Monday, February 28, 2011

6lbs 6oz and RSV

We went to Dr Rose today and Drew was down a couple ounces, he weighed 6lbs 6oz. Dr was not too concerned just said keep feeding him and come back Wednesday for another weigh in. We bought some new nipples today and he's doing much better eating! Hopefully he keeps it up! RSV is everywhere right now, i know way too many babies that have it so if you're sick i kindly ask that you wait to see him ;) I told my mom, he'll still be a newborn size in a month because he's so teenie so don't worry. We love visitors but we also love having our baby home and not in the nicu, it was NO fun at all!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Eating update

Drew did good eating this first 24 hours home. Dr said to try to feed him more over the weekend but he was ok with what he had eaten. He is only eating about 45ml per feeding, but he's eating more often than every 3 hours so it's making up for the extra. Also his bili was down and fine so no worries there! We will take him Monday morning to Dr Rose so lets just hope he keeps up the good eating (and maybe does a little better) over the weekend!

He is so adorable. I love this teenie tiny newborn stage. This was one of my main worries when he was in the nicu, was that he would grow too big before he came home! They grow sooo fast. I love this stage when they are just so fragile. His little knees are to DIE for and his fuzzy shoulders and face, i just want to eat him up! Even his little bum is SOOOO cute! (i'm sure he will LOVE this post in 13 years!) I love when he is hungry and he is searching for food like a little mouse. His little lips and face are so precious. He is super long! He had an outfit on that fit great other than his legs stuck out, he was ready for the flood! This must be from his tall daddy! ;) knowing he is my last is making me sad. We are making the most of every little moment with him. I actually enjoyed being up with him in the night, just the 2 of us. Cause we know that doesn't happen often! His little floppy head and sleepy eyes were the highlight of the midnight hours!! Kurt did take some turns, thank goodness for him! Ok i've rambled long enough. Have a great weekend, i know we will :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Home at last!

We made it home! Yay!! I am still a bit nervous to be sent back.. I think Dr Rose was a little skeptical sending us home and wants me to now feed him 60ml each feeding, this will be tough. I will report tomorrow on how he did. Lets just PRAY he eats enough to keep him home and healthy!! Being home. Wow 4 kids?! Really? I'm not sure how to do this! I keep running in circles thinking i've lost someone. Will it get easier? I sure hope so! Libbi is crawling on Drew, in his face and screams when you don't let her hold him! Jerzi is jumping beans, tumbling all over the place and i can tell she is a bit overwhelmed herself. She is acting a little funny. Koy is great, so happy to have his brother home and being a great helper (other than teasing his sis!) All in all its GREAT TO BE HOME!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Eat baby eat!

Warning: I am a little ticked off. So don't be offended :)
Drew is still stuck in baby jail. He is not eating enough. What is enough? They were wanting him to eat 36ml every 3 hours. Well yesterday he did AWESOME! Eating that plus even a bit more, i got him to eat 40 at 4pm. So we were on the right track!
Well then comes shift change. If you are a nurse, this is where i say don't get offended :) BUT i am so frustrated! So the new nurse today decides that she wants to feed him a little bit, then let him rest and just give him the remainder through the tube. She only got him to eat 18-20 at 4am and 7am. How is it that one nurse can keep him on track the whole day, then the next one can't? I don't think it's coincedence, i've noticed this pattern all along. The nurse today then decides that she doesn't even want to wake him every other feeding, just give him feedings through the tube, letting him rest more. How is he suppose to learn how to eat if you aren't even giving him a chance? I have absolutely no say in the matter. She even told me not to hold him the way i was holding him! Seriously?!?!?
So we are now looking at Friday at the earliest. O and Dr Rose decided to up him to 45ml instead of 36ml. He is off the bili lights as of this morning and i think that'll help a bit. He is losing weight, he is down to 6lb 8oz so i understand he is struggling and needs to get food in him. I just don't like the inconsistency of the nurses. They need 1 plan and stick to it. He also has an iv hanging out of his head 'just in case' they may need it. 1 nurse says that's ridiculous lets get it out, the next says no keep it in it is necessary. Ugh. Good day

The plus side of the day was that we got to actually dress him in clothes and he gets to rest with a blanket because he doesn't need the lights anymore :) See i'm trying to be positive, it's just REALLY hard! :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


35 weeks pregnant. Little did i know, he would be coming soon...
(seriously what the heck i know. But this is my blog, my journal and i wanted this picture in it!)

At 36 weeks to the date i went into labor. It was a Friday night, the 18th, and i was feeling a lot of pain and pressure. We decided to go up to the hospital just to get checked out. I honestly felt like we'd be heading home in an hour or 2. We didn't even take our bags. When we got there i was a 4. They called Dr Hartman and he said to get me an iv and watch me for another hour. I said, why the iv if i'm not for sure staying? I don't want to get pricked for no reason. So they called him back and he said ok lets wait a bit but i'm sure she's in labor. We waited a bit and they decided to prick me anyways. (not sure why) When i was a 5 they took me into a room and said you're having a baby! I kind of freaked out. I seriously was not feeling that much pain anywhere and i was thinking 'are you sure?' Well slowly but surely i went from a 5 to a 5+ to 6 to 6+ at that point i had the decision to make. I seriously was not hurting at all. I thought about not having the epidural.. for about half a second. I then said you better give it to me now before it gets to late. I still had no potosin, i was doing this on my own. Finally at about 7+ they started to pot. I still was slow. Usually once that starts they slip right out! Hour by hour i would dialate about 1/2 to 1. At 3 she called Dr Hartman (who was alseep in his office because he had delivered a baby already that night and didn't want to go home) He came in and we went to work! Well the little fart got stuck (just like his big bro!) Dr was debating vacuum or c section. We tried and tried and he wasn't coming! He started out face down, then flipped face up then flipped again right before finally coming out! Dr called him 'corkscrew Drew' but he finally made it! With the help of the vacuum. So.. that's the story of my delivery for those who actually read that all ;)

1036pm getting settled into room, i look mighty LARGE!

