strawberrymint delight

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lets see if we can do this, again

Okay everyone lets try one more time. We love to look at other peoples blogs, but we cant seem to get it together for our own blog. We have alot of fun as a family and would like to share it with others, and to let my children know that we can post pictures and family fun too.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Whitney's Dance Recital 2010

Well here she is, very proud to have a flowing costume, and be in the older dance group. Whitney has worked hard all summer and fall to move up in dance. We could not be more proud of her and for her working very hard to be in this older(more advanced)class. One of Whitney's favorite color is purple so can you imagaine the excitement she has to dance on stage. Way to go sis, we are so proud of you!!! Keep up the good work and stretch every day. St. George here we come for competitions!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Help me

Hey, I am trying to do an update, where is my family to help this poor ol' mom. Come home quick ;)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Will you Marry Me... MOM ?!?!?!

5 Reasons, I would Marry my own Son
1. He is so sincere.
2. He asked me with a BIG ring in a box, and got down on one knee at JcPenney's.
3. He loves to snuggle and kiss me on demand.
4. He always tells me that he LUF'S me.
5. He is truly a blessing in my life.

5 reasons, I would probably have to say no
1. I am already taken
2. I really think that is kind of strange.
3. I love His Dad very much
4. He also asked Dad to Marry Him
5. I just want him to be my sweet 2 year old, FOREVER!!!!

I love You DENNIS OWEN LOWTHER, and you are my best friend, my snugglie at night, and my angel from Heaven.
Now don't go asking just anyone to marry you, pick someone special.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A week full of Smiles

Our Sweet Whitney had surgery this week on her mouth/teeth. She was in alot of pain. She endured the procedure very well, until she saw her Mom. Whitney got Ice-cream for breakfast, lunch & dinner. We are so proud of her for her bravery. She had some really puffy cheeks. I am sure they had to really dig in her small mouth. We love you sis for your bravery.

Lauren has lost another tooth, six in all. Dad and I had a good laugh when we saw that pumpkin smile, and told her that we were going to paint triangles on her eyes. She wants to be a Angel for Halloween, we all think that she needs to be a Tooth-fairy. A priceless picture to remember.

Fishing in the Cold part 2

We did have a great time fishing, to bad the weather did non corporate with us. It was cold, and I am afraid it will be a long cold fall and winter. Enjoy the pictures, it was a fun time for us all.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fishing in the Cold

We decided to take the family on a fall fishing trip, and bring along Grandpa and Grandma. We know that Grandma likes the fall season, and enjoying the mountains. It was a see how the weather plays out to see if we would be going. Now if you know Grandpa, he was willing and wanting to take on this adventure. ( so was Kyle) So here we are enjoying the fall season with snow on the mountain tops, coats, a fire, and blankets. The kids had a great time, and it reminds us both that we need to make time for the family. Kyle was head captain of the boat, and took two separate trips on the lake. Both time they had no luck. :( We are really glad we went, had a fun time with Grandpa and Grandma. Maybe we will try again real soon.