Monday, November 22, 2010

A Comparison...

I got to looking through some of our past family pictures and started comparing all of my kids when they were about the same person will say..."Oh, she looks like Eden..." or "Oh, he's got Tolman's cheeks.."etc etc. So here it is for you to judge for yourself. All five of them at about the same age (6-8 months, I'm guessing)...Don't mind the dirt around Tait's mouth...that's pretty normal for him...
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

All Together in the Temple

A while back, we went to the St. George Temple grounds and got our pictures taken as a family (Thanks Caralee!) It was the first time since Baby Joy was born that we had real pictures taken. Below is a sampling:
Whether I like it or not, there will come a time when I will have to own a gun so that I can clean it when boys come to pick up my daughters for dates...

She is SO CUTE!

This picture turned out really good. These three boys are a huge handful...don't let the smiles fool you for a second!

This one was my favorite...while we were waiting for the kids to cooperate, I had to kiss LeAnn for like 3 minutes straight! It was awesome! (By the way, I proposed to her by this tree...about 5 kids ago...)

Our vision as a family is to someday be "All Together in the Temple. We visit the grounds often and talk to our kids of its importance for each of them and for our family. I look forward to the day when they will all be grown, working on families of their own, and we can make the vision a reality. For now, we do our best to keep them pointed in the right direction so that our vision will be more than a wish...we work to make it a reality every day.

Twenty years from now, we hope to be all together in the Temple.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Leslie Joy's Blessing Pictures

Hi, it is Leann's sister Caralee again. I took a few pictures of Joy on her blessing day. She is beautiful!

I love this one! Check out the look on Reeve's and Joy's face! Ha Ha!

It was a long wonderful day! Baby Joy was very tired and I couldn't resist capturing this picture of her asleep on her Momma!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A moment of Joy

This is LeAnn's sister Caralee. I got the privilege to take some pictures of baby Joy today. She is only 5 days old and as you can see she is beautiful! Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cutest Baby in the Nursery

Just wanted to share a few more pictures of Joy's birthday. We are settling in to our "hotel room" for the night, ordering room service (they deliver it right to your room!!!), and just relaxing. Baby Joy has been sleeping most of the day. I guess bein' born is hard work...

Just to prove that I was here...
She's beautiful!
Hopefully this is not a precursor of teenage years to come... "Leave me alone!"
Mother and daughter for one more shot. They're both beautiful!!
Thanks to all of you who are helping with our other kids so that I can be with LeAnn and Joy. We appreciate it.

She's Here!!!

Leslie Joy made it! LeAnn was amazing. Mother and daughter are both doing well. Joy came out 8 pounds 13 ounces, 19 inches long. She was born at 12:53. She is beautiful...

I can already tell she is gonna love her mama. her eyes were open right away, and for some reason she kept stickin' her tongue out at me...
Leslie Joy and Leslie Jo, best friends forever...

She didn't cry right away, but it didn't take long. She is a peaceful little girl. Oh what a Joy it is to have her here at last!

Joy's story begins...

It's Almost Time!!!

So we have made it through 38 weeks...and we are in the hospital for the last few hours. The water is broken, the labor pains are coming steady, and getting bigger. I am going to try and keep everyone updated with current pictures and notes as we experience bringing Joy to the world.

LeAnn begins to remember what this is like...first it's "I wanna get this over with!" and then the memories return, and it's "I'm not ready for this..." In a few minutes, it's probably gonna be, "Why did you do this to ME?!"
Getting the labor treatment from the world's greatest labor coach, complete with massage, oils, and lotions.

Oh, the pain!!! The pain!!! LeAnn is a pro...still able to have a sense of humor in the middle of labor.

The contractions are steady, the nurse just checked, and LeAnn is at an 8. I gotta go do my husband job. Bye.
