Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cute dolls!!

Go to this website,, to see the cutest dolls! I fell in love with them instantly! She are doing a giveaway that ends Tuesday so go now!!
Also, if you don't win but still want one, the proceeds from first 15 dolls purchased will go to an organization called our heart project, they do all sorts of nice things for kids with health conditions. I will be ordering my girls some for Valentines for sure! They are only $10 and sooo adorable!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another accomplishment.

Speaking of things Jerzi can do...

Ok, ok, the picture is just upside down but FUNNY!!!


Today i went to help at Koy's school and while i was there he was the first one done with his work, which is fun and exciting, the teacher even announces 'Koy is the first one done today' So he was proud. Well when he got home i was telling him good job and Jerzi overheard and says all excited and proud "I was the first one done with my cookie today!!" Ha ha awesome!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sweet kids

I have days where i want to rip my hair out, scream and shout and sometimes slap my mouthy children. Don't we all?? At night i go and watch them sleep for a bit to regroup and get ready for the next day. I think it's important to write this down so in the years to come i don't read my blog books and think, "o what wonderful times, i never got mad at my kids, they were perfect". They aren't. And neither am I. They are wonderful at times, but not without plenty of hard times and naughtyness (not a word) in between.
The key is to get back up an try and try again, to keep teaching them, every time i get knocked down. (which is at least once a day) Roll with the punches, dance in the rain, you know the drill.. Anyways, the reason for my post... Just when i think they just aren't getting it, they are so rude and disrespectful, they are naughty, etc etc they pull something out that makes me forget all the bad and focus on the good. Yesterday they each had one.
When we got home from church, Kurt asked Jerzi what she learned in class and she just pointed to her belly, he said "did you learn about your bones?" and she said, in just one word, "Spirit" We were both amazed that she listened and learned at church, sometimes i wonder.
At bedtime Koy said the prayer and in his prayer, which really wasn't very long, he blessed that "Jerz will feel better and her skin won't itch and bug her" How sweet is that? I wonder ALOT if he even likes her because he torments her all day long. But that assured me that he does love her. :)
We have very good, tender-hearted, sweet kids. They are just kids and have their moments but we all do. I love to see them shine, which they do more often than not. And of course at this moment, Libbi is perfect! Although she was squirming the other day while i was changing her and i said "Libbi hold still!!" and Jerzi says "Mom, you can't scream at her, she's just a baby!" Thanks Jerz for the reminder! (although i wasn't really screaming, just a frustrated tone)
And on a side note, they go to bed sooo good! Last night we put them to bed at 7:15! Most nights it's 8:00 and they really go to bed, and stay there. They are awesome at that, which is great, it gives me time to relax before my bedtime. Kurt's usually only about a half hour behind them :)
Sorry for the boring post, it's more for my recollection in the future, but thanks for reading if you really did!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kay Jewelers sales phones??

Funny story real quick..

Koy is learning to read and so he picks up my phone and says "i know where you bought this phone mom" and i say "o ya where?" (ps it says 'cricket') and he says "toys r us?" i say nope, he says "target?" "nope" then he says "kay jewelers?"

Huh? No clue.

At least we shop at Target and sometimes Toys r Us but i have NEVER been to Kay Jewelers. It must have been the dumb Christmas commercials??????

Saturday, January 9, 2010

"Remember salt??"

Poor Jerzi has the WORST eczema in the world! Dr. Rose told me the other day she's one of the worst cases he's ever seen :( I feel terrible for her. We have tried MANY medications and lotions, oil in her bath, tar, rubbing olive oil on her, Tide free laundry soap, pretty much you name it we've tried it! She scratches ALL night long, she actually takes a benadryl type medication (atarax) at night to help her not itch so she can sleep but she still scratches, i can't lay by her, it makes me soo sad! Anyway, our next move is installing a water softner, i hope it works cause it's alot of money if it doensn't. So i was telling her about it because we had to go get salt from Costco yesterday. She is SOOOO excited, it is darling but kind of sad! She was such a big helper getting the bags of salt into the cart and then she couldn't wait to tell EVERYONE! This is how she tells them..
First she says to me "Mom, Remember salt??" And i say ya, tell them about it.
She says that it's this thing that will be in the basement that will come up through her tub and make her so she won't itch anymore. (It's kind of the same way i explained it to her) It breaks my heart that a 4 year old is sooo excited about a water softner! I hope she's not dissapointed.

2nd or 1st or 3rd or 4th

The other day Koy came home from school and says this..
"Mom this kid on our bus, he's in 2nd or 1st grade, or 3rd or 4th, his mom sewed his leg back on cause it got cut off! I felt so bad for him"

Ok so not sure what happened to this kid, but my favorite part was the 2nd or 1st or 3rd or 4th grade! Ha! I'm guessing all he really knew is that the kid was older than him!! Funny Koy!