Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's a monster

We are just 10 minutes away from Sinks Canyon in Lander. These last couple days the town has been in flash flood warnings, because of the massive amounts of run offs that are coming down the mountain. It's amazing to see how much water there is! Here are a few pictures that we took a while back at the beginning of May, and then the pictures below are what the water looks like now! This is the 2nd highest that the water has ever been. I don't have pictures of it, but there is a big cave that you can go down in, which is called the sink of sink's canyon, it's where the water runs through this cave, and comes out about 1/4 mile down the road, but they've done dye tests, and it takes about 2 1/2 hours for the water to make it's way to the rise. It's really neat, we've walked down in the cave, and it's about 25 feet high. With the spring run off at record heights, the cave is completely filled with water, you can't even tell there is a cave there. These pictures don't do the Popo Agie River justice...that thing is a monster right now! It's unbelieveable. There are so many houses that have so many sandbags around them. It's frightening to see the water and hear it too! We've never heard it from our house, and it's right behind our house, and all night, the water is slashing and throwing stuff! In all reality, it's gorgeous, and very scary too!

This is the start of the flooding pictures.

i've never seen such a fierce river! The town of Hudson (right between Lander and Riverton) is completely flooded right now! They all run off well water, and they are out of water, because it's now all contaminated! We drove through last night, and all the roads but the main one are blocked there is a TON of streets in Hudson, but you get the idea! It's a little frightening when it hits a little closer to home, and you actually witness the damage that this monster of a river can do!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A post, Really?

I think our lives have settled down finally, and it's time to get back to blogging. We moved away from Cheyenne 2 months ago to Lander. Why? Last June, Seth was promoted as a grocery market manager and so they moved us to Cheyenne, well at the end of January or so, the company came up with this BRIGHT plan to eliminate all market manager posiitions throughout the company (applause please). They paid us up until APril 9, when we had to make a decision to look else where for a job, or to find a position within walmart..we looked both places, and nothing outside of walmart was coming up, so he decided to apply for some within the company. He got hired to help manage the store in Riverton, so we decided it would be better to live in Lander instead! Not that I don't think dream catchers and all that stuff aren't cool Lander is just a safer place to live! I'm just sayin. Anyway..we loved every minute of Cheyenne, and would move back there in a second if we could.Seth can start applying for his own store now, so that means that we probably won't be here too much longer! That's just an update on our lives...anyway..before we moved my friend Julia took the girls' pictures for me. I made their skirts, and had so much fun..Poor girls were freezing, the wind was blowing so hard, and it was just down right Cold.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

whats been goin on with us!

ya I know I'm really draggin in the blogging department...anyway...lots been goin on here...these pics are backwards so here ya go. Look who's startin to get really mobile...can u believe it? Didnt I just have her last week? Shhe wasn't too happy in this picture. She is just getting over a bladder infection...she fevered for 6 days, had to swithch medicines, and has been very cuddly and miserable. Kaydree is now 7 months old and has her first two teeth. she is all over the place, is figuring out how to crawl, and is the master roller! She loves to yell at everything, and she loves loves food. her favorites are bananas and potatoes. but give her anything and she is pleased!
here is kennadee and an inside peak of our new house!

gettin so big, she loves cell phones

here is my living room, kinda messy, dont mind that, I have had a sick baby people. You can only clean so much with one hand

here is 1 of 3 new additions to our family. meet Louie

Assition number 2 of his brother dewey.
3 of 3....dun dun dun Duke. He is a 10 month old redbone coon hound. Isnt he just cute? We love him.

here is an outside look of our house.all the land behind is ours!

side of house and more land!

more land and duke of earl

more land of couse, but I just thought these were some cool clouds!

picture explains itself

we also made a trip to the zoo.
spitting is her specialty

Kallue's first day of school

Kennadee sure misses her while she is it school and is constantly asking if its time to pick her up. Its kinda fun just having some mommy and Kennadee time! She is constantly making me laugh

I think this might have been on the way to the zoo..these are the kind of descent pictures I get!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

2 months later, we're still kickin!

okay for all my fellow blog followers..which equal O. I am finally getting around to updating this thing..I can't believe it's been two months since I've posted anything..Lots has been happening here. Here's some pics of my little cutie patootie.

We ended up going to green river for the 4th of July I think?? Anyway..seth's sister, Kim, brought her blow up water slide thingy, and all the cousins came over and the kids had a blast. Kennadee wouldn't get in at all though...and would scream if u would try and put her on the slide. I'm not quite sure how she even got wet.

Kallie loved it and would fly down the slide..I dunno why I don't have any pictures of her.

Kennadee was wet and cold...but yet, she never got in...HHMMMM....

Next, was Frontier days, I apologize right now for anyone that is from Cheyenne and are reading this and are a die hard Frontier days fan..let me tell u right now, it's over rated. Goodness..We went to the parade 2 times, once to see if for real, and the second time for something to do. 2 1/2 hours later it was done..seriously, no floats, nothing...lots of horses, and pioneer people..that's it. dunno what the fuss is about..then we went to the carnival. 5 rides, 80 bucks poorer, and 1/2 hour later, we were headed home! Oh how we love those carnies! The girls had fun while it lasted though.

They make all the rides soo sparkly, it just attracted the girls, left and right!

Kaydree enjoyed herself. Being carried around, and breakin my back.
We went to Culvers tonight to eat, everything 3rd Thursday from 5-8 is Family night we decided to take the girls. They have crafts, activities and face painting there. It was pretty nice..the girls got to eat for 1.00,soo.....for 5 of was 13.00...can't beat that! Kallie decided on a rainbow and a little butterfly.

Kennadee insisted on being a pink kitty. Cutest pink cat I've ever seen.

And all the girls together, Kaydree sadly didn't get her face painted. I don't think she would have sat still long enough to do anything. That brings me to my next point. Talk about a busy body.. Kaydree turned 6 months old at the beginning of August...she has learned to sit up all by herself, and is now slowly starting the process of crawling. She loves to get up on her hands and knees and rock like crazy...sometimes she rocks a little to crazy and face plants, but she gets right back up and continues. She rolls all over the place and she knows how to get what she wants by doing so. She wants to eat anything and everything u have. I feed her prob way to much big kid food, but she screams, so I obey. She loves french fries, and pizza, she is a fan of baby food also. She is such a happy girl, and loves to talk.

We are also moving again. We are staying in Cheyenne, but long story short. Our landlord is a not nice person, and decided he wasn't going to honor our 1 year lease and put the house up for sale. We started looking and found something that fits us more, and gives us a ton more room. I'm so excited to move. We have slowly been moving stuff this week and will have everything completly moved in on Saturday. We are out in the country and our house is 5 years old and sits on 5 acres. I love it , and couldn't be more pleased that our landlord is a jerk. That about sums up what has been happenin with us. More pictures to come of our house, and miss Kaydree!