Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another long break, another career change

Long story short- school and grad assistantship has been keeping me busy. I haven't knitted much, haven't read much, just work and school. I admit it, I was disappointed that I had a 3.67 GPA in the fall, and will probably drop to 3.5 this semester. But what can I do- just work my butt off to get as high a GPA as possible the next two semesters.

I still love my job (one student I got a shadow for has a summer internship!!), but I've been thinking about it; after getting a new heat pump ($5100) and a new roof ($7500), the pay cut I took to go back to school hurts. So I've applied for an admissions recruiter position. I had a phone interview on Friday, and I'll find out on Monday if I get an on-campus interview. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I feel like I have an edge over some people, since the position only requires a bachelors degree. I have 1 year of grad school under my belt, I've recruited for the Disney College Program, worked in the "real world" where I traveled for work.

I just hope it puts me ahead of the competition. We'll see, and I promise to update as soon as I get word. Y'know, just so those 3 readers know what's up.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Holy neglected blog, Batman!!

Wow...I haven't posted in over a year...and a LOT has happened in that year. An abbreviated (and kind of picture-heavy) version:
  • Got the teaching job (but you guys already knew that)
  • Learned to love my curly hair (results below)
  • Got married (picture below- from L to R is Dave, Kerry, me, and Mandie; yes, we only had one grooms man and one bridesmaid, and I wouldn't have had it any other way)
  • Learned that I'm actually a pretty good "facilitator" (that's layman's for "interpreter that isn't certified")
  • Realized that while I loved my students, I hated my job
  • Went on my honeymoon (pic below- on the beach at Disney Cruise Line's private island on Christmas day)

  • Steadily became more miserable at my job
  • Decided to quit my teaching job
  • Then I decided to go back to school for my masters in Higher Education Administration (just like Kerry)
  • Took a major pay cut to get a graduate assistantship (basically a part-time job on campus that helps defray some of the costs of grad free tuition)
  • Got a GA in career services as the job shadowing coordinator graduate assistant.
  • And now I'm also working on becoming a certified interpreter.
So now here I am, enrolled in grad school full time, working part time, and I love my job. Seriously, I'm not trying to sound like a suck up. I really, truly love my job. The professionals in my office are awesome, I love the other GAs and Career Educators (undergrads working in the office), and it's an overall awesome atmosphere. I'm also really enjoying (most) of my classes. The only one I'm not loving is educational research, and that's because the professor is really difficult. I could go on about her, but I won't right now.

So that's the past year in a nutshell. I'll try to be better with the blog, now that I have more time. I've also tentatively started a new blog, but haven't posted anything in it yet; I'll let you guys know when I do.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

When I can start my masters program

In early January, I brought in the paperwork needed to have my transcripts evaluated for what I'd need to get into the Masters of Arts in Teaching program in either middle grades education or art education. This past Saturday, I received the response in the mail.

For middle grades education (grades 4-8), I need two concentrations. I was originally thinking language arts and math. But then I saw I only need two classes (undergraduate) to complete requirements for social studies- US and Georgia History. Sounds easy enough. If I get a full-time job, I can take those classes part-time. So maybe I'll do social studies, not language arts. But then...then to get a concentration in math, I need 5 math courses. Science or language arts? 4 courses. So I think that no matter what, I'll probably be going to school full-time during the summer.

Art education, I'm even further behind than I would be in middle grades education. I would need a total of nine courses. That's a full year, if I go to school full-time. I don't think I'll do art education...

Kerry and I talked about it. No matter what, I'm going to start those undergraduate prerequisite courses spring semester 2010. I'll have in-state residency for a year (in state tuition), and our wedding and honeymoon will be over.

Next blog post- the awesome job lead Kerry got me

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How to really confuse someone...

School started on September 1 (yes, on Labor Day. No one was happy). I'm really enjoying my classes so far, especially my class on art education in elementary schools. That professor is a TRIP! Kerry's moved to Georgia, so I have his pet fish (named Giovanni- Gio for short). Coincidentally, my RA has the same name. So it can sometimes be confusing.

