Thursday, January 25, 2007

the real deal

how do I say it's official with out saying "it's official :) !!!!!!!" ?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Maybe back to the...

Yesterday the most unexpected thing happened to me. I was visiting a former health professor, trying to hit him up for a letter of recommendation for Master’s of Public Health programs. As I approached his office I saw him turning into the men’s restroom and I waived and said “Hi” but he didn’t seem to recognize me. I nervously stood at his office door and waited for him to return. When he returned he asked if I was there to see him, I said I was and we entered his office. I started by mentioning how I had been in his class and how I had used him as a recommender before. He looked dumbstruck and mentally I began to fold. He acted like he didn’t even remember me even though I had been to office just 3 month before.

I began trying to think of ways I could remove myself from the situation, as I lost faith in his ability to produce a viable recommendation for someone he appeared to have forgotten about. He kept asking about my credentials. I told him I wasn’t going to apply to BYU (even though I like their Global Health focus) because I had been rejected before for not having sufficient work experience. I also didn’t feel like my international experience stood out as much in this land of returned missionaries. Then he proceeded to explain a faculty member’s special power of pull for one applicant that doesn’t match all the requirements. He explained that he wanted me as that applicant.

Now I am the one dumbstruck. He did say that this was conditional on me passing “B+ or better” a Statistics class that I now have to complete within a month’s time. Anyway we were getting desperate for something to fall into place, so we welcome this news and are purchasing every Stats help book in the area.

Thank you all for your help and support. I know that some were praying and fasting especially for us just on Sunday. We see this as an immediate blessing and answer to prayers. Hopefully this professor pulls through for us. I’m still applying to other schools as a back up.