Saturday, March 2, 2013


It's like it's happening right before my eyes! Spring is announcing itself. It's in the daffodils that are blooming everywhere (except my own yard! Not a one of the new ones I planted in the fall).It's in the fat buds that are dotting the trees. It's in the early morning light, more with each day that passes. I think it's even in the spring in my step that seems peppier. And, of course, in the building excitement that I feel in my every fiber! But, alas,  today it's cold and windy and I even saw a few snow flurries.  So winter is reluctant to say goodbye. It's planted its feet and is refusing to budge.  But I know it's days are numbered so I'll roll with it. I'll enjoy the last of the steel gray skies and frosty breaths. I've collected a bunch of kindling, ready for a nice fire tonight as I make the chicken pie for dinner after church tomorrow.  I've got my cross stitch to enjoy, too. It seems winter still has some delights left of its own. 

Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you are enjoying your Saturday!


  1. Yes, it is beginning to look a lot like spring! Isn't it wonderful? Winter will give in soon enough :) I just love your French doors!! Pretty pictures. I think your cross stitch project is wonderful. I Have never attempted something like that. Looks beautiful and would be rewarding!

  2. Thanks for sharing those pretty pictures. I know that spring is just around the corner
    somewhere!! Your cross stitch is so pretty. I have been working on a piece for a few years now. It's not big but It is time consuming.
    Happy Sunday!

  3. You're right this is the time we are supposed to see life of spring. Sounds like my yard...I only have the primroses, and not much else.

  4. Spring is busting out all over here, even though there was frost on the roofs this morning. It's wonderful to see. Hope your daffodils soon bloom.

  5. There's nothing so enjoyable than doing hand work by the fire. Have a lovely Monday Leslie.

  6. Leslie you are so right...just this mornuing at the bus stop I was listening to the birds churping...what a wonderful sound. It's like I had forgotten all about the birds singing during the cold dark winter months. Spring will be here soon...can't wait!
    Have a lovely day.

  7. I know spring has a way to go yet in my neck of the woods, so I'm trying not to get too antsy about it. We can't even plant our garden here until June as the frost is still in the ground well into the month of May. So I will still look at the foot of snow in the yard and sigh. ~ I was reading older post ... LOVE your stitching!!!

  8. Isn't it wonderful to see all those spring blooms on the way!! LOVE the mossy heart, it's darling!



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