Friday, August 26, 2011

Pinterest goofing off

Sorry everyone, this is just for Pinterest...I promise to update the blog later

Purple flutter cardigan

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another long break, another career change

Long story short- school and grad assistantship has been keeping me busy. I haven't knitted much, haven't read much, just work and school. I admit it, I was disappointed that I had a 3.67 GPA in the fall, and will probably drop to 3.5 this semester. But what can I do- just work my butt off to get as high a GPA as possible the next two semesters.

I still love my job (one student I got a shadow for has a summer internship!!), but I've been thinking about it; after getting a new heat pump ($5100) and a new roof ($7500), the pay cut I took to go back to school hurts. So I've applied for an admissions recruiter position. I had a phone interview on Friday, and I'll find out on Monday if I get an on-campus interview. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I feel like I have an edge over some people, since the position only requires a bachelors degree. I have 1 year of grad school under my belt, I've recruited for the Disney College Program, worked in the "real world" where I traveled for work.

I just hope it puts me ahead of the competition. We'll see, and I promise to update as soon as I get word. Y'know, just so those 3 readers know what's up.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Holy neglected blog, Batman!!

Wow...I haven't posted in over a year...and a LOT has happened in that year. An abbreviated (and kind of picture-heavy) version:
  • Got the teaching job (but you guys already knew that)
  • Learned to love my curly hair (results below)
  • Got married (picture below- from L to R is Dave, Kerry, me, and Mandie; yes, we only had one grooms man and one bridesmaid, and I wouldn't have had it any other way)
  • Learned that I'm actually a pretty good "facilitator" (that's layman's for "interpreter that isn't certified")
  • Realized that while I loved my students, I hated my job
  • Went on my honeymoon (pic below- on the beach at Disney Cruise Line's private island on Christmas day)

  • Steadily became more miserable at my job
  • Decided to quit my teaching job
  • Then I decided to go back to school for my masters in Higher Education Administration (just like Kerry)
  • Took a major pay cut to get a graduate assistantship (basically a part-time job on campus that helps defray some of the costs of grad free tuition)
  • Got a GA in career services as the job shadowing coordinator graduate assistant.
  • And now I'm also working on becoming a certified interpreter.
So now here I am, enrolled in grad school full time, working part time, and I love my job. Seriously, I'm not trying to sound like a suck up. I really, truly love my job. The professionals in my office are awesome, I love the other GAs and Career Educators (undergrads working in the office), and it's an overall awesome atmosphere. I'm also really enjoying (most) of my classes. The only one I'm not loving is educational research, and that's because the professor is really difficult. I could go on about her, but I won't right now.

So that's the past year in a nutshell. I'll try to be better with the blog, now that I have more time. I've also tentatively started a new blog, but haven't posted anything in it yet; I'll let you guys know when I do.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Oh, hi there. News that isn't boring this time

Wow, what a surprise...I was called the following day after I submitted the application, and interviewed the day after that (July 2).

Wow, that was a different interview than the first one I had! The first one was mostly trying to get a feel for who I am. This interview was very specific and directed. I came away thinking that I didn't do terribly well, and knowing that I would hear from them in 7-10 days. My mom came into town the next Tuesday and we went to Florida for a hair and makeup trial, which went phenomenally well. I would post pics, but I'll keep my three readers (if that many) in suspense until after the wedding.

My mom and I drove down on Wednesday. When I checked my e-mail Wednesday evening, I had an e-mail from the director of the department of exceptional students (the woman I interviewed with, basically), telling me that there were some things I'd need to take care of to get my teaching license, and that she would start calling my references on Friday, but to not worry if I don't get a call by Friday evening.

So I decided to not worry when I didn't get a call. Okay, so maybe I worried a little.

Mom and I drove back up Monday morning. She and I agreed that we would stop at the St. Augustine outlet malls so I could get some new professional clothes in case I got any teaching job. About halfway between south Florida and St. Augustine, I get a call from a local-to-home area code. Long story short, I got the teaching job in my county!! So instead of shopping for clothes in case I got a teaching job, we went because I have a job!

