Friday, April 30, 2010

How Keslie kept herself entertained.....

Keslie started to get a little antsy during the graduation ceremony, so I gave her my camera to keep her busy. I had no idea that when I looked at the pictures later, I would find all of these! Brandon and I laughed and laughed as we looked through them. 

Keslie is one funny girl!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


After several long years and lots of hard work, Brandon has graduated!! He is officially a Doctor of Chiropractic!

The graduation ceremony was great but a little surreal because it was hard to believe that he was done. He has been a student our entire married life, so we don't know life outside of Student Loans. I guess it's time to grow up and be adults now!

Since Brandon's Dad is a Doctor also, he was able to present him with his Diploma. He and his Dad have a great relationship, so it meant a lot for him to be able to this.

                   Do we look a little excited?? We were!!! I am so proud of him!!

My Parents were able to come for the Graduation and it was great to see them because it had been a year and a half since we had seen them!

Dr. Krainik and Dr. Krainik!  All of the other pictures of my in-laws are on my mother in-laws camera. She was there too, I just don't have proof!
               Brandon and his buddy Josh

                Brandon and his good friend Joe

             Some of his classmates

My Parents brought my sister's twins and it was fun to see how big they are getting.

Aiden and Xander were really cute. Emma was obsessed with Aiden's red converse for some reason, so he never wanted to take them off because she would steal them!

It was a busy, exciting, fun filled, and exhausting weekend, but it was awesome to celebrate with our Family and Friends. Thanks for all of the love and support throughout our journey!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Our second day in California was spent at Legoland. It was huge, and there were so many fun things for the kids to do. They all had tons of fun!

Jake and Jack posing for a picture on top of a huge Lego piece.

Jack was super excited to see a life size Batman made entirely out of Legos. He stood there and stared at it for the longest time.

Jack was scared and did not want to go this slide at first, but he conquered his fear and learned that he loved it! They went down this slide over and over, and we had to pull them away to go do other things.

There were so many things built out of Legos and the kids loved climbing and posing on them!

Keslie of course loved the Horse ride!

Jake and Keslie taking a quick break from playing in a huge Treehouse.

I love these cute kids!

Jack was super excited to drive his own Lego car, and he even got a driver's license.

Keslie got to drive one too, but since she was 6, she got to go on the bigger race track - such a big girl!

Helicopter ride!

Keslie had fun standing on this circle while water sprayed all around her. She thought it was pretty cool that she didn't even get wet!

We made all of the kids pose in the Lion -

Legoland was so big, that we didn't even get to see and do everything before it closed. The kids have been asking to go back ever since and they were bummed to learn that we didn't have one here in Texas!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Last week Keslie, Jack and I went to California for a quick trip. My in-laws were supposed to come here to visit us a few weeks ago, but didn't end up coming because of work schedules (boo!) My mother in-law was going to be in California the next week, and my sister in-law was going to be driving over from Vegas, so we decided to hop on a plane and join them! Brandon volunteered to stay home with Emma so I could have some time with Keslie and Jack - thanks Babe! The kids have never been to Disneyland so this was the perfect time to take them! 

They knew we were going to California, but they had no idea we were going to Disneyland. They still didn't catch on even when we got to the hotel and it was full of Disney paraphernalia! My mother in-law surprised them with the news and I don't think they quite understood at first, but they had a hard time sleeping that night because they were so excited!
My sister in-laws Brittany and Twink had no idea that we were coming, so were a surprise to them. The cousins had fun together and Gage and Jake were great Disneyland tour guides since they've been before.
We made these poor kids stop and take pictures so often that after a while we only got fake smiles from most of them.

The first ride we went on was Splash Mountain because the line was so short, but this turned out to be a bad idea. Keslie didn't want to go, so she stayed behind with Auntie Brittany, Gracie, and Thatcher. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal for Jack because Gage and Jake were going, and he really looks up to his cousins. He did really well until the first time we went down, and I looked back and the poor kid was crying! He wanted to get off right then and there, so I tried to tell him it was ok, and that it would be over soon. I looked back again when we went down the biggest part and the look on his face was pure terror! I felt awful!!! I think the combination of the dark, the water, and of course the roller coaster part, was too much for our little first timer. He cried for a good 10-15 minutes after we got off the ride, and had to be bribed to go on anymore after that. We stayed away from the roller coasters after that and he warmed up to the rides after he made sure they weren't "going down" again.
My kids loved Toon Town the best but I think it's because they didn't go on any rides! We met Mickey Mouse (after standing in line for waaaaaaay too long!) and they got to walk through Goofy's house. Keslie did go on the Chip and Dale roller coaster with Gage, Jake, and I, but she didn't enjoy it very much and that was her last roller coaster for the day. Gage, Jake,and I all had our hands up, and big grins during the ride and she was holding on for dear life with a panicked look on her face! My kids just don't enjoy roller coasters like I do, and that's ok.
                                                  Meeting Mickey Mouse!!!!
The kids all got to pick out hats from the Mad Hatter store and everyone except Grace picked out a Goofy hat!
Several times a day, they close down Main Street for a parade/dance party. The kids were able to go out and dance with the cast and characters which they loved. I love this picture of Keslie - she is having a blast!
                                                       She was in heaven!
The teacups were a favorite, but not of mine - they made me dizzy, and I'm glad the kids only wanted to go on it 1 time! Don't you love Keslie's super cheesy grin? She was a little tired of me saying 'Look over here and smile". Actually, looking at this picture again, I think they were all sick of it!
                                     Jack loved the Dumbo ride and it was perfect for him.
 The kids loved riding with Mimi and were often fighting over who got to sit with her.
These two boys were super excited to get their Indiana Jones hats and swords. They both wore them pretty much the whole trip!
  Buzz Lightyear ride - really fun for Jack.
I have to share this picture because my mother in-law is so funny and it's one of the many reasons why I love her. You have to click on the picture to make it bigger and see her better, but it's so funny! The kids got to hold onto a rope and do the Conga around in a circle, so she went with them just to watch over them, but I think she had a little fun herself! She was totally joking, and I was actually trying to take a picture of the kids, but it was pretty funny to catch this picture of her!
               We had so much fun at Disneyland and I'm so glad I was able to take the kids!!!