Wednesday, October 12, 2011

On A Wednesday Morning

On this Wednesday morning, I confess that there is a very dirty dish that is sitting on my counter. This dish has been there since Sunday's dinner. Matt does the dishes every night and leaves that one dish. I do the dishes in the middle of the day and continue to leave it for him. Maybe it will magically clean itself.

Sophie cried all the way to drive Emmy to school because she wanted her blanket in the car.

I had to walk to 4 different rooms in my house to escape the noise while I completed a phone call with the dentist.

Ryan is pulling all of the cards out of my wallet.

I made a birthday cake with a chocolate chip border and every time I walk past it I eat one or two of them off of the cake.


my bed is made (though children are jumping on it, so I will probably have to remake it)

it is going to be over 80 degrees, so we may go swimming, and

we're heading to the park to meet friends this morning.

And we're having smoothies for lunch.

All in all, it will be a good day.

P.S. These pictures are not from today. I just like them.
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Monday, October 10, 2011

I Love My Grandpa Dickson

My grandma is very musical.  She loves to sing and sings all the time.  She sings solos, she composes songs.  I have enjoyed hearing her sing many times throughout my life.  My grandpa, on the other hand, is not so musically inclined, although he certainly appreciates music and admires my grandma’s talent.  One Sunday, somewhere in my teenage years, I sat by my grandpa at church and we sang the hymn, “Scatter Sunshine.”  I can still remember his voice, already feeble with age and a little off-key.  But as I heard him sing, I was deeply touched.  He sang with enthusiasm, with spirit.  He sang out, and he meant what he sang.

This past July, my Grandpa Dickson died. He was almost 92. Even though he lived a wonderful and long life, it was still sad to say goodbye. I had the chance to sit with him for a little while about a week before he died. He could not see or speak, but I was told he could hear me. I am glad I had the chance to tell him I love him and to give him a hug and a kiss. 

Grandpa Dickson always called me "Katie B from over the sea."  He was full of jokes and compliments.  He liked to draw watches around my wrist.    One day, when I was very young, I showed him a new wallet.  He inspected it and then put in a crisp dollar bill.  This might have been the first dollar bill I'd ever had.  I felt very rich.  

I still feel rich when I think of the legacy he has left for me.  He loved the Lord.  He always wanted to do the right thing.  He was kind.  He was a hard worker and a loving father and grandfather.  I will miss him.

To My Friends

The other day I was driving in my car, in the dark, listening to music and I remembered a good friend of mine.  We grew up together and he was always introducing me to new music.  He is the kind of friend you can listen to music with and you don't feel like you have to make conversation. Thinking of him got me thinking about so many other dear friends that I've had at different points in my life and I missed them.  

This summer, one of those friends died unexpectedly.  And so I have been thinking of those growing up years more often.  I've taken a lot of time to remember her and as I've done that, I've remembered others.  I am so grateful for the truly wonderful friendships that I have always been blessed with -- from childhood until now. 

And so my friends, this is what I have determined.  Each of you has become a part of me.

I cherish the moments we've spent together.  I love you. 

This is me in college with a few of the sweet friends I grew up with in Cincinnati.  There are a few girls that should also be in this picture, but I couldn't find one with all of us!