Sunday, July 19, 2009

You know you've had a good nap.....

when you wake up and your hair looks like this!!!! Her hair was sticking straight up and it was so cute and so funny looking at her. Keslie and Jack thought it was pretty funny too, we all had a good laugh over it. Emma even laughed with us!

This picture did not turn out, but I still love it because it shows how crazy her hair really looked. We love you Em, even when your hair looks like this!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


The kids asked me yesterday morning if we could do something fun, and since the past few days had been really "blah", I agreed that we needed to get out. One of our local water parks holds a "Splash 'N Story time" on Friday mornings for free. A librarian comes, reads a couple of stories, sings a couple of songs, and then the kids get to play in the water for a little while. It was fun, but I think Emma agreed with me that it was pretty hot considering it was only 10am. Good thing the water was cold!
Jack loved stepping on these holes that squirt water out of the ground. He got pretty good at aiming it and hitting other people!

Keslie was excited to see a couple of her friends there, and they had fun running around together.
Jack of course loved shooting the water gun, but what little boy wouldn't?
They stopped long enough to pose for me. They thanked me all day for taking them here, and they definitely want to come back next week!
***Thanks for all of the sweet comments and phone calls about my last post. I really appreciate it and it made me feel better reading them, and hearing from some of you! I was a little down the past few days, but I'm starting to feel better. I keep reminding myself that we only have about 9 months left, which really isn't that long. There is a light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks again!!!***

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Burned out....

I try not to vent on this blog and I try to keep it positive, but I am burned out.

-I am reeeeally far behind on my blogging and it makes me tired just thinking about it

-I have stacks of paperwork that need to be filed and an office that need some serious organizing

-My best friend who I talk to daily is leaving out of town for 2 weeks

-I love my kids, but they are driving me a little bit crazy right now

-I was supposed to go to Utah this weekend to see my family,Brandon was going to keep the kids, but he has clinical rotations, so I can't go. It's not his fault, but it still sucks

-I'm tired of school, I can't wait for it to be over

-I'm tired of eating dinner alone because my husband has to be at school so much - again not his fault, but it still sucks

-I'm tired and my back hurts all the time and it is really frustrating

-I need a break