Monday, January 30, 2012

Ah-Ha moment

I've been a stay at home mom for 8 years now. 8 years and 3 months to be exact. Up until child #4, i've managed. With the help of Kurt, i've been able to maintain a clean, livable house. Now i'm not saying its spic and span sparkly clean all the time, in fact, it rarely is. But it's been livable. I've always had 1 day a week that i really cleaned, meaning bathrooms, mop floors and the whole deal. Well it has been harder and harder to 'maintain' this so called clean house of mine. I haven't been able to figure it out... until today. I started cleaning at the OAC Saturday night. It was easy. All we did is 'spot' vacuum most places, mopped, wiped down bathroom and machines etc. Easy. Nothing disgusting, nothing super dirty, just easy cleaning. Well today as i'm CLEANING my house, that is WAAAAAYYY overdue, it dawned on me. The club has cleaner ladies that go in EVERY-SINGLE-NIGHT. Hmm... What if i cleaned my house every single night. Meaning, wipe down bathrooms, clean mirrors, vacuum and mop. Not nessasary? Maybe. Maybe not. In the amount of time i sit on facebook, pintrest, surfing the web or watching a silly King of Queens episode, i could easy clean my entire house. Every night. Even put clothes away. I'm willing to bet you what now takes me an entire 8 hour day, will now take less than an hour every night. Making time to, i don't know, actually TAKE A SHOWER?!?!? Take my kids to the library, help at my kids school, play with my kids. I'm trying it. No more tv babysitter while mom cleans the house. The tricky part is getting caught up. But with the help of Kurt, it will happen. This week!
I realized, i need to treat 'being a mom' like a full time job. If i had to get up, get the kids off to school, little ones dressed and myself showered and to a job by 9, i would not have time to clean. I would have to find time either early in the morning, or late at night. No more telling myself, 'O i have nothing to do tomorrow, i'll just clean then.' It won't happen. It doesn't happen. I need a new plan. This is my new plan.
Wish me luck :)

Snow fun!

Last Sunday was a beautiful day! Fresh snow plus SUNSHINE is the best!! The kids played outside with the neighbor kids, they built forts, went sledding and made a snowman!!

Libbi worked SOOO hard to roll a ball! It is tough work! She could only get tiny ones so she made this baby snowman all by herself!

The finished product! We called him 'snowman that like to be warm' he has floaties, sunglasses and lais! Love him :)
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11 months..Tis the age...

Tis the age for playing in the dishwasher, and even better, that age where you can NEVER get them to LOOK at the camera!!!! I tried :)

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fitness Elevated

December 10, 2011
Another fun CF competion. This time the KIDS actually had fun too! They got to ice skate at the Olympic Oval while the competion went on, you could watch from the rink!! So fun! I didn't see them all day other than when they'd pass by!! They had a BLAST!!

Chase did well, as usual. Taking 8th overall. Our very own Kyle Boyer took 1st! They are both such amazing athletes to watch.

The twins had a fun day too! I'm so glad to have this hobby to share with my hubby, brother and kids!

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These kids are so lucky to have such a great Grammy! She spoils them, loves them and treats them like the little angels they are! Thanks Grammy for all you do!!
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Family pics!

We just had family pics done in the summer, but my mom wanted some in front of this cute red truck! It went well.. ok i lied. Just scroll down a few, you'll know what i mean!!

LOL!! Ya. She was not into it!!

I love this of him looking at himself!

Studly man!

Love my family!! They are so adorable!!
Sweet Netso took these for us, she did a fabulous job!!!
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Claire strikes again! The new show Modern Family, Claire Dunfy, anywho, my family calls me Claire because i'm a party planning control freak. I've learned to embrace it. It used to offend me. Not anymore :)
First off, the kids each filled out a time capsule questionare, to open next new years!! do i do it you ask? ORANGE SODA POP!!! Diet coke isn't even enough to keep me up til midnight!

We had hourly treat bags (pintrest..) that the kids LOVED! .. and soooo easy to do!

Netso brought popcorn and snowcone machines!! Whaaaatt??!?! This was a legit party. Thats all.

Kinda proud of my bags :)

Popcorn girl!

Yup. Really? Did you have to ask?

BFFS! I thought these 2 would crash early, but NOPE! WE ALL STAYED UP TIL MIDNIGHT!!! (except Kurt..)

It was a super fun night! O how did i forget to take pics of the Just Dance 3 tourney!?!? ...o i was too busy dancing trying to beat EVERYONE to take photos! Aubree took home the crown tho. I couldn't beat her!!
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Hot diggity doggin outfit! I'm pretty sure that's a build a bear cheer skirt around her leg!!

Thats what you get for falling asleep POPS! Silly string in the FACE!!!

Is that a drum you ask? Well of course it is! Jerzi made her own around-the-neck drum, with a pan and a dog leash! LOVE that imagination of hers!!

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