Below are some shots of my growing garden. I've gotten two big red bell peppers, countless tomatoes, many salads' worth of arugula, multiple armloads of basil, and snippings of both mint and oregano. Caleb's watermelon plants are growing and there is one large fruit growing. It's just too hot here, though. The new flowers on all of my tomato, pepper, and melon plants keep falling off and from what I can tell, it's just from the extreme heat. I suppose I could erect some structure to give them some shade, but seeing as the tomato plants are now about 9 feet tall, that seems a little out of my league. And anyways, if I build anything, it's going to be a compost box so I can stop filling my trashcan with organic matter that could be feeding my garden. I need a good weekend to work on that project. Or I need Kevin to have a good weekend, but he's been working every Saturday and even some Sundays. Stink. Anyone have a saw they want to lend me?
I know this looks upside down, but it's not. I'm just hovering directly over the potted arugula plants.