Monday, March 11, 2013


I have heard that you can always count on one constant in your life and that  is change.  I guess we were due for some big changes in our life in 2012. It  started with the birth of our little Kylie in January, going from a family of 4 to 5 was a huge adjustment. The changes seemed to keep coming all year, unfortunately not all good. Randy's company Comair closed their doors in September leaving us without a job and without many prospects. Luckily Randy got hired on with Sky West Airlines pretty quickly. He left our family in October for two months of training in Utah. During his last week of training he received a call from SEL, a company in Pullman, Washington who he had interviewed with earlier that year. They were looking for another pilot and offered him the job! We jumped at the wonderful opportunity and in Dec. Randy left for another three weeks of training. He arrived home for the Christmas holiday and we started making plans for our move to Washington. Our home finally sold and we will be closing March 28th, yea!! Randy has been working in Washington since January so we are very excited to finally join him in April and I am very excited not be a single mother anymore. It has been a long five months to say the least. We are excited about this next chapter in our lives and thrilled about what a wonderful opportunity this job is for  Randy and for our family. I am very sad to leave our home here, and my family behind.  I can't even think about it without crying, but I do know this is what is best for our family. So Washington here we come.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Every year we take our annual trip down to McGlasson's pumpkin patch. They have a field you can pick your own pumpkins from, a live band, fresh veggies, and the best Carmel apples I have ever tasted. The day we went was absolutely beautiful. The kids had so much fun running around and going out to the field to pick their pumpkins.

This picture is so typical of Braden, this captures his personality.

We loved the band, they made up a song on the spot about Keira and Braden dancing around.

Braden was so upset because he got hay in his diaper and it was itching him so bad. This is him trying to get it out, poor little guy.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

I wonder what you're doing right now, and if everyone is treating you kind.
I hope there is a special person, a friend that you can find.

I wonder if the teacher knows, just how special  you are to me.
And if that brightness of your heart is something she can see.

I wonder if you are thinking about me, and if you need a hug.
I already miss the sound of your voice and how you gave my leg a tug.

I wonder if you could possibly understand how hard it is for me to let you grow.
On this day know that my heart breaks, for this is the first step in letting my baby go.

  I'm just a little behind on blogging considering the first day of school was in August, but I wanted to make sure I included this big moment in our lives. Keira is loving school and doing amazing. I can't believe how much she has learned in just the last four months. She wakes up everyday excited to go to school and see her friends and  she has a real excitment for learning. I hope that she will always have that hunger to learn. We already had parent teacher conference, I was so pleased to hear what her teacher had to say about her. She said that Keira is a great student and goes out of her way to be kind and  include all the kids in class. We are so proud of our girl and can't believe how fast she is growning up.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pre-School Graduation

I figured I better blog about Keira's pre-school graduation before I blog about her first day of Kindergarten. What can I say I am little bit behind on blogging, but hoping to catch up. Keira loved her pre-school and had a great year. I felt like she really learned a lot and made a lot of new friends. Her graduation was in May and her school put on a really cute program for all the parents and family. We were really proud of Keira and all she accomplished at pre-school.

Keira and her teacher Mrs. Kim

Keira and her best buds at school-Jaylyn and Lindsey

Keira and her class during the  graduation program.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kylie's Blessing

We blessed Kylie on April 15th. Randy gave her a beautiful blessing, he was a little nervous but did great. We were so lucky to have Randy's mom, dad, grandma, and brother here for the blessing. They all flew in from Utah to be with us for the weekend.

Grandma Murray, Braden, Kylie, and Keira. Randy's Grandma is amazing, she can keep up with these kids

Grandpa trying to have story time, you can see how well it is going.

Randy and his brother Ryan with Kylie

Her shoes were my favorite part of her blessing outfit. The dress was Keira's but I thought Kylie should have something new and all her own, plus what girl doesn't want new shoes.

I think she almost looks fake it this picture, like a little doll.

We love our little Kylie so much,
she is such a blessing to our family.


We had our traditional Easter egg hunt over at my parents house. The kids had a blast looking for the eggs and even more fun eating all the goodies inside. Easter Sunday, Randy was gone unfortunately ,but the kids and I had a great dinner at my parents. I love Easter and the start of Spring, it such a great time of the year.