Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Finally a POST!!

Well, well, well, we have had a crazy year!!
And I dont think anyone even looks at my blog anymore
because it takes me a year to update it, but here I am FINALLY!
Well we just celebrated Kinzeys first birthday, and we took
pictures but come to find out our camera is broken and
we dont have the last 19 pictures we took. Im extremely sad
and thank goodness we have it on video camera.
Now Kierra is in Kindergarten and loving it! she is also in ballet and gymnastics.
she is a great at sharing and is growing up so fast!
Kiesha is in pre school and loving it! and she is learning how to share right now,
but she gives great hugs and loves to cuddle!
And Kinzey is all over the place! I cant leave anything out for long or she will be in it.
She gives the best and sweetest kisses! (if we can convince her to give us one)
and dont make her mad at you cause she can also hold a grudge!
Halloween this year has been fun! Instead of just candy,
we did face painting too and had a blast with that!
Our neighborhood did a good job in making Halloween great
this year for the little ones.
Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Its a Wonderful Life!

Since my last post, of course a lot has happened!!
Kinzey is still growing and is in the 95th % in everything!
Thanksgiving was very humbling this year, I have felt very
blessed lately. And I feel that my life is going well right now,
and I just hope that it continues on this way.

Kierra has just performed at her first dance recital, and I must
say she did very well!! I was pleased with her performance and
she even did great on her facial expressions!

And even though I feel very blessed, our family still caught all
the viruses that are going on right now. Can you imagine having
2 ear infections in one month?! But hey, I am just happy to be able
to hear again!

And last of all, I just got the news today from my mom, that my favorite
seminary teacher just passed away. I really want his family to know that
he was such a great example to me and I will miss him. I have his family
in my prayers and thank goodness their family knows about "families are
Merry Christmas everyone!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kinzey finally came on October 28th at 2:15 in the afternoon, she is a little sleepy looking in this picture.
She sleeps and eats well for the most part.

Anyways, I had to be induced, she was 9 days PAST her due date!!
I went to the hospital and was dilated to a late 3 almost a 4 so my
doctor broke my water and she progressed from there.
I waited till I was dilated to an 8 and then got my epidural, and when she finally came out,
her head did just fine but her shoulders got stuck!
The only thing I really remember is the nurse coming over and jumping on my stomach
and started pushing my stomach to help push her out.
Then I felt her slip on out!
And she had A LOT of hair! AND she weighed 8 lbs 12 oz and 20 in. long her head was a 38 (big)
So I had a nice healthy BIG baby!!
She is lots of fun! and Kierra and Kiesha will not leave her alone!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Still Waiting......

I have past my due date, and my doctor is going to be out of town this
weekend, so I literally can not be induced until Tuesday October 28th.
So, does anyone have any suggestions on how to induce naturally???
Or what worked for you, when you were about to go crazy waiting for
the baby to come?
Please, any suggestion, any suggestion at all would be appreciated.

And Steph, if you are reading this. Of course I remember you! How
could I forget? I tried to reply to your message but I couldn't get into
your blog, so please keep in contact because I miss you as a friend.

Anyways, wish me luck!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I know, I know, I haven't written in a long time but I would rather
sleep then write in my blog. (sorry) Also, no pictures yet, working
on it though.
Anyways, Alot has happened! First my girls and I are in a car accident.
but the other drivers insurance paid for everything and we now have
our vehicle back.
Then on Darins birthday, our kitchen floods, but we got that fixed and
cleaned up.
We finish our back yard, Yeah!! and we are just waiting for the seeds in our
grass to sprout. (kinda fun to watch)
Kierra started pre school, and Kiesha started pre-pre school, they both love
school and is learning alot!
Now I am dilated to a three, and no contractions, nothing, just waiting for my baby to come!
I thought for sure with this baby being my third, that she would be here
by now. My due date is on Sunday the 19th of October, so were just waiting!
We will keep you posted once she finally comes.
And hopefully have pictures!
I am not real big with computers, so I dont even know how to get the
pictures from my digital camera onto the computer, so please just be patient!
Catch ya later!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I am pregnant, so of course I get very tired at times.
For my kids that means we can do whatever we want till
Mom wakes up.
This is the latest.....
Kierra and Kiesha decided that they wanted a hard boiled egg.
We don't have any hard boiled eggs!! They got into my eggs,
and started "peeling" them. They went through 10 eggs
before they gave up looking for the hard boiled one!!
Now, my kids are very tricky! They had the whole mess
cleaned up! By themselves!
I only found out about the "mess" because I saw an eggshell
on my kitchen floor. Got asking and confirmed the 10
eggs missing from my egg carton.
I have looked all over my house, I could only find eggs in the
garbage in the bathroom and kitchen.
So I am just praying that I don't go to move my furniture,
and I find a bunch of rotten eggs underneath them!!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

It is a GIRL!!

We have had a very crazy few weeks!!
First of all we are having another little girl!
I am very excited, we did not care what we were
having as long as the baby is healthy.
Well except for Kierra, she wanted a brother.

And on top of the news of the baby, we are finishing
our backyard this summer, and hopefully will be able to
build a deck. We just barely got our AC put in but I am
beginning to think that we don't need it!
Today is June 6th, and I am wearing a sweater outside!
All is good at the Naisbitt household, hopefully we
will get some pictures on here soon!!