Wednesday, April 24, 2013

World Book Night 2013

Thumbnail GiverPoster
Last night was World Book Night. World Book Night U.S. is a celebration of books and reading. 25,000 volunteers across America gave a total of half a million books within their communities last night. I was fortunate enough to be a World Book Giver. I applied to be one earlier this year, and yesterday I gave away copies of The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan to many lucky kids. My two oldest children devoured his series, so I hope this book sparks a love of reading for others.

Here is my box of awesome that I picked up from a local library (a cute little library called East River Library).
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Due to heavy rain (again) in the Midwest, my original vision of skipping through the ball park giving away books to baseball players or their siblings was thwarted. But luckily I had a great back up plan. I attended my son's Cub Scout pack meeting and gave books to the older 4th grade boys. The boys were so polite and appreciative. It made my night! I wasn't able to give away all twenty books, so tonight I will give out my last five at the ball park.

This is such an amazing program, and I'm so proud to be a part of it. I love promoting literacy any way I can, and what better way but giving away free books. If you would like to apply to be a book giver next year, see here for details.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Three Questions With Leigh T. Moore

Leigh T. Moore (or LTM as many of us call her) is one of my favorite new authors. I read two of her books last year and loved them, and lucky me (and lucky you!), her next book comes out today! I read this in three days so I have three questions for lovely Leigh.
1. What are three adjectives that would best describe your main character, Ashley?

Ashley's sort of a contradiction. She's very laid back and "live and let live," but she's also a fighter. She has a strong sense of justice. The bulk of the story is her acting out in a rebellious and self-destructive way, but it's all fueled by her grief and anger over this bad thing that happened to her family. In her mind, they always did everything "right," so she thinks it's unfair and unjust. And she's mad.
Rebellious is right. You won't believe what illicit prank she pulls at school!
2. I was excited that I was able to read a companion to The Truth About Faking the following year after it debuted. How long did it take you to write (from first draft to last revision) The Truth About Letting Go?

I actually started writing Letting Go right after I finished Faking back in Spring 2010. I had an idea of what I wanted to do with it, but when I got about 15K words in, I stalled. I couldn't figure out what to do next, and I was too distracted by this other story in my head. (That other story became my book Rouge.) So Letting Go just sat on my computer for a few years. Then the popularity of Faking prompted me to go back to it, read it, and start thinking about how I could finish it. I finished writing it in November 2012, then I spent Dec-Jan revising. So I guess 2.5 years? I'm so happy with how it turned out, I'm really kind of glad I put it away until I had a clear vision of the ending.
And I thank you for revisiting this story! I love the realistic teen romance, but also that it deals with serious real life issues.

3. What would your main characters' favorite song (or band) be? 

I don't know if this is cheesy, but I kind of pictured Ashley as having a Ryan Adams moment, or even Fall Out Boy--Thnks Fr Th Mmrs and Sugar, We're Going Down. Colt's probably more into AC/DC... He's just having fun, whereas Ashley's got a vendetta. Jordan's probably a Fun. guy. LOL!
I could totally see Jordan turning up the Fun (but not too loud). :)

Here are the deets on LTM's fab new YA novel. Thanks, Leigh!

A companion to The Truth About Faking (link) (not a sequel; the books can be read out of order), The Truth About Letting Go (link) takes readers back to Shadow Falls, or more specifically Shadow Creek, with Ashley Lockett as she learns about friendship, love, and letting go.
Get me
The Truth About Letting Go (link) by Leigh Talbert Moore Ashley wants to smash everything in her once-perfect life. Charlotte wants to walk in Ashley's seemingly charmed shoes. Colt wants to turn Smalltown USA on its ear--with Ashley at his side. Jordan wants to follow his heart--but Ashley is the one sacrifice he never expected to make. Up until now, Ashley Lockett has followed the rules. She's always done the right thing, played it safe, gone to church. And then her ideal life is shattered when her dad dies suddenly. Now she's miserable and furious, and she decides to do everything opposite of how she lived before. She rejects safety, rules, faith, and then she meets Jordan. Jordan has big dreams, he's had a crush on Ashley for years, he's a great kisser... but he's also safe. Enter Colt. He is not safe, and he's more than willing to help Ashley follow her plans. Get it today on Amazon * Barnes & Noble * iTunes * Kobo Add it on Goodreads. About the Author:
Leigh Talbert Moore is a wife and mom by day, a writer by day, a reader by day, a former journalist and editor, a chocoholic, a caffeine addict, a lover of YA and new adult romance (really any great love story), a beach bum, and occasionally she sleeps. -The Truth About Faking is her debut young adult romance (on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Kobo) -Rouge is her first New Adult romantic suspense novel (on Amazon). Leigh loves hearing from readers; stop by and say hello! Blog * Facebook * Amazon Author page * Goodreads * Twitter * Tumblr

Monday, February 11, 2013

Random Thoughts While Watching the Grammy Awards

I love music, so I had to watch the Grammys last night. Here are my random thoughts while watching...
And if you want to know the winners, check here. (Who do I look like, KK Cool P?)

