Tuesday, June 29, 2010

South Ogden 5k

We ran in the South Ogden Days 5k and had a ton of fun! (well not sure you can call it fun...) I finished in 26:00, my fastest time yet, and it was a really hard race! 2 big hills, at night in the heat, and i was getting over a cold! I am proud of Kurt too, last year he puked after the SO 5k, this year he finished in 24 minutes or so..

This is a group of friends that were all standing around when i pulled out the camera.
Steph Shaw, Kellie, Brody, Blake, me, Kurt, Chase, Jana, Jamie

They had their annual kids race too, the kids did soooo great!

Koy and Boston finished together, which is fitting, since they do everything together!

Jerzi girl did so great, she started with Chase and Hudson and left them! She ran it all by herself! It was a little under a mile. Good girl!!

I love that my kids love to run! They get so excited when it's their turn to 'race' I'm so proud of them!!

Fathers day 2010

Thank you to all the wonderful fathers and men in our lives! We couldn't make it without you guys!

We got Kurt a Laker Blankie! SOOO soft and warm, we ALL love his gift :) Best dad and hubby in the world, i think i say that enough :) I hope i do anyways, cause he is!

Grandpa Head and the kiddos. I luv how the boys are all clumped together then the girls. What a good lookin bunch :) We bought him this lounge chair he's sitting in, it is so nice and comfy, can't wait for hunting so i can steal it!!
Grandpa Brent! This was the most recent picture i could find, back in January! Show your smiley face more so i can get some more pictures!! What a fun grandpa, always playing with the kids, taking them fishing, 4 wheeling or watching them play sports. We are so lucky to have him!

Dixon Homes in parade!

We decided to be in the Terrace Days parade last weekend to market our new business! At first i was a little reluctant because lets be honest, who really wants to walk in a parade?? Well our family stepped up to the plate and were super supportive showing up to walk with us! We couldn't have done it alone, it would have been impossible so THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of you who took time out of your day, let your pride down and came to join us, it actually turned out to be kind of fun! We handed out water bottles with our logo label on them. I think it was a good idea, we'll see if it brings in any business!!
The kids filled the back of the truck and threw candy and sprayed each other with squirt bottles!

We had quite the crew!

We pulled wagons with the water in them. James Troy and Chase pulled while Kurt, Jana, Jodi, Ann, Sunnee, Sky and I handed them out. Grammy DD sat in the truck to control the kiddos and Brent and Jo drove with Libster and Anna in the front with them. Crew even came along in his stroller!

Thanks to our most wonderful family! See ya next parade :) (Lets all just hope business starts booming so there isn't a 'next' parade!!)

More missing teeth!

Man when they decide to come out they just keep on coming! Koy has lost 3 teeth in 3 weeks! He's a rich dude! This is right before his top one fell out, it just hung there for a couple days! He is currently missing 4 teeth! 2 on top, 2 on bottom! So cute!

Football pads

We found Koy boy some football pads on ksl for $5! He couldn't be happier with this find! He is ready for football season to get here!!

At night

Most nights i sneak into the kids rooms and just watch them sleep for a few minutes. Watching them like this helps me remember how innocent and sweet they really are. They make me forget that in the daytime when they are awake and being naughty.

Being a mom is by far the hardest thing i've ever done. It's hard to know when to discipline, when i'm being to hard on them, when to love them, when to ground them, how to make them learn, how to raise them to be good people, how to teach them to choose the right. It's a task i will never perfect, but hopefully i can be the best mom i can be for them. They deserve that. Life is not easy and unfortunately they will fall. They will have to make choices, alot of which i'm sure i will disagree with. I hope i can always be there for them to help them back up. I love my kids more than anything in this world and i'm so lucky to have a husband who shares the same desires as i do. We will make it!

5 years old!

This year Jerz wanted a cooking party so... a cooking party it is! I found her this cute apron and hat on Etsy, it even has her name on it! She loved it... for about 5 minutes :) Her daddy gave her these white flowers for her birthday.
We had quite the party! Each kid got to make their own pizza and ice cream sundae! We had a blast!

For her birthday she got a trampoline! She has been needing on to practice her tumbling on, plus they've been begging for one for some time now! It was for Koy too, for not missing any school this year. That's an accomplishment i must say!

