Monday, July 12, 2010

Girls Camp

I have fond memories of girls camp growing up! I just got back from creating a different chapter in my girls camp book, as a leader! It was pretty last minute, as one of the other sisters who was going to go had stuff come up, and she wasn't able to go. I quickly called around, and found some friends who were very willing to help out with Jared and Kayleigh, and I headed to camp! It was a fun week....I especially loved our ward times to spend time with the girls from the ward. Here were the ladies (minus 2) who were up there from our ward! They are so much fun to be around!!!
The cabin I was in would get super stinky by night time....not sure if it was body oder or perhaps some dead rodent somewhere??? Whatever it was, it drove my friend, Angela (other cabin mom with me) and myself outside to sleep under the stars on our "make-shift-beds!"--yes, they are camp chairs lines up that we slept on! Can't say that I had ever slept out under the stars know how bead it was b/c the first night we even saw a raccoon run past/trhough our "bedroom" and i still opted to stay!! Needless to say, I am happy to be home and in my bed with a roof over my head again!--although, it was fun to have had the opportunity to was especially fun b/c Jessica was up there.....we didn't see a lot of each other....just at ward times, but it was fun to see each other when we did!!