Friday, March 30, 2007

Meet the Robinsons....

We all know how much Keslie loves going to movies. She has been asking for weeks to go see this movie, and finally today we could take her to see it. It was a really cute movie and the kids enjoyed it. It's so fun for Brandon and I to watch the kids watch the movie. (did that make sense?) When it was over Keslie told me it was a good movie. I'm sure we will be adding this to our ever growing collection when it comes out on DVD. Keslie and Jack love their movies!

General Conference starts tomorrow and we will be watching it on our computer. In Utah we could watch it on basic cable, but here in Texas we would have to have satelite to watch it. We could go to the Stake Center, but it would be much easier with the kids to stay home. I always enjoy General Conference because of the great messages, but also because we get to lounge around in our pajamas and not feel guilty!

Have a great weekend everyone! Love - Kaitlyn

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Keslie says the funniest things....

Most of you know that Keslie goes to Speech Therapy twice a week for her speech delay. She does an hour of Language Preschool with 5 other kids and then 1/2 an hour of individual with her teacher Miss Emily. Jack and I watch through a one way mirror during her individual session. Today her teacher was having her look at cards with pictures of people that were either happy or sad and Keslie was supposed to tell her which one it was. There was a picture of a girl with her head down covering her face, and this is how the conversation went...
Miss Emily: Is the girl happy or sad?
Keslie: Sad
Miss Emily: Why is she sad?
Keslie: She lost her cat
Miss Emily: Do you have a cat?
Keslie: Yeah
Miss Emily: What is your cat's name?
Keslie: No, I have a dog
We don't have a cat or a dog!!!
The next picture was of a boy who was sitting on the ground next to a bike and he was crying.
Miss Emily: Is the boy happy or sad?
Keslie: Sad
Miss Emily: Why is he sad?
Keslie: He fell off his bike and got an owie and he needs a bandaid.
Miss Emily: Maybe his mommy can get him a bandaid
Keslie: No, his tummy hurts, he needs medicine. He needs to go poo-poo.
Her teacher was trying not to laugh, and I was laughing so hard I almost had to leave the room so they wouldn't hear me. Keslie is such a character, I don't know where she comes up with this stuff. She's got quite the imagination!

Yesterday the kids were coloring on their chalkboard while I took a few pictures of them. Keslie was drawing bugs, and she was concentrating very hard. The first picture is the look she gave me when I asked her to stop and smile at me. I guess she didn't want to be interrupted!

I love this chalkboard that we got a IKEA, it was only $20.00 and the kids love it. We also bought our sectional from there and a few other things too. I love going there and making a day of it by shopping and then eating the great food they have. I think I need to make another trip out there soon, I haven't been for a while and I'm sure they have something new I need!

It's time to go make dinner, give the kids a bath, and then bedtime. (yay!) We played outside for an hour today so they should be worn out and ready for bed, I know I am anyway!
Love you all, Kaitlyn

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Girl's night out....

Tonight some of the girls and I went out to celebrate my birthday. We went to this awesome store called Sam Moon where I bought this cute new bag, and then we ate at The Cheesecake Factory. The food was sooo good and we had such a great time together. I just wanted to give a little shout out to all my "Preserve's Girls" and say thank you for all being so sweet and for being such great friends. I always have so much fun whenever I hang out with any of you, and I love living in this ward and neighborhood! I am looking forward to our next get together. - Kaitlyn

Friday, March 23, 2007

"Happy to you Mom!"

This is what sweet little Keslie kept saying to me all day. She was so close she just left out "birthday", but I knew what she meant! My birthday was really great. I of course was woken up with the traditional dough-doughs, which is great because who doesn't love chocolate first thing in the morning? I think Keslie and Jack ate more than I did though. Brandon then took the kids and got breakfast for us while I relaxed a little . Later I went and got my hair done, and yes I CHOPPED it off. Let me tell you it feels so much better, I love it! I was tired of the long hair and I needed something that was faster to do in the morning. I am really happy with the color and Brandon loves it too. Now Keslie and I look even more alike. :)
After I got my hair done I picked up the babysitter and Brandon took me on a date. We went to Outback (yum!) , and then we saw Wild Hogs. This movie was sooo funny, and I am very happy it wasn't a cartoon! It was nice to get out and my birthday was great.
Tomorrow I am going out to dinner with my friends and then we are going to go shopping. I'm looking forward to hanging out with the girls, we always have fun together.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Love, Kaitlyn

Thursday, March 22, 2007

2 years ago....

on my birthday Keslie bit through her tongue and had to have surgery. Well last night on our Anniversary I took Jack to the ER. He had been running a fever all day and I felt like he was breathing heavy and he couldn't really catch his breath. I took him in at 7:30 pm and he had a fever of 103.3 so they gave him Motrin and then did a chest x-ray just to be safe. If anybody reading this has not used Motrin for their kids, use it, this stuff is awesome! Within 20-30 minutes his fever came down and he was feeling so much better. The Dr. said he must have a virus and to keep giving him Motrin until the fever breaks. He ended up sleeping in our bed (thank goodness for a big bed!) and around 2am he was running a fever again so I gave him some more medicine. This morning he is still a little clingy but no fever, so let's hope he keeps feeling better.

This first picture is of him after a looong day with no nap and not feeling too good. The poor boy had to be tortured by his crazy mom before he could go to bed so she could take a few pictures to remember the moment.

The weather has been kind of yucky this week so we have been stuck in the house, I think the kids and I are getting a little cabin fever. Keslie had spring break from speech this week and I can tell she misses it because she keeps asking when she gets to go again. I do need to run to the store and since Jack is feeling a little better, maybe we will venture out to the store for a quick trip. Tonight is Grey's Anatomy (yay!) so I also need to clean up the house a little so I can realx later. Talk to y'all soon - Kaitlyn

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy 4 years babe!

