Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Friday, November 5, 2010

Holy neglected blog, Batman!!

Wow...I haven't posted in over a year...and a LOT has happened in that year. An abbreviated (and kind of picture-heavy) version:
  • Got the teaching job (but you guys already knew that)
  • Learned to love my curly hair (results below)
  • Got married (picture below- from L to R is Dave, Kerry, me, and Mandie; yes, we only had one grooms man and one bridesmaid, and I wouldn't have had it any other way)
  • Learned that I'm actually a pretty good "facilitator" (that's layman's for "interpreter that isn't certified")
  • Realized that while I loved my students, I hated my job
  • Went on my honeymoon (pic below- on the beach at Disney Cruise Line's private island on Christmas day)

  • Steadily became more miserable at my job
  • Decided to quit my teaching job
  • Then I decided to go back to school for my masters in Higher Education Administration (just like Kerry)
  • Took a major pay cut to get a graduate assistantship (basically a part-time job on campus that helps defray some of the costs of grad free tuition)
  • Got a GA in career services as the job shadowing coordinator graduate assistant.
  • And now I'm also working on becoming a certified interpreter.
So now here I am, enrolled in grad school full time, working part time, and I love my job. Seriously, I'm not trying to sound like a suck up. I really, truly love my job. The professionals in my office are awesome, I love the other GAs and Career Educators (undergrads working in the office), and it's an overall awesome atmosphere. I'm also really enjoying (most) of my classes. The only one I'm not loving is educational research, and that's because the professor is really difficult. I could go on about her, but I won't right now.

So that's the past year in a nutshell. I'll try to be better with the blog, now that I have more time. I've also tentatively started a new blog, but haven't posted anything in it yet; I'll let you guys know when I do.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

More of an update...

So here's what's been going on since I posted last...

I'm still unemployed, and becoming very, very upset about it. I'd like a job very much please. I've purchased three books for studying- the GACE for early childhood education study guide (the GACE is an exam one must take for Georgia teacher certification- I'm exempt from the first test because of my SAT scores), an MAT study guide and a GRE study guide. I plan on taking at least two of the tests in the next six months.

Kerry and I went to Walt Disney World for the long weekend. I worked a day, we played a day.

Remember how I mentioned (in July) that Kerry and I went to the Morikami Museum, which was a place I've wanted to get married since I was a little girl? We've got it! Our wedding date is October 18, 2009. We've registered for some stuff, but we need to add more. Apparently, if we're expecting 100 guests, we need to have about 150 things on our registries (combined). We currently have 90.

Yarn. Kerry's mother gave me a gift certificate to Knit Picks for my birthday. I used it to buy yarn to make a cute hoodie. It's going to have cables and will be red. And it's called the Central Park Hoodie. Pics (from the pattern's site, though I paid for the pattern):

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I've graduated (with a 4.0 GPA in my last semester!) and moved to Georgia. Things are a bit busy (and lazy at the same time) right now, so not much to say. We have a LOT of the planning for the wedding done already. I'll update more as I have more to announce ;)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Last day!

Last day of work, last day of class, and pretty much the last day I have my apartment.

Class report: I only need an 83 on the final to finish the class with an A. And this exam was based on the second half of the class, which I found to be much easier in general. Still, cross your fingers for me!

I'm off to a wedding for the weekend, and I'm trying to have this last (there we go with "last" again) book scanned by 3:45, so I'll be free to do what I want. Why am I scanning a book? Glad you asked! My boss (a professor in the history department) is blind. So she needs to have the books scanned into a document that can be read by the program she uses. So that's what I've been doing the past two weeks.

I've gotten a decent amount of knitting done, too. So yay!

Off to finish scanning! Sorry for such a brief entry. I promise, I'll be better with the next entry.