Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This is my new favorite picture of Kes. She was having so much fun riding in the Power Wheel, that she didn't even care that it was cold out.

Keystone - Day 3

On our last day in the Mountains, we all went Ice Skating. Brandon stayed inside with Emma while I took Keslie and Jack. It's been a long time since I've been so I wasn't very graceful on the ice. Keslie had never been so I pretty much held her up while she scooted her feet back and forth. Twink took turns helping her on the ice so I could pull Jack in his sled, and so my back could take a rest from holding Keslie up. (Thanks Twink!) Me and my little twin.

After a while Keslie got tired and shared Jack's sled with him.

They were lucky enough to get pulled around by Uncle Noah. He was much faster than Mommy!

Maybe this should have been our Christmas card?!

We had a lot of fun at Keystone. Keslie said her favorite part was skiing, and Jack said his favorite part was building snowmen and eating chocolate.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Keystone - Day 2

Keslie headed off to Ski School again, and I was able to go and watch her and take lots of pictures. She did really well and had so much fun. She loved riding the "Magic Carpet" (small ski lift for kids) and going to the Mountain (hill). She was supposed to wait for her teacher at the top of the hill before going down, but she would just go ahead and go because she didn't want to wait for him. Her teacher was this super nice guy named Victor, but he kept calling her "Keserwee" because he couldn't say her name. Maybe that's why she wouldn't wait for him when he was calling her name, because she thought he was talking to somebody else! Riding the "Magic Carpet".
Being stopped by her Teacher cause she wasn't waiting for him. He was trying to show her the right way to go down.

Good job Kes, you'll be a pro in no time!

Brandon spent the day with Jack. He took him sledding and they built snowmen together. They actually built 3 snowmen and Jack named them Joe, Jack Jr., and Batman.
He was trying to make a snow angel, but gave up and just started rolling in the snow.

Uncle Chance took him sledding on his snowboard.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Keystone - Day 1

After Christmas we headed up to the Mountains to stay in Keystone. Keslie and all of the other cousins were able to go to Ski School for the first time and they all had a blast. Our little skier taking a break for a quick picture.
Jack could have to gone to ski school this year, but it was from 8am-4pm and Brandon and I both agreed that we thought it would have been too much for him. He was a little sad, but he got lots of one on one attention that made up for it.
He got to hang out with me and Emma in our jammies, eat pop tarts and watch HigglyTown Heroes.

He got to spend the afternoon with me and Mimi, have lunch, and watch fudge being made.

He got to ride on a bus, and play in the snow.

My in-laws were great and got a baby-sitter to come to the mountains with us so all of the parents could go skiing. I have only been skiing once and it's been a long time since I've snowboarded, so I decided to stay off the mountain this year. I am a bit of a klutz, so I was pretty sure that I would have come back with an injury.Maybe next year?
Brandon had fun skiing though, and I was glad he got to go since obviously he doesn't get to do that here in Texas!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas - Part 3

Christmas day was filled with lots of presents, good food, and fun. K and J were so excited that Santa found them at Mimi and Papa's house and didn't forget about them. They both got lots of fun presents and were so excited to play with all of their new toys. My parents and Brandon's parents got them some really fun new toys and clothes that they loved. Opening his socking that was filled with candy, toothpaste, and a new toothbrush.
Keslie was a little frustrated that I was making her pose for a picture when she was trying to open presents. She kept saying "Mooooom, hurry".

My in-laws bought this Power Wheel for all of the grandkids to ride when they come to visit. Emma had a great first Christmas going for a ride with Gracie and Kirra.

Snuggling with Mimi and Papa.

Later that night everyone had a Marshmallow Gun Fight. My nephew Gage was the funniest one to watch because he really got into it and we even overheard him saying to his brother Jake, "Fall and retreat, fall and retreat!" It was so funny to listen to him.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve - Part 2

While my Father in-law read about the Savior's birth, the grandkids acted out the story. Keslie was Mary, Jack was Jospeh, Kirra was baby Jesus, Jake was a Shepherd, and Gage was a Wiseman. (Lovey and Soren were with their other grandparents that night) Earlier that day, the older cousins exchanged gifts that they had gotten for each other. It was fun watching them get so excited to give their gifts.
Keslie had another birthday celebration while we were there. She kind of lucks out that her birthday is near Christmas because she gets to celebrate it more than once!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas in Colorado - Part 1....