Time flies when your'e having fun! I feel like we have been married longer than 4 years, but in a good way. The last 4 years have been full of so many great things, and I know it will only get better. Thanks for being such a great husband and father, and for working so hard. Thanks for making me laugh and keeping me on my toes. I love you babe! -Kaitlyn

I finally got some scrapping done! I love when I am able to sit down and make a dent in the piles of pictures I need to catch up on. Maybe I just take too many pictures?!
Two of these pages were inspired by two of my favorite scrappers. I love the one of Jack because the colors are so soothing to me, and of course because it's a cute picture. The one of Keslie was fun beacuse I cut out all of the flowers, leaves and vines with my exacto knife. It took a while but it was fun and I'm happy with the way it turned out. What a cutie she was, and still is! In honor of our Anniversary I did the page of Brandon and I. I realized while trying to find a picture to use, that we really don't have any current pictures of just the two of us. I'm always behind the camera and he's always holding one or both of the kids. Hopefully we can get some new pictures of just the 2 of us.

Poor Jack-Jack woke up with a fever and a stuffy nose this morning, so my to do list is going to be put on hold. He is such a cuddly boy and when he's sick he just wants to be held, so I am putting my plans on hold today so we can hang out and try to make him feel better. He is getting a few new teeth so that could be the problem, but who knows because there has been a lot of nasty stuff going around. I just hope he feels better soon!

Monday, March 19, 2007

I love Mondays....

Mondays are my favorite day of the week because I love the feeling of having the whole week to look forward to. It just feels like a new start with so many possibilities to get so much done.
We had a great weekend, it was nice to hang out as a family. We took the kids outside to ride their bikes, which is their favorite thing to do. Keslie is getting a lot better at pedaling, but if she wants to go fast, she still uses her feet. Jack got bored after a while and started walking, so Brandon and I took turns carrying his bike. I love the picture of him walking with his hand in his pocket, he looks like a little man!
Earlier today Jack was playing with his cars when one of them went under his crib. He crawled under it to get his car out and he just stayed under there playing and talking to himself. I grabbed my camera and took a few cute pictures of him. Of course Keslie didn't want to be left out, so then she crawled under the crib and wanted me to take her picture too. Everything has to be fair around here!
I hope everyone has a great week! Love you all - Kaitlyn

Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm so glad when Daddy comes home....

Brandon got home from Las Vegas last night (yay!) It's soooo nice to have him home, I am not cut out to be a single mom. I am glad he was able to go and have fun with the guys. This was a much deserved break for him from school cause he's been working really hard.
I know the kids really missed him. Keslie kept asking if he was at school, and I told her "No he's in Las Vegas" then she would say "Oh with Jake". She is so smart! Everytime I would open the door poor little Jack would come running saying "Daddy, daddy". Keslie would then say "No Jack, he's in Las Begas" (not Vegas, Begas!). These kids are too funny!
Here are some pictures I just took of the kids in their new racing gear, thanks Papa! The kids love their new outfits, but they loved the candy and toothbrushes more!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Thanks Jack....

for making me smile!
So this afternoon was pretty bad. I won't go into details, but I will say that bedtime couldn't have come soon enough! Every night we all read stories together on Keslie's bed, and Jack got down and decided to go play while I finished reading to Keslie. After I had tucked her in and given her lots of goodnight kisses, I walked out of her room to see this. Jack had climbed into this bin and was just sitting there talking to himself. It made me smile and even laugh a little. I needed a change in my mood and this helped a lot. Most days around here are pretty good and then there are those days that are just HARD. I know this whole motherhood thing is not always supposed to be easy, but it's just so intense. Keslie and Jack are great kids but it's just so tiring and they require SO much attention All the time. I just feel like I could really use a break right now. I really need to step back, regroup, and adjust my focus a little. I'm really burned out right now, and I feel guilty because I don't feel like I am giving everything I can give.
I think this picture of Keslie is a great example of how I am feeling right now. I think maybe I just need to put on a bandaid, Keslie thinks they fix everything! I'm off to bed, I know sleep would do me a lot of good right now. Let's hope tomorrow is a better day. Night all - Kaitlyn

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Weekend plans....

I am hoping this weekend goes by fast, and I decided to stay busy by doing some projects around the house. I am going to clean and organize the office, and clean out the hall closet. I am also going to work on some scrapbooking, I have soooo much to catch up on. I just feel like every time I get the chance to do it, I am just too tired. I have a goal set of doing 2 pages a week and 1 card. Last week I didn't do any projects, so this weekend my goal is to finish 4 pages and a few cards. I have done 1 page already and I will post them all when I am done. Wish me luck on finishing everything! - K

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Preschool flight training....

On Friday night we went to Fort Worth to see Scotty! He was on his way to Phoenix, but he stopped in Texas for a few hours, and we were able to hang out with him. He let us check out his plane and the kids got to sit in the pilots seats and "fly" the plane. They LOVED it, they thought it was the coolest thing ever! (Thanks Scott!) Keslie keeps talking about the airplane. It was so fun to see Scott and to catch up with him a little. We hope it's not to long before we get to see him again!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Here are some new pictures....

taken with my NEW camera!!!! Brandon surprised me with an early birthday/anniversary gift (thanks babe!) I have been wanting a new camera for a while and I am so happy to have such a nice camera. This camera does action shots and takes the picture really fast, so I don't miss anything. I love how close I can get and the picture turns out clear. Now I am going to have even more pictures to scrapbook, I better start working on getting caught up!