1. Grammys intro featured many animated hands in the crowd throwing the devil horns   Though the Grammy awards doesn't feature much rock 'n' roll. Duuuude! More rock 'n' roll, please!!

2. Taylor Swift's white outfit and boots look ever so cute. Like ever. Though the creepy guy on the tricycle has the maniacal laugh of Tom Cruise.

3. I cannot stand that Rihanna is back with Chris Brown, but she looks gorgeous in her red lips and dress!

4. LL Cool J is cute, but a bit dry. Need a funnier host!

5. JLo is Jolieing!

6. Adele, of course! She is amazing. I wanted Kelly Clarkson to win, but Adele is pretty amazing.

7. NPH! Love him! He's legen...wait for it...dary!

8. Random fact: When I first heard FUN. on the radio, I thought it was Tracy Chapman singing.

9. John Mayer's head is twice the size of Bonnie Rait's.

10. Not a country fan, but Tim McGraw and Faith Hill make a super hot couple.

11. Three words: Johnny Depp's cheekbones!

12. I love me some JT, but "Suit and Tie" is not my fave song of his...

13. Dave Freaking Grohl!!!!!!

14. Why aren't any of the Best Rock Performance nominees real ROCK bands?!!!!

15. Lose the shirt, Adam!!! (Great duet with Alicia Keys.)

16. This Kelly was rooting for Kelly! Woot! Great acceptance speech. What a voice!

17. Did you know that Bruno Mars is 5'5'? The crowd was loving his song with Sting!

18. PRINCE! (He's 5'2".) One of the most talented musicians ever!

19. I see that Halestorm won best Hard Rock/Metal Performance, but it wasn't aired. What the H?!

20. Finally! Tom Morello, Travis Barker, and Chuck D! Argh! Performance is cut off...Can you tell that I'd love to see more rock 'n' roll on this awards show?

What did you think of the Grammys?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2012 is so last year


But I read some amazing books and listened to some awesome music.
Here's the roundup.

I generally read YA and MG, but books for adults dominated my nightstand this year, as well as some amazing indie titles.  So many great novels. My fave book of the year? GONE GIRL by Gillian Flynn. Fave new author of the year? Leigh T. Moore. And yes, I even read the Fifty Shades trilogy. In the words of Anastasia, "Holy crap!"

Here's what I read, yo.

Dance on Fire by James Garcia Jr
Cold Cereal by Adam Rex
This Burns My Heart by Samuel Park
On the Bright Side by SR Johannes
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
The Fourth Stall Part 2 by Chris Rylander
Pearl by Jo Knowles
Definitely Dead by Charlaine Harris
All Together Dead by Charlaine Harris
Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James
Fifty Shades Darker by EL James
Fifty Shades Freed by EL James
The Color of Bones by Tracy Edward Wymer
Darth Paper Strikes Back by Tom Angleberger
Hourglass by Myra McEntire
The Classroom by Robin Mellom
The Truth About Faking by Leigh T. Moore
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
My Very UnFairy Tale Life by Anna Staniszewski
Rouge by Leigh T. Moore
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsey Leavitt
How To Survive Ancient Spells and Crazy Kings by Laura Pauling
String Bridge by Jessica Bell

On to movies. I'm  not a huge movie watcher due to lack of time, but I noticed I rewatched a lot of classics this year, and of course, movies with my kiddos.

Phantom Menace 3D
Weekend Pass
Hunger Games
The Avengers
The Amazing Spiderman
Magic Mike
The Three Stooges
Hotel Transylvania
Dumb and Dumber
Breaking Dawn 2
This is 40
Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Story
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
The Big Miracle

I love me some rock 'n' roll, so my top three rock songs of 2012 are these.

"Gluttony" by BUCKCHERRY (Got to hear this live a few weeks ago! Rated R btw.)

"You Waste Your Time" by TREMONTI  (Awesome guitar riffs, and I won a signed guitar from this guy last year, too.)

"Still Swingin'" by PAPA ROACH (I get see hear this song live in a few weeks! If you lika da zombies, this video reminds me of the last book of Carrie Ryan's zombie trilogy!)