I now have a full wardrobe for teaching clothes, including a Coach tote bag/briefcase and a pair of shoes. I don't have pics of any of my clothes except the shoes, so here's a gratuitous shoe pictures.

I'll be sure to ask Kerry to take a picture of me my first day of school *grin*

I've gone back to knitting CPH. If I want to have it done for the most part, I need to finish it before I start work next week. This county starts school really early.

I'll try to post more often as I start work. No promises, though!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another job opening, knitting again, and snacking

I found out that a job opening had been posted for a teacher for the deaf in this county. I applied, and will probably hear back next week (or so I was told). No updates about the job in Savannah. The interview went well, but no word from them yet. I was told during the interview that they expect to hire in July.

I've picked up Juno Regina and Central Park Hoodie again. I really want to finish both. I'll probably bring CPH with me when my mom and I go to Florida for some wedding planning stuff in July.

We've moved into the house. It's so nice! Once we have everything taken care of inside, we'll start with the outside. I have a craft corner (with my easel and knitting stuff), so that's nice.

I realized that in my unemployment, I tend to snack when I'm bored. So I've created a version of a diet for myself. Instead of snacking on whatever, whenever, I've set up a time table. Breakfast at 7:30 (during week days), snack at 10:30, lunch at 12:30, snack at 3:30, dinner at 6:30. I just started it this morning, and realized that it may be a bit difficult for me, because I'm used to snacking. I just had my morning snack, and still want more, but I've limited myself to a cup of yogurt and a small handful of chocolate covered raisins for a morning snack, and grapes for an afternoon snack. We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

More updates...I really should start knitting again...

Sorry this is a bit disjointed...there's a lot of stuff that is easier to explain in short sentences...

Kerry and I closed on the house earlier this month. As soon as we did, we started cleaning the house. We met my cousins that live in Metter as soon as we were ready to start painting (they own a painting business), and they gave us some tips, so I started painting.

My parents came into town two Saturdays ago to help us out. When they saw how much work would be needed, we agreed to have my cousins come in to help us out. So in one day, we went from one coat done in the smallest room (the laundry room), to that room being completely painted, as well as the kitchen, the top portion of the dining room and one wall in the living room and they painted the primer in the bathroom (we learned that ripping off the wallpaper may result in sheet rock being ripped down, too. That would have been an expensive fix, so we painted over the wallpaper instead). They also taught my mom and me how to paint, so it's a lot easier now. I finished painting the living room and the majority of the bathroom (I still need to paint the toilet room), so all that's left is the toilet room and the master bedroom, then we can move in!

The deadline for the teacher of the deaf position in Savannah was extended. Again. But at least I was able to re-submit my application with the update that I passed my GACE exams. I also found a position for a hearing impaired itinerant in the next county over. I haven't sent in my application yet, because I was waiting to hear back from one of my references to make sure I could use them. When I checked yesterday, though, I saw that the position had been taken down. Eep. So I called the county and asked if I should still submit the application.

I was just called back. Not only should I submit the application, but I have a job interview next week! I'm so, so excited!!

If you can't tell, I've been busy lately. It's kind of prevented me from being able to knit a lot. But as soon as I'm done with the house, I'll be back to knitting, which means I'll be writing more blog posts about knitting!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

More updates in my unemployment (brief)

I have officially changed my occupation (at least what I tell people I do in casual conversation) to "full-time job hunter." I think it sounds so much better than "I'm looking for a job" or "I'm unemployed", don't you?

Hopefully, it won't be for long. April 2, I saw a position in Savannah Chatham for a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing for the remainder of the school year. Of course, I applied. Cross fingers!!

Oh, and Kerry and I bought the house. We couldn't pass this deal up. We're paying $135,000 for it and all the other houses in the area start in the $200K range. Yay for a foreclosure where the previous owners just didn't want to pay two mortgages! We have pictures of it, too!

Hm...I wish I could embed the slideshow, but since I can't, here's a link to it. Slideshow!

There really, really isn't a whole lot more to talk about. I'll be sure to update when my life is more eventful.