Like last night. We had a fire drill, and Kerry called me, and I spoke to him. As my roommate (who I get along with REALLY well) and I get into the elevator with a couple other girls on our floor, I say "Oh yeah...and by the way, Gio died." Kerry knew it was a joke, my roommate knew it was a joke, but the other two girls in the elevator didn't. One of the girls gives me a really weird look, like "WTF!?!" And I explain that I have my boyfriend's pet fish, his name is Giovanni and has been for nearly 2 years. And he's really not dead, I was joking. My roommate and I got a good chuckle out of it.

Another thing you can do to confuse someone...

I have this really awesome Starbucks double-walled, insulated cold drink cup. It looks like this

See? Isn't it cool looking? It looks like a regular Starbucks cup, but it's hard plastic. Last week, I went to Starbucks with my cup on Thursday and Saturday. The same guy was at the register both days, so the second time, he knew my cup (btw, he likes the cup too). On Saturday, the person making the drinks freaked out about how cool it is. Because not only is it hard plastic, it's also double-walled (which means HER hands didn't get cold while making the drink), the straw is hard plastic and the top SCREWS on, instead of pops on. So I was hoping that, today being Thursday, he'd be there again and know my cup. No such luck. This old lady that works there like, all the time was there instead. And because the line was long, she was taking orders while people were in line. I gave her my drink order (iced caramel macchiato FTW) and asked her to put it in my cup. "Oh, honey, I don't think we're allowed to refill that cup." I replied that it had been done twice before, and tapped on the cup to show her it's not the malleable plastic that the usual cups are. "Oh, ok, just tell the person at the register that you get 10 cents off." Okie dokie.

So I get up to the register, give him my order, and mention that I brought my own cup. He asked where it was, I told him it's the insulated Starbucks cup. The look on his face was funny. He didn't get it. The old lady had to explain it to him. And ask the drink went down the line (there were like, three people fixing drinks in an assembly line), one person asks if this is a hot cup.'s a cold cup. Does it look like the hot cups you guys use? No? Okay then. So I get my drink, after a bit of confusion all around for everyone but me.

And another way to confuse people (that's much shorter)...knitting in class where the teacher is awesome and says "You're too young to knit!" I told him I'm not, and that it's actually pretty cool and keeps me occupied and stops me from fidgeting. Now I think he wants to learn, too.

So, about my roommate (since I'm sure you're all wondering)...first time I've had an awesome roommate. She and I had never met before move-in day, and had only passed messages on Facebook back and forth. Who knew we'd get along so well? We've only known each other for two weeks, and already can finish each other's sentences and say what the other is thinking. We like the same shows, the same movies (she LOVES Disney, so she's automatically awesome in my book), same music. Why couldn't we have been roommates sooner?

I also know two people on my floor (which is amazing, considering this is the smallest of all dorms on campus- 60 rooms in total). One of them is a guy that was active in Hillel last year and I had no idea he would be living in the same dorm, let alone across the hall! We'll hold conversations with our doors open, sitting at our desks. yeah...I'll leave out the whole Hillel Annoying Girl thing until another entry.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Oh yes, many changes have been happening lately...let's see...

Well, first, I changed my placement for my early field experience. I'm not at an elementary school anymore (I wasn't happy working with really young children). I'm now working with middle and high school students, and I'm MUCH happier.

Second...I'm changing my major to interdisciplinary studies with a concentration in the education of the deaf and hard of hearing. What's the difference? I don't do my last semester of student teaching, and I don't get my license. Other than that, I complete all coursework for a deaf ed degree, so it will still be possible for me to get a job and license in that field. Oh, and I'm still graduating in December.

Kerry has a job interview for the University of Maryland on Tuesday. I'm really excited and hopeful that he'll get the job there, because then it means I'll be closer to my family when I follow him. So any vibes people can send, I'd be very grateful! other news (aka knitting-related), I've put my sweater aside, because I have no idea how to do stranded knitting. If anyone wants to help, I'd appreciate it! I'm also working on Slippery Socks from Olivia M. and finally the Babette blanket! I've found a mistake early on, so I need to rip out the first square I made (which is 12 rounds...ugh).

Other than that, I'm really busy with school and lesson planning for my early field experience. I really haven't had much time for much else- knitting has been minimal because of all the work I've been doing. I'll try to update as I can- which includes how Kerry's interview went!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back from Vacation!

Happy new year everyone! I hope you had a good new year. I enjoyed mine (sooooo much food at the restaurant!), and have pics from my vacation!

