Saturday, March 30, 2013

Garden Time

Hello! What a strange Spring we are having. We are at least 2, maybe 3 weeks behind last year.  The leaves are just emerging on the big trees around my house.  Last year they were fully flushed out.  I guess the tulips I bought were early blooming, as they are all up and beautiful, but the garden is still sleepy. Things have not put on a lot of growth due to our cold weather.  I'm a bit disappointed, I had such high hopes, and the deer have left them alone!  Still, they are pretty and I'm good at having tunnel vision:)

 I have these Virginia Bluebells all over the place.  I have had on my plan list for several years to move them all to one location, it would be so pretty to have a large area go totally blue!  Maybe this year I'll accomplish it!
 Maybe I could put this pretty iris with them!  An all blue/purple garden in early spring!

The other day there were tornadoes all around.  You might not be able to tell in this picture, but the sky was green.  Really scary.  We were ready to go into the bathroom and were so glad that we didn't need to.  

I got a little work done in the garden today. I'm so out of shape! I'm trying to play tennis a few times a week, hopefully that will help.  I'm on Spring Break, so I do a little then rest then do a little more.  Slowly I get things done.  I raked out the little pond area and tried to get rid of some undergrowth.  I'm excited about planting it.  My hostas only have little 1 inch points right now, but there is a nice Painted Fern up.  I need to do a little soil work before I plant. We are expecting rain for the next 2-3 days.  I'll be stuck inside so it looks like some good stitching weather!

I hope you have had a good Saturday! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love your garden. I simply love love love flowers. Your tulips are so pretty. Have a lot of iris and they are in full bloom and my roses are full of buds. Can hardly wait to see all your plants. Don't work to hard in the garden. I'm a new follower.
    Happy Easter

  2. Your tulips are gorgeous in the darker woods - they glow. Beautiful!

  3. It is so lovely to see even just one splash of colour in amongst the grey of the trees. This year I am just being positive and seeing the 'waiting time' as 'prep time' so hopefully when the weather picks up in the UK I will have a wonderful flourishing garden. Happy Easter. Chel x

  4. Little by little, the colour is coming back to my garden too. Yesterday I moved some barrows full of compost, but there is still a lot to spread. The trouble here is that the soil is thin and once the winter rains stop everything becomes powder-dry within days. We will get some more rain in April, I'm certain, and then I'll do some transplanting - but for now I'll just enjoy the first colours.



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