Monday, 8 November 2010
Ribbon Storage
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Plaited Bead Headband
I took 5 strands of strong thread, long enough to go round my head, minus 2.5 inches and knotted them together.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010
How to make a Fabric Beaded Necklace

I started with the largest and cut a rectangle of material that would cover it.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Cooking to a timetable
At the moment I am using my iphone as I can set several alarms with notes with each but before that I would set an alarm clock and alter the time for the alarm to go off each time it rang.
Its a constant process of improvement
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Starting out using beads

The quality of most of the beads definately arent upto that of glass beads, and they feel different as well, lighter and not as cold. Some of them (such as the blue) are wooden and are very nice quality. They will give me something to play with, to create new designs and get a feeling for jewellery making. If I dont end up enjoying it I havent lost much money on it, and I can always use them in other projects.
So tuesdays tip is, keep you eyes open in other shops for cheaper alternatives when your just getting started.
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Promarker Tip
When I got a new promarker I colour in 2 sticky dots with it, I then stick one onto the other and pop it onto the flat edge on the lid. One sticker wont do it, the black of the cap makes the colour appear darker so layers is needed. I colour both in so if I dont put the sticker exactly on top of the other theres no white edges.

I can quickly see which one I want.....

....especially as I keep my promarkers in a ferrero rocher box.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010
To verify or not verify, that is the question.
So have a lil think, do you need word verification on your blog? I have all comments emailed to me automatically, and on average check my email twice a day at least. Any spam that might get posted can then be deleted. I have only ever received four spam messages, and thats in about a year, 3 of those were before I removed word verification so it doesnt seem to be a preventative, more of an annoyance.
Today I will show you how to turn word verification off, as well as how to have comments emailed to you. Its very simple
Go to your Dashboard and select "Settings", then "Comments"
Close to the bottom of the page it says "show word verification for comments, yes, no"
Choose the one you want to do.
At the very bottom of this page it says "comment notification email", if you want to receive an email every time you get a comment then fill your email address in here
I hope this helps someone, or at least makes you think :)
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Capturing ideas on your digi camera.
So when walking around and I spot someting I want to have a go at, or I like how certain colours go together **click** its on my mobile, shhhh, if its somewhere I shouldnt be taking piccies I pretend I'm sending/checking a text message. I also make visual shopping lists/pressie ideas for my family so can use this as an excuse as well.
A card I liked the idea of and plan to do something similar (I know its sideways, thats the way I held the phone, lol) I saw these where my sister was staying for a few weeks & thought they were a fab idea, a fairy caught in a jar! so quick **click** and a little reminder on my phone.
This was in a book I was flicking through & I loved the colours (well, colour) especially as an all blue page would bring out my eldest sons stunning blue eyes.
At the NEC a couple of cards I liked the style of.
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Scrapbooking #fail
So instead I thought I'd tell you about what has helped me this year the most when it comes to scrapbooking... is my Scrap Journal.
Its just a recovered diary, but every time I take a picture, that evening I sit down with the Scrap Diary, turn to that date and write in what the photo is about, what it represents and any funny, quirky & as much detail as possible. This way when I come to do a scrapbook page I can turn to the page linked to it and the memories come flooding back, even the little things that I might even forget the next day, like a funny little comment, are all written down.
Sometimes I can copy it straight out and use for the journalling.
My memory is awful, and this way I dont need to worry about it.
Do you have a trick to remembering whats in the photo? or do you have a good memory and dont need to take notes?
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
3d Flowers
Friday, 26 February 2010
How to auto post at a specific time & date
First of all you need to check your blog settings to see if they are at the right time zone..
So on your blog dashboard got to "settings", and then click on the "Formatting" tab

Then scroll down to Time Zone & alter if necessary.

Go write your post, and when you finish, before you save it click on Post Options at the bottom left of the box
A box comes down. On the right its says Post date & time, type in the time and date you want your blog post to be posted.
Finally click publish post, all done!!!
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Talk of Change .....
Mondays are about food, something I've recently cooked, tried out, or a recipe I've come up with/tweaked. On occassion it'll be a recipe I want to try, or a display, such as a cake, that just wows me.
Tip Tuesday:
On Tuesdays I shall be giving away tips that have helped me out, or maybe a tutorial on crafting, and sometimes blogging.
Want to make Wednesdays:
An item, tutorial or some other inspiration I've seen that I want to make or try out.
Papercraft Thursday:
Maybe a card, a box or anything else created out of paper. Sometimes a tutorial, sometimes just showing off what I've made.
Free Choice Friday:
I dabble in a lot of crafts, On fridays I will post items that dont fit into other sections.
Scrapbook Saturday
A way to try & get me scrapbooking on a weekly basis, I have a LOT of photos, and am always adding to them so need to keep going at this, so not only is it motivational but also shows you what I've been upto.
Sewing Sunday:
I keep meaning to sew, wether its just repairs or make something new, I just dont get round to it so now I must ;)
Sundays will be about showing you what I've made, or where I've got up to. Sometimes it'll be a tutorial on how I made something, other times it could be showing what I want to make, or a free pattern I've found.
So thats the plan anyway, there will be other things included as well such as blog hops, or something linked to a specific occassion.
The layout is also going to change slightly, so what I'd like to know from you is what do you like to see on a blog? what do you hate (I really dislike having to type in verification codes, choose a profile etc when posting a comment, I'd like to post a comment, not jump through hoops!)?