another series from azuan&amalia sessions... recently cover on the groom reception at taiping...tmn tasik tu syiook laa weii... doin sum outdoor... very sporting n luvly couple... wan&lea korang mmg cara.... thanx bg chances to shoot hg pa.... enjoy je laa pix yg x sebrp ni eh... cheers...
occasionally involve in one of my brothers... best buddy too... wedding ceremony... sir thanx for the warming homestay provided ya... n a friendly family surroundings by both from hg n lea relatives... nasib they all ada... tlg tgk2kan n layan si farah n sarah... sorry sir... session beach tak sempat... hujangg... to wan & lea... congrats & moga korang kekal bahagia selamanya... dan dipelihara allah SWT... soo viewers... juz enjoy pix yg seadanya ni ye... nuthin much...