We have not been too diligent in keeping up with the blog. Facebook has kind of taken the sails out of daily blogging.
I will try and give a brief synopsis of what we have been up since September.
We were supposed to stay in Maryland till Oct 11 and then head to Coffeyville KS to work at Amazon for their “peak season”. Well we had to leave Maryland a week early because we could not tolerate those damn stink bugs anymore. They look for places to hide for the winter and when the weather turned cold we got infested with them in a matter of days. They were so bad that when we brought in the slides to leave I had to get out the shop vac and spend an hour vacuuming them from the slide seals. Finally got all I could find and we headed out.
We made it to Coffeyville of Friday, Oct 11 but we did not have to report for orientation till Thurs the 17. We could have started a week earlier but we would have to work the 5:30am to 4am shift so we waited a week and visited with the Williams and Lehenbauers. The Lehenbauers and us were supposed to be on the same shift but they got the night shift and we still had 1 day off together… for a few weeks then their shift advanced a day and we had no time off together. Fortunately we still got to pal around with the Williams as Bob W. and us worked the same days and hours plus Barb was our dog walker.
We thought that having worked there before and being familiar with the job, Amazon, and the campground things would be a little easier this time but in fact they were worse. The weather was much wetter than 2 years ago and when it rains the campground is just full of mud and puddles. Not much fun when you have to walk the dogs after 10 1/2 at work or when you have to stand in 4 inches of water to get something out the basement storage in the rig. We did not really want to work there this year and were just looking for any excuse not to and finally we decided to just throw in the towel and give our notice. Our bad but we did not retire to work that hard.
So we made arrangements to get in to our site at Bentsen Palms Village early and we said our good byes to our friends and left Coffeyville on Nov 15.
1st stop …was Winstar Casino for 3 days of r n r. This is about the nicest casino RV park we have seen and that includes several in Vegas. And when you sign up for a players card your first night is free and $5 off the regular $25 fee after that. I even came out a winner though Ginger not so much but we had a nice birthday weekend for her and her best birthday present was having her great niece born on her birthday. Better than anything I could give her.
Laila Mackenzie

On Monday we headed to Hondo TX to check out the Alamo area Escapee park.
We stayed there a week for a 1st time visitor rate of $45 plus electric. We spent the week exploring the area thinking this might be a good place to lease a lot to use as a home base. After a week that did not look to promising. It’s a so so small park but really not too much to offer and constant noise from US90 and trains all night long. Office staff was not informative at all.
We did get to visit our friends Dan and Pat Sullivan and Kit and Jerry Bertlesen at Fort Clark Springs in Bracketville. Also made it to San Antonio to see the second installment of the Hunger Games. Both Ginger and I are fans of the books and the movies.

Once our time was up we moved further south to our site at Bentsen Palms. Today we visited with Roger and Joyce Steinmiller. They own a lot a mile up the road at Green Gate Grove and we saw their new pup Hershey and their new Mobile Suites.
Tomorrow it is back to LLano Grande for Thanksgiving dinner with Ed and Marilyn.
Well that catches us up for now.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving