
We're excited for HALLOWEEN!!

We have been having fun doing halloween type activities, like decorating sugar cookies and cupcakes, dressing up in our costumes (pics on that later) and halloween clothes. Next on our list painting pumpkins, halloween parties, and watching a scary movie (kreg and I only).
The holidays are so much more fun now that Cecily "gets" it and has fun with it!

Thanks Gram for all the halloween Loot!



This little man is obsessed with his toes and Im obsessed with him!
Oliver at 5 months is:
 "Talking" all the time
Laughing at his sister
wearing 3-6 month clothes
Sleeping in a real crib
sitting up with just a little assistance
Rolling from belly to back(refuses to go from back to belly)
Eating green beans
standing every chance he gets
Still loving his swaddled life and his binky for bed
Still loving the front pack carrier. But mom's shoulders are about done
going on walks sitting in the stroller like a big boy
Playing with toys and loving to read books

I am amazed at how quickly time is passing with Oliver, he is getting so big so fast and doing new things daily. I am trying to charish every min. I can with him!


Summer in October

I NEVER thought I would get the chance to say nor post about having summer weather in October. Especially since last year we had weather like THIS! We have been going on walks at the lake, and even swimming outside. Cecily even got a little sun burn at the park the other day. You know I am not complaining! I am one happy girl with this weather!


pictures of my cute family

 Always so HAPPY!

 Watching home videos together! Cecily's favorite thing to do.

 Found her sitting in her room taking care of her baby, such a good mama!
 Swim lessons

Her new umbrella, she insists on taking that thing everywhere! This day she prayed for rain so she could use it. It did end up sprinkling in the afternoon and its was all she could talk about."Mom I just loved using my umbrella in the rain so much!"


Friend time

 Cecily had some of her fun boy friends over one evening so we set up the tent to they could watch a movie. They loved it and loved being silly inside.
This little friend of CC's is obsessed with reading so naturally I found them on the couch looking at books. Cecily listened to Ella's story very intently.

prima ballerina



CC has seen me wear my sunglasses over my regular glasses a little to often.


Bra? Balero?

(pic from my phone)
The other day I put this balero vest on CC Here is our conversation:
CC "Mom is this for my Boobs?" (I know I should have never used that word)
Me: "What?!"
CC: "Is this like a bra or something?"
Me: Ha Ha Ha No sweets its a balero.
CC: Oh a Bra balero. ok!


Self Portrait

(I have no idea how this ended up sideways)
This is a picture CC drew of herself at school the other day. When she gave it to me in the car she said this is a picture of me, sorry but I have little legs (the 2 small lines under the face). HA HA She really does have short legs so its quite appropriate that she would draw them that way!

1st day of School 2010

This cute girl on her first day of pre school. This year she goes 2 days a week for 2 and 1/2 hours by herself. It will take both she and I some time getting used to it but I know we BOTH need that time apart. She loves being so big and is little miss independent. Its fun for me to spend some one on one time with Oli as well.

4 months stats

4 Months:
13.1 LBS 15%
24 and 1/4 in Long 25%
I gave him some cereal the other day because he was acting hungry and took my smoothie straw out of my cup and started drinking. He took the cereal really well but I will wait a little longer to start on solids. It was more of a see how he did experiment.

Loves his jonny jumper!! Im such a lucky Mama to have such a sweet boy!



Nothing overly exciting happening in our home lately, Kreg went back to school two weeks ago so mostly we have just been adjusting to having him gone a lot more. I am lucky to get to spend my days with these 2! I just cant get enough of their smiles! I have got some pretty happy kids. I feel so blessed to have such great spirited kids, they keep me on my toes while keeping me grounded. They love me unconditionally and try my patience, It can be a very trying job but, I wouldnt trade the opportunity I have to raise my children on earth for anything.
Top is CC at 4 months, Bottom is Oli at 4 months. So fun to see the similarities between the two. Oli is so much chubbier than CC was! I love it!
Note: Oliver is in a smaller basket than CC , I should have done the same one to get the full affect.

Sibling LOVE

Love that these 2 get such a kick out of eachother!!


A new nephew

Im so so excited for Kim & Craig and their new bundle of Joy Eli Paul Fisher! We love him so much already and we cant wait to meet him in a couple of Months! (Times like these its so hard living far away from our Families)

Lucky for Oli he has two boy cousins his same age on both sides of his family!


Can't get enough

Seriously this guy melts my heart! He is growing up so fast (I'd say getting big but he really is tiny).
Things he does at 3 and 1/2 months:
~reaching and grabbing toys,
 ~he "talks" a little but is pretty quiet and calm for the most part.
~He does give us a few really good belly laughs each day that I LOVE!
~ He is just like his sister was and rubs his ears when he is tired (it took me till CC was around 9 months after many dr. appts to chech her ears, to figure out the reasoning behind the ear rubbing)
~He loves to watch people especially his Dad and Sister
~Tollerating tummy time a little more but no where near rolling
~Loves to stand and sit up
~Loves when you make him "run" (move his legs really fast when he's laying down)
~ Wearing 0-3 month clothes
~ Eating 3-4 oz every 3 hours and sleeping 7 hours at night waking up in the a.m. eating and sleeping for 3 more hours.