Thursday, May 27, 2010

The arm

Here we go again with Jerzi girl! She hit Libbi the other day and my mom said "Jerzi, why'd you hit Libbi that wasn't very nice"
She replies..
O that's my arm i can't control, it does whatever it wants
I asked her about it later and she says, it's working fine now, the people that control it are asleep now. I'm picturing a pinocchio type of thing going on in her little head! ??????

Friday, May 21, 2010

Last day and no teeth!

I took Jerzi to her last day of preschool yesterday and had the hardest time! I remember taking Koy to his first day of preschool! I have been going to the same preschool for 3 years! When i wrote my last check the first of May i was ecstatic! But picking her up from her last day was different :( She has her program next week but it was officially her last day. She will be on to Kindergarten in the fall! I can't even believe it. I think it's a darn good thing i have Libbi or i would be a mess!
Her friends, Titan and Kaitlyn

Cute gals :)
Koy lost his first top tooth and weird as it is, it was the same day that Libbi got her first top tooth! She wasn't as cooperative when it came time for pictures of the teeth! What a mighty handsome fella :)
Lots going on in May!! I love it!

Kindergarten program

Ok really?? It seriously seems like last week that i sent Koy off to Kindergarten and now he's 6 days away from being done! It is hitting me hard for some reason. He has grown up sooo much this past year it's incredible. He is such a good kid, learning right from wrong, learning how to deal with his feelings and learning how to be a good friend. I am still in shock that's he's about done. Here are his buddies Andon and Joe (notice his sissy hanging on him.. How Embarrassing!)

Thanks to his wonderful grandma Jo for all she does, he certainly loves her alot :)

And of course Grammy wouldn't miss it! What good people he has in his life. I hope he knows it!

Another attempt at a family photo. One day.. one day..

His best bud. He couldn't do it without his dad! They are great pals!!

The Pirates!

I love 4 year olds. They make the world a better place. They are so funny, always saying exactly what's on their mind!! Here are a couple of my fav's Jerzi and Hudson. They are lucky enough to be on the same tball team this year. They love it! How cute are they?! Sweet lil faces but ooo soo naughty! Jerzi found Koy's football face stickers and they were a must for her first game!
We got rained out halfway through the game and not just rained out but a serious MONSOON! This is Jerzi running to the car, laughing all the way!

These two were 'sogging wet' They thought it was great!

Me and Jerzi when we made it to the car! I was seriously drenched! But she loved it, another reason i love her, always making the most of every situation!

GOOO Pirates!

Mothers day 2010

As always Mothers day was Wonderful! My kids made me a yummy breakfast and off to church we went! I got some beautiful flowers and a symphony bar from Kurt, and cards from the kids that they made at school (my yearly favorite!!) At church i got 2 more symphony bars, one from Jerzi and one from the Sunday School for all the mothers. We went to the graves and then had a bbq at my moms. Netso brought bundt cakes and o my were they yummy!!! Yes i was a bit sick by the end of the day but i enjoyed every minute of it! This is our attempt at a picture with Mom. To be honest, it ended with me throwing the flowers and being mad. No one would coopereate and it was MY day :) LOL i know i'm a brat!

Koy took this picture of me, i told him to get a close up and he sure did! The flowers were suppose to be in the picture, they kind of made it in ;)

For our Mothers day enrichment, we invited Paul Cardall and his wife Lynnette to speak to us. They are incredible people, i am so glad they joined us! (more about them on Libbi's blog)

This is Paul and Lynnette and my new friend Andee. She has a baby, Gracelyn, that has a similiar heart defect as Libbi. She is getting ready for her Glen on June 4.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ogden Half 2010

Age group 30-34 (YIKES I got bumped to the older age division! NO fun!)
97(place) 6174(bib#) Mindi DIXON UINTAH UT 01:55:35.7 (more pics to come, i just needed to copy and paste that for future reference!)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mom's day

I love this poem, i heard it twice this Mothers day and it's soo perfect! I do have pictures to go with it, but that will have to wait, i need to go turn on the Jazz game for DWILL! Ooops i mean Koy :)

Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooed on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body..
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom

As moms may we always be overwhelmed by the Grace of God
rather than by the cares of life!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 1 2010

What a beautiful day. We are so proud of Grammy! This is our family. Yes i have just 1 brother. It's amazing how families grow!!!

St George 2010

We went on a lovely family vaca to St George and it was o so fun! We went with the Heywoods and my mom, and the Bowdens were across town so we met up with them too! It was so fun, it needs to become a yearly tradition! We mainly wanted to get out of the cold and swim but day 1 was too cold, so we found other stuff to do. We visited Cross Fit Dixie both mornings, thanks to mom for watching the 7 kids so we could all go together. It was a FABULOUS trip, even though we were crammed into a TINY condo! (that of course i forgot to get pictures of) Keep reading to see all the fun things we did!!

Dixie football field

We stopped but the football field, this picture says it all :)
Jerzi had just as much fun as Koy, doing kartwheels and playing soccer! They could've stayed for hours!

Swim fun!

Anna and Libbi at their first swim of the summer!
Cute fatty face

The kids had a play area with a basketball hoop, and lots to do! We didn't see them much!


Cheering for the Dixie State baseball team

St George tour

We went and took a tour of the temple grounds and they have this cute little tourist center. It was well worth our time, the kids LOVED IT!

Libbi on her way up :)

Grammy and her babes.

Pirate Island

Best place EVER! It is like a restaurant you would see in Disneyland (not that I would know) It has an arcade for the kids to play at while they wait to get their food! SO fun!


The kids went on a hike while us girls went shopping and to lunch. I sent the camera with Kurt and asked him to take some pictures.. boy was i impressed with this!!! And that's just a few of them, he went nuts with the camera, even taking individual pics and pics of each family! WOW!
He even took a picture of the other guys walking up the hill :)
This picture shows each of their personalities! Koy is shooting a hoop, that is his signature move lately. And of course, Aubreee striking a pose! Quiet Boston in the back, the 3 rugrats just being silly and Tyce, well not sure what he's doing, but they are all so cute!

Yup, the girls are doing the same pose as previous picture :)
Handsome boys don't ya say??

Jerzi with her walking stick, we carried this around for most the trip :)
Tour guide Brock.

A las, they reach the top!! Thanks boys for taking all the kids and for taking such great pictures! I will never doubt them again!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Easter 2010

Easter was fun as always :)

Libbi's first egg hunt! She loved it, but wanted to empty the basket more that fill it! We will work on that for next year !!

YAY! Lots of good treats! I have pictures of easter morning but they didn't turn out very good (new camera) so i am not wasting time posting them. We taught the kids about the resurrection and crucifixtion this year, they really got into it and enjoyed learning. It was fun :)

Kindergarten roundup!

I can't even believe it!! Jerzi will be starting Kindergarten in the fall! WOW!!
This is her cute friend Titan Russell. They are cute friends :)