Thursday, June 26, 2008

Movie Night/ Pizza Night

One of my favorite things to do is have a family pizza/movie night! I just love all of us cozy on the couch (after eating pizza) and watching a movie together!!!

End of the School Year

The kids got out of school just over a week ago....the last week of school was full of events....field day (no pictures).....Jessica and Jared both had field trips in the last couple of weeks of school, and Jared had a first grade music concert. It was soooo cute....he was feeling a little nervous when we left for the school, but he was so cute, and he ACTUALLY SANG!!!! He loves music class!--Now, it is summertime.....we have some fun things planned, including a visit from my parents, a visit to Matthew's brother in the San Fransisco area......Jessica has YW camp, as well as her own trip to Grandma's and Grandpa's we are planning to do some camping in August....oh, and a Red Sox game in July. Should be a fun summer....hopefully I will have a lot of fun pictures to post over the next several weeks!

A visit from Uncle Eric

My brother, Eric, came to visit us at the beginning of June. It was a quick visit, but fun. His flight was a couple hours delayed, so it made it even shorter, but that is ok! We still managed to get all of our fun in!......I brought dinner for him to eat in the car when we picked him up from the airport....then we stopped at SHERIDANS on the way home!!! Of course, we had to do that! Then we got home and played a couple of games with the kids! Then after getting kids to bed we had time for another game---not Hungry Hippo :) And we visited a little bit. The next morning I brought him to meet up with the other guys he was here with to do some work with a few hours away from us. Like I said, it was short, but we still got in all the fun stuff! Wish it could have been longer....but we will take short visits, too!