What are your favorite books, movies or songs of 2012?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Three Questions with Laura Pauling

Published by Pugalicious Press
When Bianca and Melvin brave the jungle to rescue their grandfather, they stumble upon the ancient Maya city of Etza, where the people haven’t aged in 2,000 years. They must learn to work together as they face loincloth-wearing skeletons from the underworld, a backstabbing princess, and an ancient prophecy that says in three days the city will be destroyed. No problem. They’ll find Zeb and zip right out of there. The fact that a crazy king wants to serve Bianca up to the gods as an appetizer is just a minor technicality. But this ancient evil dude has finally met his match.


Interview with my blog buddy Laura Pauling

1. What was one of the most surprising things you learned while researching or writing your book?
I learned that in some respects, the Maya culture wasn’t too different from ours as far as taking care of family, reacting in fear to climate changes, loyalty, troubles with government. They experienced seasons of recession after drought, which led to panic and battle with other city-states. They might’ve sacrificed prisoners in order to have rain for crops and good fortune with the gods, but we can go to extremes too for financial peace and good fortune.

2. What are three adjectives that would best describe your main character?
Impulsive. Loyal. Adventurous.

3. What would your main character's favorite song (or songs) be? :) 
Bianca adores her grandfather, Zeb. Enough to brave the Ancient Maya to rescue him. He’s smart and collects artifacts that are extremely appealing to her. Ever since Bianca stumbled on Zeb’s collection of jazz records in the attic, she’s a total fan. Of course, when she’s alone in her room, she likes a little Taylor Swift too. She just doesn’t tell her cousin, Melvin.

Thanks, Kelly!
How To Survive Ancient Spells and Crazy Kings released last week. Pugalicious Press did a fantastic job, and I’m extremely happy with the results. This book would make a fantastic gift for boys or girls who enjoy adventure stories with lots of excitement! You can purchase it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. You can read the first chapter here. Thankfully, my journey is just beginning and I’m excited to see where it leads. Click here for the list of blog tour stops! Enter to win these prize packages!

Prize Package One (signed paperbacks)

Prize Package Two (signed paperbacks)

Prize Package Three

Refresh the page if you can't see the Rafflecopter form! a Rafflecopter giveaway

I recently finished reading HOW TO SURVIVE & enjoyed it. Check it out! Thank you for stopping by the blog, Laura! Have a great week, everyone!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Prairie Writer's Day 2012

This month I was fortunate enough to attend the SCBWI-IL yearly conference, Prairie Writer's Day. Not only was it fun to mingle with other writers, but the speakers were phenomenal.

Guest speakers included  Dianne Hess (Scholastic Press editor), Beverly Horowitz (VP/Publisher of Delacorte), Meredith Mundy (Sterling Executive Editor), Elizabeth Parisi (Creative Director at Scholastic Trade), Lisa Yoskowitz (Disney-Hyperion Editor), and Marietta Zacker (Nancy Gallt Literary agent). Most of these professionals were greatly affected by Hurricane Sandy, so we were even more thankful that they were still able to attend.

Favorite quotes of the day

"It's not publishing that makes you a writer; it's writing that makes you a writer." - I forgot to write down who said this (I want to say it was Susan...) so my apologies to the wonderful speaker who said this! Anyone there remember?

"Our lives are a daily improvisation." - Diane Hess

"I am who I am because of where I was when." - Susan Campbell Baroletti

"Every decision you make counts." - Beverly Horowitz

Agent Marietta Zacker was a delight, too. She was informative and funny. She and Susan staged an Editor/Agent negotiation which was very interesting.

The packed day included a workshop and two breakout sessions so the conference definitely tailored to individual needs, (though I would suggest a marketing breakout at the next conference). I was also lucky enough to have a manuscript critiqued by the Sterling editor and have lunch with her,  Lisa of Disney/Hyperion, Marietta (who is Hilary Wagner's fab agent) and my picture book pals, Lori and Laura. I cannot say enough how wonderful it was to talk with and learn from leaders in the publishing industry.

Have you attended any writing conferences or events lately? Which ones do you recommend?

Friday, November 2, 2012

ROUGE is red hot

Have you seen this beautiful cover for Leigh T. Moore's newest book? Amazing! I started reading Leigh's book this week, and I CANNOT put it down. Thanks to Leigh's descriptive writing and compelling story, I have bags under my eyes, and I am not getting enough sleep. Thanks a lot, Leigh!  Seriously, Leigh's YA/new adult novel pairs memorable, likable characters with a unique story. I love it! It's not a light hearted, fun romance like her first novel, THE TRUTH ABOUT FAKING (which also kept me up late reading at night), but both books include Leigh's excellent writing and characters you truly care about. I can see this being a movie one day with gorgeous costumes and a steamy New Orleans setting.

ROUGE will be released on NOVEMBER 11! Visit Leigh (or LTM as she is known in blogland) at her blog "That's Write."