After driving 15 hours, we made it to Colorado. The trip was fun and the kids we REALLY good. I think they watched 6 movies, colored, and slept. Emma did great too, and we only had to stop a few times to feed her and let the kids stretch. We drove through Kansas and it was a boring drive. I fell asleep a few times and each time I woke up the scenery looked exactly the same.
The kids were so excited to see their cousins, and it was fun seeing them all together again. We got to meet Baby Kirra for the first time and Emma got introduced to some new people too.
One of the many activities we did while we were there was making Christmas Cookies. The cousins all had fun decorating and eating the cookies.

Here are all of the cute little cousins in their matching aprons.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pain in the neck....

That's what car accidents are, but for me though they literally are a pain in the neck! I have been seeing a great Chiropractor 3 times a week since the accident. I have to travel 30 minutes each way, but it's worth it. I have still been having headaches, and my neck still hurts sometimes, but seeing the Chiropractor has helped so much. Brandon just started doing his Internship at the Student Clinic at his school, so the kids and I will be seeing him now. The kids love going to his school so it will be fun for us to go and spend some time with Brandon.
We found out that our car was totalled and couldn't be fixed, so then we had to go car shopping again. After about 3 weeks of driving a rental car, we got our new van. I love it and I'm so happy to be driving it. I am a little more cautious when driving now, especially at night, but I am still so grateful that our accident was only minor.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Preschool Chirstmas Party.....

On the last day before Christmas break, the kids each had a Christmas program and party. Thankfully they were about a half an hour apart, so I was able to go to both parties. Keslie got to decorate cookies and then she had a book exchange with her classmates.

They also put on a little program for the parents and she did great singing all of the cute songs.

Jack was fun to watch too. He started out great singing all of the words and doing all of the hand motions....

Then I think he realized there were lots of eyes on him because he got shy, covered his face, and stopped singing for a few songs....

Then it was time for him to play the drum, and he was ready to go again! He did a great job keeping up with the song and he actually has some rythym. Who knew?! Maybe a musical instrument will be in his near future?

Happy Birthday Keslie!!!

Happy Birthday Sweet girl! We can't believe that you are 5 already, where has the time gone? You are such a fun, caring, loveing girl who makes friends easily and is very creative. We love all of the funny things you say and do, and we love to see your beautiful artwork all over the house. We are so happy that you are part of our family and we love you so much Kes!
When we went to wake up Keslie to sing and give her birthday dough-doughs, Jack burst into tears. We asked him what was wronng and in between sobs he said "It's not my dirday". Brandon and I had to hold back our laughter as we tried to explain to him that his birthday would be soon and he could have dough-doughs and a party then. He was still upset, so I went downstairs and put 3 doughnuts on a Batman plate with a candle and he was happy after that.
Keslie was really excited about her party and having her friends over. She had so much planning her party and picking out everything. The main thing she wanted was a pinata or a "pinnana" as she called. She picked out a Barbie pinanta, Barbie invitations, and pink princess plates. She also wanted chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting and blue sprinkles.

The party was fun and it was even more fun to watch them all hit the pinata. We didn't have anywhere to hang it so I ended up standing on a chair and holding it while trying to avoid getting hit with the plastic bat. Luckily I didn't get hit!
She got lots of fun presents, but the most popular toy was the hula-hoop. Everyone wanted a turn, and it was pretty entertaining watching a bunch of 5 year olds trying to hula-hoop!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


