I noticed a few posts ago that I was nearing our 200
th post! So, I thought I would fill in some of the interesting numbers we have had lately.
80,808 - miles on the van
34 1/2 - weeks pregnant
600 - consecutive dribbles in the dribbling contest between Caleb and Nathan.
2 times I counted to 600 before getting smart, and using the timer.
12:31 - The new dribbling record, in minutes and seconds.
102 - number of
Legos Parker said would be enough
Legos. We thought we could get rid of a bunch of
Legos, but when we explained we had many more than that he did not want to get rid of them.
45 - yards of dirt Keith moved from our driveway to the backyard, with help from several others.
1500 - square feet of new sod Keith put in our backyard on top of all that dirt!
4 of 6 - number of
geocaches our family has found.