usually bila nk time anniversary... aku akan reccee sum items or apa2 ja... janji its a surprise.... normally gift tu akan ditayangkan kat tempat yg strategic... soo bila wife bgn ja.. taaaa daaaaa..... akan tukujat laa tgk ada surprise hadiah anniversary .... soo far dia dpt perfume ja rasa nyer.... straight for 4 years....kan ma..??... but dis time.... sumting diff... not soo much expensive like jewel... tapi i would like if she to hav it... since yan blom ada lg brg niihh... sorry laa if ma expects benda yg lg mhl or lg best than this... only this pa afford for the time being...
ingt memula nak suprise jln2 or holiday... tapi weekend slalu x menentu... takot2 ada emergency plan lain.... pi visit relatives ka.. shooting ka.... insya allah next time eh ma... ok laa ma.. hope u enjoy ur new toy... jaga baik2...