The lake was frozen over and it was still too cold to swim but we definitely enjoyed ourselves in the hot tub. You will be able to tell by the pictures.. Jeff and I both got fried! We didn't think to wear sunscreen... heck there was still snow on the ground! Well to rap up the weekend... I think I speak for everyone when I say we all had a blast! I wish we could do stuff like this more often, but it's so hard when we all have such different schedules! Thank heavens we were able to get together one last time before everyone goes there seperate ways! Next time we go to Bear Lake we'll all have kids running around! Crazy thought! (And no I am NOT pregnant) :)
I can't figure out how to get the video right side up... Jeff and I messed with it for a while... but to no avail. Oh well, just turn your head sideways!
Here is my awesome attempt at DDR! Apparently I look like I'm at a hoe down or something!
And here is Jeff... he plays on difficult and I play on basic... I'm used to it by now, that seems to be the trend in most things we compete in! He told me the other day he didn't want to play games with me because he gets sick of winning!!! How rude is that?!?! I wanted to say, "And you think I enjoy losing???"
Getting ready to watch a movie... I had to be the one to take the picture!
Here I am... dominating Jeff in speed. hahaha
Playing Golf
Still playing golf...
We match! Except for Jeff's red face! :)
One last picture before we take off... :(
Jeff and I driving home. Can you believe how red his face is?? You should see his chest!