Thursday, October 1, 2009


wow! a LOT has happened since i last wrote!!! MAIN THING: my dear big sister is getting married!!!!!!!!! crazy? yes! on January 2nd she will become MRS TONY BROWN! wow! this should be a crazy couple months!
Next: i spent a month in washington with my most awesome cousins :) it was sooo much fun and i hope i can do that again before we all grow up! i really love them so much :D
Also: i started 8th grade. im on STUCO, NJHS, and will also join basketball and cheer again this year! wow packed schedule? oh yes! bbut i still have plenty of time saved for my bestest buddies. haha
a downer: i have already gotten introuble with the principal! (drugs ruin lives! dont do them!)

haha love you all :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sorry For The Long Wait

WOW! its been a long time since my last post! SORRY! Anyway theres not been anything super exciting lately but heres a quick summary- This is my last week of basketball :(. ummm i bought a plane ticket to washington this summer and im gonna be there for a MONTH all by lonesome (well with cousins) and its gonna be SUPER FUN! OH YEAH! i went to relay for life 2 weeks in a row! the first one was way crowded and i didnt get to stay all night tho :( but the Queen Creek one was AWESOME. one thing i learned from it is to never get hypnotized...LOL! i loved seeing my old friends tho :) I LOVE YOU GUYS!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Basketball Scores

Well since my last post was about me making the basketball team i thought i'd let you know how thats going- We lost our first game to Highland, Won our second game against Gilbert, and lost our third game to South Valley... I didn''t play much but, Oh well. And 8th grade has lost all their games :( and ours were pretty close scores soo i'd say our team is pretty good :D

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I MADE THE 7th GRADE BASKETBALL TEAM!!! Tryouts were super hard but totally worth it! i am so glad i made it. but i'm not looking forward to all the suicides i will be forced to do...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Guess who came to sit by me!!!

lets see... from left to right Lexa, Me, Darienne, Carol, Gracie

who is Darienne looking at???

So today we had yet another wrestling match... It was at Highland and it was really fun :) And my mom got some pictures none of my friends tho :(

Friday, December 26, 2008



I guess i was on the nice list this year... I got a new camera (i can't stop taking pics!) and an awesome chair from santa. My big brother got me MOUNTAIN DEW pj pants!!!(yeah, i kno ur jealous.) and a bunch more cool things. THX EVERYONE!


Friday, December 19, 2008


This is a post for my cuz Wyatt! He is really cool and i haven't seen him in forever so i thought i should do something :)