Kerry, his mom and I went on a carriage ride around part of Philadelphia. It was a nice day, though toward the end, I really wanted my hat!

When Kerry and I were up in Boston, we went on a trolley tour. The driver decided to stop at a corner where a Monster Energy drink promo crew were giving out drinks. So...we got free caffeine!

You know how lobsters that are usually greenish turn red when cooked? I wonder what color this lobster would turn...

And how could I not include a picture of Kerry and me all gussied up for our nice (four-course, expensive) dinner on new year's eve?

I got a decent amount of knitting done, too, but haven't taken pictures. Though I did have a thought about blocking my sweater (and if anyone can answer it, I'd appreciate it). If I'm making a sweater that starts in the round, but then has a separated front and back, how do I block it?

Anyway, I'm working in Disney again for a week (the 4th through the 9th), and then back to school, where I start doing student teaching-type stuff three days a week (woohoo for a 1-hour drive to and from 7:30am!) Let's see if I can keep my sanity!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Looooong time since an update

I know, I know, I haven't updated in almost 2 months. But when life catches up with you, it gets hectic. So what's been going on...

Went home. Went to Disney World (where I wasn't Jiminy Cricket, like I was supposed to be- my legs are 1 1/2 inches too long for it) with Mom and her best friend, and had a blast. Mom and her friend even came to visit me!

(Mom on left, friend on right. Guess where I am?)

After that, I came back to town, and Kerry and I went to Williamsburg for a few days. Except for feeling like I was eaten alive by bugs, it was fun!

I've also been knitting. I finished Monkey socks, but they're too big, so they're more like lounging around the house socks.

School started, too. And I'm doing relatively well! It's amazing how much easier school gets once you're taking the classes just for your degree!

I have a cool roommate, too. And Kerry and I are still doing really well. He's traveling again, so I get bored easily (again). I found a new LYS (which I'm now calling my LYS, instead of the two places in my town, because, although the LYS I've now declared closest is actually 20 minutes away, instead of 5, they have a better selection of yarn. YAY Mosaic! ) I got some yarn there for Mom's Hanukkah present there, and some Regia Bamboo Color for myself, too. Mom was saying that she wanted wool-free sock yarn and a sock pattern for Hanukkah. No problem. Got the yarn. Was going to buy nice needles, too. But then she said she didn't really care if the yarn had wool in it anymore. ARGH! So now she's getting wool-less yarn and yarn with wool for Hanukkah. And I bought myself some of this from Artsygal Hand Paints-

Ooh...pretty...*drools* I can't wait for it to come in! I plan to make Coupling with it. It's gonna be purty...

Okay, seriously though, I need to work on some homework. I need to work really hard, too, because I have a project to work on where my professor is Deaf, and I want to try to sign my project. Adios!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Last day!

Last day of work, last day of class, and pretty much the last day I have my apartment.

Class report: I only need an 83 on the final to finish the class with an A. And this exam was based on the second half of the class, which I found to be much easier in general. Still, cross your fingers for me!

I'm off to a wedding for the weekend, and I'm trying to have this last (there we go with "last" again) book scanned by 3:45, so I'll be free to do what I want. Why am I scanning a book? Glad you asked! My boss (a professor in the history department) is blind. So she needs to have the books scanned into a document that can be read by the program she uses. So that's what I've been doing the past two weeks.

I've gotten a decent amount of knitting done, too. So yay!

Off to finish scanning! Sorry for such a brief entry. I promise, I'll be better with the next entry.

Friday, July 20, 2007

One week left of school...

And guess what? I still have an A! I slipped to an 89.9% after the midterm, but I've brought it back up to a 91%. That midterm was harsh, too. The average was a 71, and I got an 81, so I was really excited about that, to the point that I bought myself a non-knitting related present...

Rabbit slippers with sharp pointy teeth! I've been wanting these for years, and I found a site that was selling them for $26! So of course, I had to buy them.

I've been spinning, too. I'm not great yet, but I'm getting good! Honest! I'll post a picture of my first yarn when I'm done. lease is almost up in this apartment, which means I need to start thinking about packing. I also have an electric bill to pay and a Harry Potter book to buy. And laundry to do. I suppose this means I need to go work on all of that...