Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday Morning

You know when Monday morning starts out looking like this, it's going to be a great week.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We've got a soccer player!

Well... maybe.
Mari started indoor soccer last week. She was so excited to play (if you can't tell by the picture). We've been practicing and warning her that she might fall down. If any of you know Mari she is kind of a softy (is that a word?). Well it came to the night and we promised her if there were no tears we would get her ice cream afterwards (who cares that it was 10 degrees outside).
She walked right in there and played! I was so proud of her. I am one of those people that lets fear rule what I do. If I don't think I can do something, I won't even try. Just to see her go and do something that she hasn't ever done before, and not be nervous at all made me so happy.
The night was pretty hilarious though. Matt and I had the best time watching her try to figure it all out. Lets say she isn't the best soccer player at 4, but maybe someday she will be, and she is pretty dang cute. The whole game she kept making sure we were watching, while the ball would roll right on by. She even tried to be the goalie (I think 2 balls got past her), but she smiled the whole time.

Here she is with her victorious ice cream. She didn't shed one tear.

Way to go Mari!!