Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pics of my girls

I have been meaning to post these pictures that my friend/cousin took for me. She is an amazing photographer. Check her out at
I am always so excited to get my pics back from her because I know they are going to be great. I was hesitant to do pregnancy pictures. Who wants to remember what they look like when they're huge. But I have to say when I got them I loved them.

What one week will do

One week ago when I looked like this

I was out to dinner with my girlfriends when I started having contractions. I didn't think anything of it until 2 hours later and they were still coming. I decided I better skip the movie and go home to pack my bags. 1 hour later when we got the hospital I was dilated to a 6 and ready for the epidural. 3 hours after that I had a sweet new baby girl.
Jillian Eliza
She has been the best baby!
We've had a pretty good week, considering I have been back to the hospital 5 times to get her bilirubin checked, and she has been under the Bili lights for 3 days now. I just want to hold her all day and it kills me to put her under those lights all by herself.
The girls think she is the best thing. They both ask where she is the second they wake up. It's been really fun seeing how they are with her. Mari is like her second mommy and Lucy just wants to kiss her constantly.
So, for my first week with 3 I have to say it's been pretty good. Wish me luck though there is bound to be some drama with all these girls.

Lucy holding Jillian's hand while she's under the lights.

Dad relaxing with his girl.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Some Pics of Jill

Happy Birthday Babe!! (part II)

Jillian Konold
June 18, 2009

1:43 AM

7 Lbs. 13 Oz.


and a raspy voice.

We love you and glad you're here!

More details to follow. . .

Oh, I and just heard her first fart.

and second.
