Friday, October 30, 2009

To laugh or not to laugh.....that is the question

While shopping at a store today, that is undergoing a major re-model, I overheard one side of a phone conversation of one of the workers who was busy unpacking boxes/stocking shelves.....just thought I would share it with my blogging friends......

"Yeah, I have a white shirt"
"Yeah, I have a back pack"
"I even have a bike"

"Yeah, I think I could pull off dressing up like a Mormon."

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Why do I feel like I can relate????? On one side (an hour and a half north of me), I have my sister, Alisa and her husband, Ryan who I have been using since January as my personal "Bob and Jillian" (biggest loser) trainers. I report to them (almost) every Monday as to my progress....they have been great.
On the other side (45 minutes south of me) I have her Evil Twin (sorry, Liz).....brings me her kids for a week (don't get me wrong, love the kids, but it throws my exercise routine off), then rewards me with treats from Hawaii!!!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

This poor girl.....

This poor girls has PNEUMONIA need I say more????

The only thing better than pizza movie night.....

Is Pizza movie night with cousins!!! Calvin and Jared eating pizza and watching a movie

Thursday, October 1, 2009

They're back!!!

If you remember back in July, I watched my nephews for a couple of weeks while my sister and her husband went to France.....Well, Calvin and Miles are back....this time just for a sister couldn't have picked a better week to go to Hawaii with her husband for a dental has been rainy and chilly! But, we love having her kids here!!! Kayleigh loves feeding Miles his bottle. And, tonight after dinner, Calvin climbed on the bench next to me, crawled into my lap....and I asked "Why are you climbing on me?" to which he said "Because I WOVE you!"......oh, make my heart melt!!! Miles was totally in downward dog position (for anyone who knows yoga) this cracked me up....I tried catching it with the camera, but of course, didn't have luck....but just thought I would add this picture anyway!!!

blogging vacation!

apparantly I took a blogging vacation.....i have just gone through a lot of blogs, and realized i hadn't posted on my blog some of the last of summer break, and first day of, enjoy these next couple of posts!

First day of School, 2009

Jessica and Jared started school on September 9.....Kayleigh started on September 11. my 8th grader.....Jessica

my 3rd grader......Jared

my kindergartner........Kayleigh

So far, things are going well with school. The teachers are great, I am already helping in classrooms on a regular basis.....Jessica is doing great with homework, etc.

Camping, August 31-Sept 2, 2009

This was a first for us....our family went camping! Camping wasn't a first, but camping without others was a the past, we have felt confident in camping with The Ellis', Kevin and Darci, or ward campouts.....but, this was the first time we were on our own!!! We stayed pretty close to home....about 15 minutes BG Lake. We originally were going to stay one night, but after the set up of the tent, and the time it took to pack up to get there, I told Matthew it was too much work for one night, so we ended up adding on another night. We were doubting our choice when we woke up to rain the first morning. After stewing about it, and calling and finding out we would lose 1/2 of our money, we decided to stick with it....if nothing else, we would go home, and let the tent dry out and come back the next morning.....we went for a hike along a trail that goes around the the was fun! Then, about the time we found a pavilion and ate some lunch....then, the sun came out!!! The kids ended up swimming in the lake.....too cold for me....but I joined them the next day. We were glad we ended up staying a 2nd night. The kids had a lot of fun by the camp fire, and it was nice to have fun without a screen of some sort! (tv, wii, computer).

our hike around the lake

Kayleigh had fun playing and digging with the trucks we brought.

Jared was quite the roaster of marshmallows....or rather, quite the burner!!! He loved to torch his marshmallows!!!

Kayleigh took a lot of time getting her marshmallow perfect golden brown.

It was a good thing we camped close....after getting the tent up, I realize I forgot the blow dryer to blow up the air, Jessica and I drove home and filled them up at worth it!....maybe!!! They semi deflated as the night went on....I guess I just really like my bed at home....I suppose I can deal with it once a year.....maybe!!!
at the lake