SPOILERS ahead!!! If you haven't seen the movie yet and you don't want to read about it, then you might want to skip this post. You do need to see the movie though, it was good! I was supposed to see Twilight the night it came out with my BFF Brit, but that was the same night I was in the car accident, so obviously I didn't make it to the movie. The past few weeks have been a little busy, so yesterday I finally got to see it. Brandon took K and J to see BOLT, while Emma and I saw Twilight.
I had really high hopes for this movie because I love the books so much, but I know that movies are never as good as books, so I tried to keep that in mind. The beginning of the movie seemed to move a little slow, but it did pick up and I was soon caught up in it and found myself really enjoying it. It was a little weird at first because I didn't feel like I was watching the Twilight movie, I felt like I was watching something completely different because some of it was different than I had pictured it in my head. (Does that make sense?) I found myself catching different things and saying to myself "That's not how it happened in the book" or "They left out this part", but then I sat back and tried to forget all of that and just enjoy it. It was definitely a little cheesy, but so are the books, and that's part of the reason I love them so much.
Here are some of my thoughts on the movie and the characters:
Soundtrack - Awesome! The song that is on the top of my blog play list is Bella's lullaby and I can't stop listening to it. I love, love, love piano music, so this song has quickly become my new favorite.
Bella - Pretty close to what I had pictured in my head. I liked her.
Edward - Before I saw the movie I was really disappointed in who they had chosen, and even during the first part of the movie I still didn't like him, but he did grow on me. The one complaint I do have is the scene in the meadow where he shows Bella what he looks like in the sun, could have been so much better. He should have been a lot more toned and they should have shaved his chest. Sorry, but Edward is supposed to have smooth skin like marble, no chest hair!
Alice - I liked who they picked, but her character seemed a little timid and Alice isn't timid.
Emmett - Pretty good choice except he needed to be way more ripped.
Rosalie - Good choice. I don't like her anyway, so I didn't really care who they picked for her.
Carlisle - I really liked Carlisle except they made him a little too white.
Esme - Another good choice, but I kept thinking about Grey's Anatomy every time I saw her. (She played the pregnant lady Ava that Karev saved, and then she later went crazy)
Jasper - He was just plain scary! Why did he look like his eyes were glued open? Hopefully in the next movie he tones it down a bit.
Jacob - Great choice, totally likeable.
Charlie's House - His house was almost exactly like I had pictured, it was perfect!
Cullen's House - A little different than I had thought, but I still liked it.
Favorite Scene - I loved the baseball scene. It's one of my favorite parts in the book, so I was really happy to see that part. I also loved the scene where Edward and Bella are in the tree just hanging out and talking, loved it.
After the movie was over, I decided I need to see it again so I can sit back and enjoy it more and not be so critical over every little detail. It was a good movie and I can't wait for the second one to come out. New Moon is my favorite book out of the whole series, so it will be fun to see it come to life. After I saw the movie yesterday, I started reading the book for the 3rd time. I can't get enough!
Twink and Brit - Even though I just saw it, I would love to see it again in Colorado!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I haven't done a tag for a while, thanks McKinley!

3 Joys:

3 Fears:
-Losing someone I love
-Not being perfect
-Getting in another car accident

3 Goals:
-Loose the baby weight
-Get caught up on my scrapbooking
-Be a better wife

3 current Obsessions:
-Food blogs
-Real Housewives of the OC

3 Surprising Facts:
-I am superstitious
-I really don't like snow, but I am excited to move to Colorado
-I haven't seen Twilight yet - I know, I know! ( I really want to, just haven't yet)

6 Quirks:-
-I love to eat cereal at night before going to bed

-When I floss my teeth I always have to start on the top left work my way over to the right, floss the bottom right, and then finish on the left. I do this every time.

-I check the alarm and the locks every night at least 3 times before going to bed

-I think about food and scrapbooking way too much

-I love to plan ahead, but sometimes drive myself and my husband crazy in the process

-I get really moody when my house is a mess, and it drives me crazy until it's clean

I am tagging - Brit (either one), Alicia, and Chesney

Monday, December 1, 2008

4 months old.....

Seriously where have the last 4 months gone? Oh wait, I know! They were spent changing countless diapers, washing loads of pink clothes, getting up during all hours of the night, feeding, feeding, and more feeding, and of course loving on this adorable little thing that we call Emma.
She just had her 4 month check up and she weighs 15 pounds 7 oz. and she is 25 inches tall.
She is sleeping in her crib, but still wakes up several times a night. She is still loving the binky (yay!) and she still won't take any formula, but we are ok with that. She loves K and J except when they are too loud around her or a little too rough. She is quick to smile and laughs easily when tickled or just when you make funny faces at her. She will turn her head searching for me whenever she hears my voice. She doesn't like tummy time, but we are still working on it anyway. She still loves to be swaddled and will fall asleep almost instantly when she is wrapped up nice and tight and has her binky. She is such a good, sweet baby and we can't get enough of her!