Netso did me up in a cute pony/bun!

Patiently awaiting

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..and waiting (or napping!)

picture taking and waiting..

talking cf and waiting...

grammy was the photographer, so i made her pose so i have proof she was there.. waiting...

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Its FINALLY time!

Ahhh.. Cute baby Drew!

Dr with corkscrew Drew and bunny ears!! I must say i LOVE this guy!

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Dad bringing baby to me

I love him! So sweet!

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And the moment we've all been waiting for! I was seriously SOOO excited for the kids to get there!! It was absolutley PRICELESS!!! Libbi slept in so she came up later.

This kid has been SOOOO excited to get a brother! Here they are in their matching shirts "big bro" and "lil bro" with footballs! Tender :) They ate it up, they are going to be GREAT helpers!!

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Then it was Libbi's turn. She came after the others left so she had him all to herself, which was good! She DID NOT want to share him!!

And NOW she understands that being a mom is hard work! So she got to have some diet coke when she was done!

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Daddy with Drew

This was my favorite picture (to date) of him wrapped up like a baby burrito!!

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And then comes the hard part... I loved this that was right above my tv for the whole stay.
After a long day Saturday, they noticed some things weren't quite right. He had an elevated number in his labs (lactic acid) showing signs of dehydration. They admitted him to NICU to get him some fluids. Sunday morning the jaundice came.

Chase and Kurt gave him a blessing, hoping for the best.
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Unfortunately we had to leave him and come home on Monday. He just isn't eating enough. They put in a feeding tube and whatever he doesn't eat on his own, goes through that. They want him eating 36 ml every 3 hours. Which is alot for a little guy! They don't call it baby jail for nothing! Breaking him out of there is tough! They said once he eats his 36 ml per 3 hours for a full 24 hours he can come home. Today he has done fairly well. He ate 36 at 4am, 38 at 7am, 30 at 10am and 30 at 1pm. She then gave him 10ml in the tube to make up for being short at 10 and 1. We'll hope that's close enough and he keeps up the good work. We really want him home!!!

This is NO place for a baby!!

The kids sent up some animals to keep him company.

But for now this is what he's up to. No fun AT ALL!!! The jaundice is not very serious at all. That is not what's keeping him there. He needs to eat. If he were a girl they said he would be doing better, girls must know how to eat better than boys. Imagine that ;)

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Drew Lloyd Dixon

Baby Drew was born Saturday February 19 at 3:41am. He weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 20 inches long! He was born at 36 weeks and 1 day making him a preemie :( He is in the NICU learning how to eat. Everything else looks great! Say a little prayer that he'll come home SOON! I'll post more details and pics when i get a minute :)

Lighter note.. I get home tonight and Jerzi says "Mom, your belly isn't fat anymore!! Just sort of cause you ate too much huh?" She's quite the cutie pie, and very observant!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Baby update

I went to the Dr today, i am 35 1/2 weeks, and i was really nervous because i have been having contractions the last couple days and i DO NOT want this baby to go to the NICU for ANY reason! I felt like it was too early to be feeling anything. Well we went and he checked me out, i am a 3 and 80% thinned, I was kind of panicing until he made me feel a TON better!

#1 he said even though i'm starting to progress, it could be a couple weeks still. Or it could be any day. It's hard to say. He did tell me though that at this point he does not agree to stopping labor because he feels like if the baby wants out, it wants out for a reason. He told me to just 'take it easy' but did not say bed rest. He even said i could still go to the gym! Well this was what he said.. "If you are going to go to the gym or have intercourse and then feel guilty if you go into labor, then don't do those things, but i do not think that either of those things cause labor"
Sooo... those were exact words, sorry for being graphic :)

Ok so back to what made me most happy..
#2 he said that at this point if i had the baby today the chances of him going into NICU are only about 30%, but in saying that he also said it's impossible to know what ANY baby will do when they get here. BUT i felt a TON better with that cause i thought for sure a boy before 38 weeks would be in NICU. I would still like to make it to March, 2 weeks from today is March 1!

Wish me luck.........

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bye Bye Gigi Bye Bye Pluto..

Libbi has gotten the hang of saying "Jerzi" but "Koy" is really hard for her! Jerzi sounds a bit like GiGi, which i find ADORABLE! Jerzi, not so much. She likes her to call her JERZI! Anyway, we dropped the kids off at school yesterday and she says..
"bye bye gigi, bye bye pluto" Wait What?
I say "Libbi, say bye bye KOY" she says.
"bye bye gigi bye bye yoyo" UM ???
So again i say 'KOY' She says..
"bye bye gigi bye bye blah blah" hmm.. ok maybe she gave up!
Well today as they were leaving she says
"bye bye gigi, bye bye mi-mow" (for those that missed that post, that means minnie mouse) soo.... my conclusion.. she calls Koy whatever she wants!! Whether it be pluto, yoyo or mi-mow!! Silly girl!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Crazy hat day!

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Playdate with Anna~

First, we watched a show. Then as i was cleaning up i found that these little 2 year olds are very imaginative...

This is how i found them! Giving each other pedicures!! They got the lotion and wipes out all by themselves, and this is what i walked up to! I was dying laughing, and let them continue on!
A few minutes later, they had switched, and Hudson had joined in the fun!
Then they read some stories :) At one point, i actually had time to take a bath! Both babies were sleeping at the same time!! I decided i could handle twins... uh not :)

What fun to have a cousin so close. My kids are all so lucky to have cousins their ages.
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