Even dad attented the party and just HAD to have a purple apron! He'll do anything for his girl!

Happy Birthday Jerzi Girl! 5 years has flown by faster than you'll ever know! You are such a little spitfire, we love you!!!

Jerzi's last day

SHE DID IT! She graduated from preschool! What a fun year for a fun girl! Can't wait til Kindergarten!!
Her BFF Kate

She was the hula girl! Every little girls dream!

The best part of this was i took her shopping for a dress for her program and she LOVED it! She had about 6 different dresses that she liked so she tried them all on. She would walk out of the dressing room to the big mirror and turn and look.. then move on to the next dress. SO CUTE AND FUN! This is the dress she ended up with, isn't she darling?!

Jerzi had a {boyfriend shhhhhh} this year at school, his name is Court. She got to dance with him in the program and was beside herself with excitement! She was even a bit nervous! Look at her face!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Slow Blogger!

Ok so i have like a million blog posts i need to do but my computer and/or blogger is sooooo slow at downloading the pictures! Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't think many of you read this, but if you do and you have any idea how to upload faster PLEASE share! Until then....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers day posters

The kids both made Kurt posters for Fathers day and when Jerzi gave him her poster she said "daddy, i made this for you so if i die you will have something to remember me"
WHAT?!? How sweet but... WHAT!?! She's keeps us on our toes for sure.
Then she insisted on singing him a song she had made up. Well i'm certain she made it up as she went and it was so cute! Alot of 'i love you, it's fathers day, i love you etc etc' she's such a sweetie!

"French" fries

The other night we went to Mcdonalds and it was pretty late, we had just been to boondocks. We ordered fries and the lady said "it'll be just a minute but they will be fresh" Well my kids were not sure what that meant but were way excited! When they got them and started eating them they were saying "O these french fries are so good" i didn't think much of it. Then last night we went again for a movie at redbox and they wanted fries. When I went to order Jerzi said "Mom i hope they are French again!" They totally thought the lady said "french" when she had said "fresh" Well sadly last nights fries were not very "fresh" but once they took a bite they both said "yup these are french, YES!!" Ha ha not sure about them kids but i was laughing!

Friday, June 11, 2010


Jerzi decided to take a nap in the garage in the wagon with kelsi the bunny and her eye mask. She's a funny duck. Has anyone seen the previews to Ramona? That is her. I can't wait to take her to see it


Last night i did something way out of the ordinary and crazy for me.. we went to Boondocks spur of the moment at 9:30 at night!! WHAT!?!? My kids are usually in bed by 9. It was way fun, they had a great time! Tonnie and Justin had Brad's kids from Vegas and my kids have been having fun getting to know them this week, they leave today so we had to go to say goodbye!
This is all the kids lined up ready for bumper boats. Darn kids got me all wet!

We then did Laser tag, Jerzi looks a little un-sure, well she was. When we got into the dark room she changed her mind and let Justin take her gun. They had a blast!
Then we went to the kiddie slick track, Koy was in front and sooo nervous saying jerzi was going to be out of control and not know how to steer an all that. Well once they started she TOOK OFF! She even ran the red light! She was seriously so funny to watch, NO FEAR! Koy on the other hand was a bit (ok ALOT) more cautious. He was the responsible one in this situation!
They had fun, we will be going back again i'm sure!! We went to bed at 11:45!

TB Devil Ray

Another year of Tball is coming to an end. This is Number 4 for Koy Boy, he will not know what to do when they actually throw him the ball come next year! He loved every minute of it as usual. He would knock it to the outfield on almost every hit, he even got a little cocky one day and said "i hit it to the field everytime huh mom?" I agreed but said he needed to be a little more humble, well that night he had one that kind of just fell off the tee, and he ran. Grandpa Brent was teasing him saying "Nice bunt!" I was glad it humbled him a little :)
Isn't he adorable? I luv this boy :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

5 year old shoes!

Today was Jerzi's 5th birthday and it was fun filled! I am super tired and have lots to post but for now i just need to jot this down so i don't forget.
She got these new shoes from Grammy and they are keds with diamonds on the toes, you know the ones.. :) We were sitting at Koy's tball game and she says totally random and out of the blue
"These are perfect shoes for a 5 year old"